
The Tables have Turned

“I have never forgotten him. I miss him” After her father's death, Eliah has been yearning for his warmth and hope to feel it once more. He calls on him almost every chance she gets. Strange how she finds the cold night and stars fascinating, they always manage to calm her down. She thought it reminded her of her father's gaze and believed it for longest time. But is it the truth though? Her mother, her sister and her bestfriend since childhood seem to have something they failed to tell Eliah. They were afraid and still are. They plan to keep things as they are until one night. On the night of the arrival of these one family, things seems to start unraveling. Especially with the Japanese boy. Kiyan Kishimoto, has been living in Japan ever since he was born. He's known for his goal oriented mindset and he has always wanted to visit this one particular place before he turns 19. His older sister, who married an American citizen, thought that it was an opportunity for her daughter to know her father's culture. And so they went. Kiyan seems harmless but Eliah's family thinks otherwise. Well not completely only moreso to Eliah's bestfriend, Lester. He was afraid that Kiyan might trigger some memory, some unwanted memory from Eliah's past. Kiyan shared some resemblance with her father and Eliah has not reached acceptance yet. Will the arrival of the Japanese boy causes havoc or would it “heal” Eliah in the process? Will she ever know her family's secret? Will Lester ever let her? Will she ever reach acceptance? Will she ever keep her promises to her father? The tables are turning for Eliah or maybe, the tables have turned already.

Maen · Urban
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5 Chs

Night Owl

"You sure you don't want to be escorted home?" Kris asked.

"No, it's okay. I'm fine Kris" I said turning her down smoothly, for the third time.

After sharing some information, and Kris giving me the payment, she even tip me which by the way was doubling my pay I kept telling her, its okay, since I'm pretty sure it was her guilt, which she shouldn't be feeling. Thankfully she gave in in the end.

"Okay, just be careful" she reminded. "Thank you for tonight, Eliah."

"No problem Kris" I said. "Oh and if you need any help with those boxes or with anything, you can always call me." I said, remembering the boxes from upstairs.

She was taken back from the offer and smiled. She's probably stressed as we speak. Moving is not an easy task. Trust me, I know. "I'll keep that in mind." she said smiling.

"I'll go now. Bye Kris."

"Bye, Eliah" she said smiling softly to me.

Not even a meter down "Eliah!" Kris shouted.

I turned to look at Kris.

"For the record, I don't mind having you around." she signed taking into account the sleeping neighborhood.

I laughed a bit "I'll keep that in mind" I signed back.

She waved me goodbye, I waved back then proceed on my journey home. I stopped at my tracks and looked up. Was that you?


Okay? That, is not Kris.

I turned to see a jogging Kiyan


What is he doing?

He stopped right in front of me. "Kris wouldn't be able to sleep if no one will send you home."

Of course, I have to at least expect that from Kris.

"And also because I still have to make up on what happened earlier" he said pointing at the Stevenson's house. The incident.

"It's okay, you already apologized too many times. It's not even a big deal to start with."

He looked at me like I'm dumb" You were curled up at the floor. And your face was deep, deep red." he deadpanned.

"But I'm fine now. Really, it's okay." I said trying to convince him.

He just arrived from the airport. He needs to rest.

"It's okay, I slept through the whole flight so I'm not that tired yet."

Did I said that out loud?

He laughed, his adam's apple bobbing as he do so "No, your face says it all. You don't even have to say a thing"

That's a first.

Oh well, I can't argue with that. He's here and he is dressed.

I sighed and started to walk, letting Kiyan follow me.

"This is a great chance for me to have a sight seeing in this neighborhood."

I don't plan to converse but he offered to escort me home, I could at least be nice to him. And it's not just that, he's Japanese.

"At night?" I asked.

At least I talked.

"What? There's the moon and the stars. But I guess it is much better to do this in the morning. But I can't miss this chance." he said full of energy.

Dang this person is fully charged in this time of night. Is he always like this? It might be tiresome. But I can't ignore the mention of stars.

"Suit yourself" I said to him.

After a moment of silence between us, it was Kiyan who ended it first.

"So we haven't actually introduce ourselves properly." he said tilting his head so I could see his face.

What's up with the smile?

We stopped. "Kiyan, Kiyan Kishimoto." he said reaching his hands

Let's get this over with. "Eliah Cruz" I said shaking his hand.

My aunt from the Philippines, Aunt Khrisna, told us to not trust anyone with personal information. It was when there were scams and other personal information related crimes occuring in the Philippines.

Just because he's from Japan and I freaking idolize and respect Japanese it doesn't mean I have to trust him that fast. He's still a stranger to me.

He squinted his eyes on me.

What now?

"Nice to meet you, Eliah Cruz". I scrunched my forehead at the way he emphasized my name. Perhaps he's not convinced.

I rolled my eyes secretly.

He chuckled. "I saw that"

Not asking.

"This is a quite neighborhood." he said, wondering his eyes around.

I scoffed.

I felt his intrigued gaze landed on me.

I let him wonder as I kept walking. As we near the corner street, the muffled sound kept getting louder and louder by the second.

I saw Kiyan in the corner of my eyes, slowly regretting his previous statement as we get ourselves close to the source.

I maintain my pace and we took the turn. We fully heard and saw the humongous house-full of wild hormonal people-producing an earsplitting music.

I crossed my arms in front of my chest, a smug look on my face. Well at least I felt smug. Proud of my knowledge in my little town.

"Too soon?" Kiyan said.

"Mhm." Bet your butt, it is.

This is just one of too many parties of Casimir. His parents are usually out on a business trips and yeah, he reeks havoc throughout the whole neighborhood. His parents definitely knew what they were doing when they name him Casimir, 'destroyer of peace'. I felt sorry for the poor neighbors. But then again, I think their house is big enough to contain the music inside.

Imagine how big of a house this guy lives in.

I proceed to walk. Eager to get home.

"Eliah!" he called out. "You know who threw this party?" I almost forgot he was with me.

"Mhm. Are you seriously interested?" I didn't mean to say the second one, referring to the wild party. I know it came out rude. "Sorry"

I couldn't imagine him in a party. I mean the hoodie jacket, the glasses the messy hair. He's just not the type of person that would go to a party. He looks more kind of a bookworm.

Judgmental female dog.

He laughed "It's okay, I'm not into parties. It's just amazing how they made this a lot of people come."

That makes the two of us.

I shiver from the cold and buried my shaking hands in my hoodie pocket.

"Eliah" he called softer this time.


Calm yourself Eliah. It is just the energy you used today.


Its a good thing my calming pill is just above. I lift my head up to look at them.

"How do you feel about stars?"

Instead of surprised, I was a bit irritated. When I looked at him, he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at them, wearing a soft smile.

"I like them I guess, why?". This is a personal information. This is confidential.

He then slowly looked at me still with that smile "Well," he said starting to walk up to me. He stopped a reach away from me, looking straight into my eyes.

"I'm in love with them"

Just then the cold breeze came once more, but my attention wasn't there anymore. It's on this guy in front of me, showing me his love for stars which I know, is true.