
The tainted destiny

A story about a boy called Bailong wich parents were murderd at his early stages of growth, but this little child gets taken in by a family of 5 that don't look like the people in China but people with....black skin。。。it couldn't get even weirder(because there are from ancient China and they didn't know about black people,seeing black people in ancient China was quite rare to see)but this was no ordinary family ,at the age of 16 Bailong was admitted to be a part of the fèng empire and meets his other half ~~,no more spoilers ( I feel like I'm writing the whole novel here;

Angela_Dark_2197 · LGBT+
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1 Chs

Chapter 1:The raising star

This looked like they were going smoothly until that day that they took my parents away from me it was that same day that I knew that does up above will do anything to eliminate what they call "threats to the throne" that sad day only my father dared to face does so called officials and my mother carried me in shedding tears to an old sanctuary were there was a weird symbol of taijitu writing in the stoned floor and with some old carvings of a divine figure my last mother's words were "avenge us for your father for me" she said with a devilius smile in her face.

In that exact moment all my so called emotions vanished into thin air but the only thing that keept ringing in my head that does how dared to take my father's life and remove the angel looking smile of my mother's and turned it to a devil's well.... the only reward that they deserved was death in a cold silver plater.

The only thing that I saw after my mother said those words that keep chasing me,was a misty cloud surrounding me ,I tried pulling mother in but my tries were useless for the simple fact that I was a child I could merely move a small boulder of my height so she ran away leaving me behind and the only thing that I did was to stand still and do nothing cause ,what could I do about it?

the answer is nothing a weak little child can't do anything about it and has for the fog ...it-it swallowed me hole and I started falling into oblivion it was so cold and dark it looked like the deeps of the ocean and then I heard a voice calling out a name "Bái lóng,Bái lóng,wake up!"

Whe-where am I said the shocked child whose parents he just lost.

This is my first time writing a novel at Wenovel so I hope you people enjoyed it~

Angela_Dark_2197creators' thoughts