
The Systems Force: Terra Indomitus.

After a helicopter crash, Navy SEALs Captain Avery Gallahan woke up to find out that he was in a completely different reality than his own with no idea of how he got here or where his team was. Now he has to survive the harsh world and the villain and hero in it. But first, he has to figure out what happened and why this mysterious Doctor is so interested in him. (Crackish)(Lemon)(Some Harem Element and if you don't like it too bad)

Tofu_Misu · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 2: The First Training.

Author Note: This is a kind of !!!CRACKISH!!! Fanfiction. I don't own Marvel and DC, nor am I some sort of loremaster.


Chapter 2: The First Training.


Unknown Time.

Avery Gallahan POV.

I think is finally dawning on me that I ended up in the DC universe somehow, I've begun to wonder how this could be possible, and how the fuck is it that the world around me doesn't feel like a comic book at all. Everything seems so real, but at the same time, there are things that are just out of place.

I narrowly Dodged a lightning-quick punch that was mere millimeters from my face as the super mercenary and I circled each other like wild animals. All of my training and experience as a Navy Seal is barely able to keep me from losing this fight.


Deathstroke was a very powerful man, and he was able to keep up with me without breaking a sweat, he was actually pushing me to the limit, and he wasn't even trying. Slade Wilson was the most feared and notorious Mercenary and assassin in DC comics. And now I was facing off against him.

Slade then unexpectedly sent a flying kick that I wasn't able to completely block in time, and I was forced to take a step back. My hands immediately went up to my face to check my nose and felt blood coming out. I glared at the mercenary and he just smiled.

"I admit I was surprised a tiny bit." The world's greatest mercenary and hitman said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Keyword only a tiny bit,"

Deathstroke then launched into multiple series of quick, lightning-fast punches and kicks, and I was barely able to keep up. One wrong move and I was dead. I gritted my teeth and continued to try and defend myself, but it was difficult.

"You were able to Dodge my first blow but unfortunately that won't be enough to save you."

Unfortunately, he was able to get a fast one on my throat and then slammed his fist into my stomach, causing me to stumble back and cough violently, clutching my gut. Damn, the comic and game do not do him any justice. The fucking guy was fucking relentless.

I haven't been able to get a single hit on him, and he has already gotten more than a few good hits in, and the fight hasn't even gone on for five minutes yet. He was a fucking monster, a beast in human form that makes me wonder why the government needs me when they have him.

It hasn't been 5 minutes since the fight started, and I'm already feeling the effects of the blows he has managed to land on me. And if I'm honest with myself, the bastard hasn't even broken a sweat.

"You need to focus," the man said, his voice calm and cold. "If this was a real fight, you'd be dead already."

"Duly noted," I spat, trying to regain my composure.

The super mercenary sighed and shook his head. "Come on Three, we're just getting started, you're holding back. You're a SEAL, I can tell."

"How do you know that?" I asked, curious.

"I don't and I don't need to ask questions or care about the details, and it's not like I have the privilege to. All I need to do is train you and make sure you don't die," the mercenary shrugged, and then he went into a fighting stance.

"Now with the warm-up out of the way…" Slade smirked as he stood in front of me unmoving.

"That was the warm-up?" I asked incredulously, staring at the mercenary in shock.

"Now, let's really start this," The Merc said, his voice calm and matter-of-fact, but it had a note of coldness and danger to it. "First test, I want you to hit me."

I raise an eyebrow. "Hit you?"

"That's what I said, hit me, try to land a hit, do your worst, give it your best shot," The Merc said, gesturing to himself.

I then turned to look at the observation window that overlooked the training room. Seeing the same military official and Waller still watching us but now I also saw the Good Doctor watching the scene unfold. She then nodded at me like she was giving her consent.

'Well, guess it's now or never.' I thought as I readied myself and rushed toward the world's greatest mercenary and assassin, and surprisingly I feel a lot faster than I was a minute ago.

I launched a barrage of quick, precise strikes at Slade, and surprisingly the Merc was barely able to dodge them. It was like all my previous injuries had miraculously disappeared, and I was suddenly faster and stronger than I was a few seconds ago.

But soon enough the Merc was able to get his bearing and counterattacked, and his punches were a lot harder than mine. The first strike caught me off guard and sent me stumbling back, and the second caught me in the face and I fell to the ground, the wind knocked out of me.

I looked up at the man, and he just shook his head. "That was pathetic, you call that a fight? You have much to learn."

I growled and got up, ready to try again. I rushed towards the mercenary once more, launching a flurry of punches and kicks, but the mercenary dodged them with ease and countered with a blow to my chest, which knocked me back.

"You need to be faster," the man said, his voice cold and dispassionate. "You're too slow."

"Understandable," I grunted, getting back up.

"Again," the Merc said, his voice firm and unwavering.

I gritted my teeth and tried again, and again, and again, but every time I got a little closer, a little faster, a little better, but it was still not good enough, the Merc was just too good, too fast, and too strong.

The next hour was spent trying to get a single hit on the Merc and failing every time. It was a humiliating experience, but the man never showed any signs of anger or frustration.

As for me, I am trying my damnedest to get a hold of the frustration that's bubbling within. This is the most humiliation I have felt in a long time. I'm a Navy SEAL, I'm the best of the best, and the fact that I'm being beaten so easily is pissing me off.

I know damn well that I can't let my anger get the better of me, but it's so fucking hard.

After another hour of fighting, I'm panting, sweating, and covered in bruises, but the Merc is still standing, calm, collected, and seemingly unruffled. He's not even sweating.

"You're not gonna last in the field if you can't get a hit on me," The merc said, his voice calm and dispassionate. "We're done for the day."

"Well is better than nothing right?" I called out weakly to the super mercenary as he began to walk to the exit but then stopped.

"I hope so," The mercenary replied, his voice cold and matter-of-fact.

The Merc left, leaving me alone in the training room. As I looked at the observation window, I saw the good doctor, who gave me a smile and a wink, and Waller who turned to Dr. Iamizaki and nodded slightly in approval at the good doctor.

'This is going to be a very, very long day,' I thought, shaking my head and trying to catch my breath.


10 minutes Later.

I was walking beside the good Doctor and following her as she led me through the corridors of the facility. My body was still aching from the beating the Merc had given me, and I was trying to keep up with the woman, but she was walking pretty quickly.

We were being flanked by the two guards who had brought me here, and they were following closely behind us, their eyes hidden behind the visors of their helmets.

"How do you feel?" Dr. Iamizaki Ianite asked, not turning to look at me.

"Like I have been hit by a moving truck," I replied, my voice sounding a bit strained.

The good doctor smiled slightly. "Well, the first session was bound to be a little painful, but you're making good progress."

"I am?"

"Yes, you are already doing better than your last two predecessors, and that was expected. Your training with Mr. Wilson has proven very useful, and the data we are collecting is already showing some positive results," The good doctor explained, her voice taking on a slight note of pride.


"Yes, you are not the first candidate for Project Skyfall, and unfortunately, the other two candidates were unable to handle the physical and mental strain," The good doctor replied, her voice becoming a bit somber.

I felt a chill go down my spine. "What happened to them?"

The good doctor didn't answer but instead. "Ah here we are your new room, now get some rest, you have a big day tomorrow ahead of you, and don't worry about Mr. Wilson, he's rough, but he's a professional, he knows how to handle these kinds of situations."

"You didn't answer my question."

"Didn't need to." Dr. Iamizaki said as she suddenly with surprising strength pushed me into my new room before the door closed.

"Great," I muttered, shaking my head. I was exhausted and my body was sore and aching, so I decided to take a seat and think about what had happened.

The room I was in was fairly large, with a spartan-like design, the only real furniture being a small bed, a desk and chair, and a dresser. The walls were blank, with no decorations or signs of personality. There was a camera in the room, and it was obviously watching my every move.

I try to remember what had happened after the mission. But no matter how hard I tried, my memories of the incident were fuzzy, and I couldn't remember anything clearly. The last thing I remember was on that heli with my team and the spook then something took out the heli.

Did a missile hit us? What about the other members of my team, are they okay? I didn't want to think about it, but it was impossible not to. My thoughts kept drifting back to the events that had led me here, and I was filled with guilt and frustration.

"Damn it," I muttered, shaking my head. "What the fuck have I gotten myself into?"

I got up and began to pace around the room, my mind racing with questions and concerns. This situation is beyond insane, but I can't let it get the best of me. I have to stay focused and maybe find a way out of here. And Why do I am suddenly hearing voices? Like what the fuck does it mean that me and my team are going to bring forth some great and terrible thing to whatever the fuck is the Omniverse. Whatever, I can't let it get to my head, and I can't let them break me.

Is it very Obvious what Cadmus is trying to do, and that is turn me into some kind of super-soldier, and for what, the safety of the United States? Yeah right…

They are doing this for themselves, and there is no way in hell I am going to let them turn me into their slave, and I am sure as hell not going to help them. They have to know this, they are not stupid, so what are they playing at?

I sighed and began to look through the dresser, hoping to find some clothes, but I was disappointed. The only thing in there was the same green jumpsuit I was wearing and a pair of shoes.

"Damn," I muttered, shaking my head.

But then I found what seemed to be a mirror of some kind on top of the dresser. Luckily I still look like myself but younger and I have… white ash skin instead of my natural Dark-brown complexion, and my hair is now snow-white instead of the jet-black that it was previously.

And my eyes are now a Red Blood-Ruby, and my facial features are a lot sharper and more defined. And to be honest I look like a male model from those magazines or those fantasy novels and mangas, which to be honest not bad at all. I kinda like it in fact.

And my body has also changed, the muscles that I have are a lot more defined and I can see the veins running up and down my arms and legs, and I have abs. More abs than I've ever had in my life.

"What the hell did they do to me?"

I sighed and sat down on the bed, thinking about the situation I was in. There was no doubt in my mind that I was a prisoner here, and that they were using me as some kind of test subject. And the only way out of here is if I play along with their little game and become what they want me to be.

I sighed as I sat and lay on the surprisingly comfortable bed. I can't believe that this is happening to me. All I wanted to do was serve my country and help people, and now I'm stuck in this hellhole.

"Maybe some sleep will help," I muttered, trying to ignore the gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach.


"What are you doing here Petty Officer?"

"Sir!" Petty Officer Third class Rosette gasped as I approached her.

"At ease, Petty, no need to get nervous. I was just asking a question, I'm not going to bite your head off and relax, you're among friends, you're safe. What are you doing here on the roof here?"

We were on a base and the roof of one of the buildings and the private was staring off into the distance at the horizon. The young woman sighed and shook her head. "I was just thinking about everything that has happened."

"Well, I all ear, what is on your mind? What's wrong private?

She shrugged. "It's my girlfriend, sir,"

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow then nodded at her to continue.

"We've been dating for a while now, but after I joined the military, we've started to grow apart, and we haven't been talking as much," the private explained, a note of sadness in her voice.

"That's rough, buddy," I replied, nodding sympathetically. "What's her name?"

"Sam, sir," the private replied.

I nodded. "A good name. Listen, Rosette, you know why I chose you to be a part of my team?"

She looked at me and shook her head.

"Because I see something in you, Petty Officer. You have a drive, a passion, a fire, that a lot of other soldiers lack, and that's something special." I smiled slightly. "I know you went through hell to become a Navy SEAL and the fact that you made it speaks volumes about you. So don't lose hope, okay? You have a good heart, and that's important. Don't lose it, and you'll be alright."

Petty Officer Rosette smiled slightly and nodded. "Thank you, sir."

I clapped her on the shoulder and chuckled. "Don't mention it, just know that I'm always here for you."

"Yes, sir."

As I was about to leave, I looked back and said. "Hey, Rosette,"

"Yes, sir?"
"You have a heart of fire. I like to see more of that."
She looked at me with a determined look in her eyes and nodded. "Yes, sir."


2 hours later.



"Hey, wake up…!"

I was suddenly awoken by a male voice from out of nowhere and looking around my room. I saw that there was no one there, but the door was still closed. Then out of the blue, the voice spoke up again.

"Captain, can you hear me?"

Huh?! What?

"Umm hello?" I called out, confused.

"A good you awake, I am starting to think that the doctors somehow dosed you up too much and knocked you out for the rest of the day, but thank goodness you're awake now. How are you feeling Captain?"

"Uh, who the fuck are you?" I asked, confused.

"Oh I am terribly sorry, mate, my name is Quintero, service number QTR 5343-6, and I am a UNSC general-purpose Smart AI."

Huh?! What! The! Fuck!