
The Tale of 2 Kingdoms

Ribbinna reborn as Ryuko in modern era with the immortal power of the sun because of the curse. She was the sun god who protect the earth and has the twin who betrayed her. The mystery still on going after long time where the war began at the past. Will Ribbinna stop her immortality?

RexTimer24 · Teenager
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17 Chs

Just Instinct

=Back to practice day=


"Don't sleep in the middle of lesson!"

The other are laughing at me, I don't care. I know this is my fault to learning until the next morning to understand today class lesson about war history. As usual, I don't understand history. Why they had to choose to war? I mean I know they wanted the biggest territorial, but why war? Also I thought there aren't school for the young candidates.

"Ryuko, answer number 10 question right in front of the whiteboard now."

"Yes, maam."

I only need to write the answer, right?


"Huh? What is this?"

I take a paper on the floor and take it in front of the class in the pocket. After I write the answer, I get to my precious sit and sleeping again.

"Ryuko, I know your answer is correct but please stop sleeping in my class."

Actually, I'm not sleeping yet.

'Ryuko, I heard you're interest in tea and coffee. How about we hangout in a cafe near Big Ben?'

'No...' I throw the paper again to the floor. I think the owner pick it and I can imagine he or she sad.











Ugh..., I forget that teacher wants me to have extra class at library. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!? Even at evening, my sleeping schedule!! When I come to the library...

"You are late."

"At least I get my effort to learn."

"Now, here is the old book about war and strategies. I want to teach you about this unique strategy."

"But, why at night?"

"I heard from the other mentor that you active at night and learn until early morning. So that's why I give you tomorrow lesson at this night including homework."

I dunno that this teacher is really insist to teach me even I sleeping at class.

"Ryuko, this strategy might be hard but, it's effective if the enemy using too much speed and invisibility."


"Calm and quite. Focus with your power and do sudden attack or defend to make them shock. Then, you create the trap using your weapon or your brain if you smart enough."


"I give you instinct and plan not only learning. Learning is not always about theory, it also about practice. Instinct is also part of your learning in this practice. Do you know that sometime even speed can make a soft noise? Use that as a weapon of yours."

Another use brain an instinct but, focus is the main priority. Right, calm and focus help us to make more strategy options. War is not always killing, is about strategy. I think I have my reason to war now. I just want to war if I'm in really danger, sword just used when in danger and helping the innocent.

"Do you understand the lesson?"

"Yes, maam."