
The tale of a Demon

"When chaos arrives, the terrible demon lives again. Flesh is devoured, bones are crushed and blood is drained. He scorches the earth and melts iron. He boils rivers and uproots trees. It stirs the winds and lights the fires of hell. They call me..."

DARKZENO · Fantasie
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36 Chs


The flying fortress dominated Zeno's view. 

Huge crystal steps linked it to the ground. 

Zeno took the first step.

They moved forward in silence, slowly climbing the steps.

"Why doesn't he have any restrictions on climbing the stairs?

"The city outside is fully visible from above. Guards are posted on the two towers above, they've already noticed our presence."

...After climbing all the steps, they finally reached the entrance to the fortress and saw the gold-built palace in all its splendour.

It was a mixture of marble and gold. It stretched skywards like a white mountain. Towers surrounded the palace, serving as its defences.

The whole structure was magnificent, striking and gave off a feeling of firmness. It was as if the palace was indestructible.

The only thing that spoiled the view was the bronze statue of a man.

Suddenly, an unpleasant smell reached his nose a few moments later. It was the stench of putrified flesh. 

Empty-eyed people filled the space. They were dressed in a mixture of armour and dirty rags. Most of them were as young as Zeno. They were exhausted.

"What do we do now?"

Furina shrugged.

"Do what you want, if you want to enter the palace, you must first pay the tribe. I advise you to find shelter first."

"I'm going to go home and prepare myself a meal and then I'm going to sleep. Sorry, I don't take guests."

"Thank you, I won't forget."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, darling."

With that, she began to walk away.

Zeno and Guizhong found themselves alone, lost and not knowing what to do.

Zeno released his draconic aura to chase away the dark eyes staring at Guizhong.

"Lower your eyes or I'll make you eat your third leg."

...5 minutes later, the inhabitants rushed to flee the area and return home.

"Are you ready?"

"I'm ready."

With that, they too moved away from the entrance.

They approached the ornate gates of the palace. 

They approached the guards.

Two men stood in their way. One armed with a spear and the other with a sword.

No one else was in the area.

"Oh but a rat brought us a woman."

One of the guards looked at Guizhong with eyes full of desire.

"Give us the woman if you wish to enter the palace!"

Zeno looked at the two men with murderous eyes.

Guizhong smiled slightly.

"Zeno, we needed weapons, didn't we?"

Zeno smiled.

"Yes, my dear, I've always wanted to try a spear.

"What are you talking about? Give us the girl and get out of here! Said the guard with the spear trying to grab Guizhong's arm.

But before he could even touch her.


A torrent of blood stained the white ground.

The guard lost his neck.

Before the second guard could even react. Guizhong was already in front of him and pierced his chest with his bare hands.

She ripped his heart to shreds.

"Pfff who's the dog now."

" Dear, we have to get rid of the bodies quickly. "

"No problem."

A spherical black flame appeared on Zeno's hand.

It was the draconic aura.

What is fire...a phenomenon producing light and heat...'

Zeno thought back to one of the techniques continued in the records of the "Culture of Draconic Flames", the flames of hell.

He imagined a burning fire.


'Move away Guizhong and take their two weapons.'



He swung the sphere of black flame at the two corpses.


A huge black dome surrounded the two corpses. The particles inside began to accelerate due to the flow of the black dome made by the aura of the draconic flames. The particles excited by Zeno's aura formed a burning flame that swept everything away.

[Thanks to the flow of the "Culture of Draconic Flames", which converts the particles around you into aura, and through your unique "Spirit Haki" skill, you have developed the "Fire Manipulation" trait, which allows you to freely manipulate flames as you see fit].

[You create the "Ramiris" skill. People hit by the black sphere are immediately engulfed and burnt in a 5000 degree fireball, leaving no ash behind. The sphere also absorbs surrounding particles to feed itself. Thanks to the flow of the "Culture of Draconic Flames". The more particles absorbed, the bigger the sphere becomes].

[The number of spheres created depends on the user's mastery, energy reserves and the number of particles available. The fire burns until the target dies].

Zeno and Guizhong widened their eyes at the avalanche of messages.

"Wow, played, nothing left." Guizhong said, handing the spear to Zeno.

"I'm shocked myself."