
The Systems Force: Terra Indomitus.

After a helicopter crash, Navy SEALs Captain Avery Gallahan woke up to find out that he was in a completely different reality than his own with no idea of how he got here or where his team was. Now he has to survive the harsh world and the villain and hero in it. But first, he has to figure out what happened and why this mysterious Doctor is so interested in him. (Crackish)(Lemon)(Some Harem Element and if you don't like it too bad)

Tofu_Misu · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

After credit: Meanwhile In another marvelous world…

This is kind of a !CRACKISH! and purely a Fanfiction not some official work of any kind. I don't own Marvel and DC, nor am I some sort of loremaster.

<================== >

After credit: Meanwhile In another marvelous world…

The Marvel Universe.


The USA.

State of New York.


Summer of 1999.


General POV.

Everything is on fire.

Annandale-on-Hudson was burning.

There was no doubt about that.

An entire block of residential section buildings lay in ruins, and the flames were licking the night sky.

The sound of distance sirens echoed throughout the burning neighborhood, as did the sound of crackling fire, roaring and destroying everything it was feeding on.

There were body parts scattered all around, and the air was heavy with smoke.

There were also weapons lying around but these were not your normal pistol and rifle variety. No…These weapons were very strange-looking, and even maybe futuristic in design.

A battle had taken place there. A brutal and bloody battle.

The victors of this battle were sitting in the middle of a street, all bloody, and all around her, the fire rising, in her hand, the woman was seemingly clutching a young Red-headed female tightly who seemed to be around the same age as the bloody woman.

The young Red-headed woman was pretty in appearance and wearing a full-body bodysuit regalia of some sort that hugged her beautiful hourglass figure, the outfit was mostly red in color with a golden bird-like symbol on the center of the chest. The woman was talking to the younger girl in a desperate tone, and her face was stained with blood.

"Jean… I'm so sorry." The young bloody woman cries with her tears falling down into the unconscious but luckily alive Red-headed woman. "I tried everything in my power… I really should have been quicker to save Annandale… our home… our family… I should have seen it coming and been prepared for… They… the Marauders… Mister Sinister.…"

The bloody woman growls at the name.


Nathaniel Essex.

Mister Sinister.

"He will pay... I'll make sure he will pay…" The bloody woman exclaimed in pure hatred and contempt for the man who destroyed everything and tried to take the Redhead from her, she looked down at the still unconscious Jean Grey, her best childhood friend and her… crush... "Jean... please... wake up. Please... I need to know that you are alive."

The night air was thick with the acrid smell of smoke and the sharp tang of blood. Amidst the chaos, her hands stained with the aftermath of the battle, clutched her friend Jean close to her chest. Her heart ached with sorrow and rage, emotions that churned within her like a tempest.

"Jean. I promise. You will never have to go through this. Not anymore. I will make sure of that." The bloody woman brushed a stray strand of messy red hair away from Jean's face, tucking it behind her ear. She smiled a sad smile, the tears still trickling down her face.


As the sound of cracking, akin to the shattering of reality itself, pierced the night, the bloody woman's instincts surged to the forefront. Her body began the familiar and yet always startling transformation into her battle form… a metamorphosis born of necessity and survival.

Her skin rippled and contorted, the very essence of the Symbiotes emerging from within her cells, coating her in a layer of protective shiny green. The transformation was not just physical but spiritual, as the Symbiotes tapped into the deepest wells of her psyche, amplifying her emotions, her desires, and her need for… retribution.

Muscles expanded, strength multiplied, and her senses sharpened to an inhuman degree. The once-human features of her face warped, her mouth stretching into a fanged maw and her golden eyes turning a deep black as they took on the appearance of an alien monster.

But the changes did not stop there. The Symbiotes knew her needs, and they would not let her be denied. The green tendrils of the Symbiotes extended over her body covering her chest, wide hips, and crotch, as well as her back, and her toned legs. Soon enough, she was completely clad in her Symbiotes battle suit.

It was a transformation that would have sent most people screaming into the night, but the woman was not most people. She had been through this countless times before, and the Symbiotes by now knew her better than anyone else. They were bonded, bound together by the hand of companionship, and the bond had only grown stronger after she had woken up in that hospital.

With her transformation complete, she stood up with Jean in her arms, her head turning this way and that, searching for the source of the sound. She found it moments later and It was a familiar person, a woman. The mysterious figure was an Asian-looking lady who strangely was wearing some sort of sunglasses in the middle of the night. She was wearing a turtleneck shirt and a tight pair of black jeans. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail, and she had a stoic expression as she approached seemingly unafraid of the… monster in front of her.

"That's close enough." The bloody woman snarled as she held Jean's body close to her chest, her voice becoming a low, animalistic growl due to the influence of the Symbiotes. "I am not in the mood for a fight, so stay the fuck there, whoever the hell you are."

"I'm not the foolish old Nate… Miss Anne Richardson… I come in peace…" The Asian-looking woman raised her hand in surrender and replied with a calm tone as she gestured at the bloody woman who was holding an unconscious Jean Grey in her arms. "Your friend, Miss Grey here, seems to have activated her dormant Phoenix powers early…"

The bloody woman now named Anne narrowed her lens eyes at the Asian-looking woman, who continued to walk before stopping about 5 feet towards the Symbiotes woman, Anne's body tense and ready to fight or flee if necessary. "How do you know that? Who are you and how do you know Nathaniel Essex? Are you with the asshole?"

"No… I am not with Old Nate, quite the opposite in fact… regardless… you and Miss Grey are not safe here, and if you and her don't want to turn into a guinea pig or a weapon for Fury or HYDRA… or someone worse… like Magneto or Professor Baldie…" The Asian woman muttered that last part before shaking her head. "… then I suggest that you both come with me… I swear on my life that I can guarantee your safety… and as for who I am, we met before… every couple of months. I was the School counselor and psychiatrist if you remember…"

"Doctor Ianite?"

"Hmmm… so you remember me… good…" Doctor Ianite gave the Symbiotes woman a slight smirk before pointing back with her thumb. "I can take you to an old friend of mine... she could potentially assist Miss Grey with her condition and can also provide you a safe haven for the time being… However, time is running out, and if you haven't already noticed the authority and two… certain teams of mutants… are coming so my offer is going to expire quickly… the choice is yours, Miss Richardson or should I say… Petty Officer Third Class Rosette Anderson of Vega Team…"

<================== >

5 years later…

New York City.

New York Sanctum Sanctorum.

Spring of 2004.

Rosette Anderson AKA Anne Richardson.

Former status: Member of the US Navy, SEALs operator, and Member of Captain Gallahan Vega's Team.

Current status: Klyntar Host, Master of the Mythic Art, Gifted Magic Users, and Part-time mercenary.

First-person POV.


With a startled gasp, my eyes suddenly open, and the flashes of fire and chaos from that fateful night in Annandale-on-Hudson flood my mind. The memories are still vivid as if etched into my very being. I sat up in bed, the sheets tangled around me, my heart pounding against my ribs, and turned to look at the clock beside me, It was 6:40 in the morning.

"Another nightmare," I mutter to myself, running a hand through my brown and blonde hair, trying to calm my racing thoughts. But the memories of that night refuse to be quelled, haunting me even in my sleep. I glance around the dimly lit room, taking in the familiar surroundings of our guest room within the New York Sanctum Sanctum.

Our guest room was slightly different from the other mythic master bedrooms in the Sanctum Sanctorum, with its modern amenities blending seamlessly with the ancient mystic artifacts adorning the walls. The faint glow of magical wards shimmered in the air, casting eerie shadows that danced across the room.

As I swing my legs over the edge of the bed, I can't help but feel a sense of exhaustion weighing heavily on my shoulders. The past five years have been a blur… from training my own capability, studying, and doing some… "odd job" around the city… to being able to master the mystic art taught by The Ancient One Herself. Jean Grey's condition still weighs heavily on my mind, her… Phoenix powers…1 a potential threat looming over us all.

"Annie, are you alright?" A feminine voice piped up beside me on the bed and the feeling of uncertainty was felt throughout our telepathic connection. "Are you having those nightmares again?"

Speak of the devil and she shall appear… I thought with a smile as I turned towards the source of the voice, finding Jean Grey sitting by the headboard beside me, concern etched on her beautiful face. The blanket was pooled around her waist, exposing her bare rosy nipple and ample immaculate bosoms. She reached over and cupped my cheek, her thumb tracing gentle circles on my skin. Despite the passage of time, her presence still comforts me, even after all these years. She must have felt the distress through our telepathic link, which has been growing stronger each day, and woke up to check on me.

"I'm okay, Firebird," I reply, trying to sound as reassuring as possible, not wanting her to worry. But even as I say the words, I can't help but think about how many nights I've spent like this, haunted by my memories, waking up in a cold sweat, unable to shake off the images that plague my dreams. "Just another rough night, that's all."

"You know… I could help you block out those nightmares if you want…" Jean offered tentatively, her green eyes filled with genuine concern. "I've been practicing my telepathy with Wanda, and I think I could help ease your mind, even if just for a little while."

I raised an eyebrow at that. "I hope you two didn't accidentally lobotomize each other, Jeanie. I know Wanda and she had the potential to match you in raw power, but her control can be... unpredictable at times. Although she had gotten better under my apprenticeship." I chuckled softly, reaching out to gently grasp Jean's hand in mine. "But I appreciate the offer. However, I think I can manage. It's just a small price to pay, a very minor one at that. And besides, I can't hide behind a shield forever and this is something that I want to overcome on my own."

Jean nods, her expression softening and a wave of understanding is felt throughout our mental link. "Of course, Annie. I'm aware that the mind can be a delicate thing, especially with my powers. But whenever you're ready, just let me know."

"Thank you, Jeanie," I say sincerely, giving her hand a gentle squeeze, grateful for her support, and leaning forward, capturing her lips with my own before releasing it. "But for now, I think I have some work to be done today."

"Wait… I may not be able to help you with your nightmares… but… I do know… another way to help you relax and clear your mind," Jean suggests, a mischievous glint in her eyes before it suddenly becomes lustful. "If you know what I mean, Annie"

(Attention! All personnel! Minor Lemon Content ahead)

As soon as the words leave her lips, her hands are moving, caressing the smooth arc of my bare torso, fingers skimming over the curves of my breasts. I let out a gasp of pleasure, arching into her touch, and the desire burning in her green emerald eyes only intensified when Jean also felt her lover's pleasure via their telepathic bond.

My breath hitches, and I can't help but lean into her touch, letting the sensations wash over me. The tension in my muscles melts away as Jean's hands explore my body, tracing the lines of my collarbone, the curve of my breast, and the muscle of my abdomen. My skin is alight with fire, goosebumps rising wherever her fingers dance.

"You are a naughty little girl, aren't you, Firebird?" I teased, unable to resist the urge to taunt her a bit. "So desperate to please me that you'll even seduce me at the crack of dawn, eh? But… you DO know that I will be busy today right?"

"You manage… I know you will…" Jean whispers breathily, leaning forward, her hot breath ghosting across my neck. Her hands move lower, trailing down the very tone expanse of my stomach, teasing and exploring. "I know you desire me, Annie. I can feel it throughout our telepathic link. You Want to put me in a cage like I'm some sort of exotic bird or a cute pet. You want to keep me all for yourself, to do whatever you want with me. You want to mark me, claim me, make me yours, and show the world that I belong to you. That's your deepest desire, isn't it? To have me at your mercy, to put a collar and a leash around my neck and parade me around like a prized trophy, isn't it?"


I could only stare at the Redheaded beauty, uncertain of what to do as I thought about how true her words were with the Redhead Telepath took a deep breath and looked into my hesitant golden lens eyes, her emerald eyes shimmering with conviction. "Don't deny it, Annie. You want this as much as I do."

There was another long pause as my resolve began to crumble somewhat, and then Jean suddenly leaned forward, kissing me, her tongue swirling around mine and it was all it took for me to snap. My arms snaked around her waist, pulling her close, and a low growl rumbled in my throat as I lost control, the Symbiote within me rising to the surface, eager and hungry for Jean's body.

My eyes suddenly turned from gold to black, a predatory glint in them as the lust began to build within me. As my hand was suddenly on the red-headed beauty's neck, she gave a soft moan of pleasure, her pulse racing beneath my fingertips, her green eyes locked with my black ones as I tightened my grip on her slender neck.

<================== >

5 minutes later…



After Turning off the shower and stepping out, I walk over to the sink and grab a towel, drying my hair. The mirror in front of me reflects the image of a tired-looking young woman with tousled brown and blonde hair and a weary expression on her face. Despite my hair looking different, I still look like myself… somewhat, but it is still obvious that I have changed a lot over my time in this universe.

Looking back, I don't remember much of what happened… but it is clear that I somehow have been… reincarnated or transported… into the Marvel universe…somehow and the helicopter me and My team, Fire Team Vega, was suddenly brought down by something, and the last thing I remember before being brought into this universe was the pain of something being broken. Then nothing.

I woke up in a hospital in the younger body of a kid, a 10-year-old, with my memory a jumbled mess and my name being different, not to mention for some unknown reason… there is a fucking Symbiotes hiding in my body. With no recollection of how I ended up there and no way of knowing where I was or what had happened, I was forced to make the best of a terrible situation and try to gather out what the hell had happened. And… eventually, I figured out that I was in the Marvel universe somehow… which is ironic in a way…

But anyway, I have spent a little over a decade in this strange world, a world of super individuals and mystical beings. At first, the memories and the dreams of the original owner of this body, Anne Richardson, were fuzzy and hazy, but they slowly came into focus. I can recollect the pain, sorrow, and fear that Anne had felt that day in the playground when she was hit by that vehicle, and the terrified face of this body's best friend, Jean Grey.

Then the memories began to bleed into my own, mixing and melding together. Memories of my life on my Earth and my time in the US Navy SEALs as Petty Officer Third Class Rosette Anderson became entwined with memories of this body's previous life. And so did her feelings and emotions, her hopes and dreams, and her desires.

The combination of both realities is a strange feeling, and sometimes it is hard to separate the two, but somehow I've managed to adapt throughout… this… body teenage years. It has not been easy, but I have made the best of the situation, and I've learned to live with it. I've taken advantage of the fact that Anne was an orphan and has no living relatives, and have assumed control of her life, using her name, Anne Richardson, as my own.

I continue to gaze at my own reflection before shaking my head as Viper makes herself known. The green color Symbiotes suddenly envelop my bare, toned, muscular yet also feminine body before receding leaving me suddenly dressed in the attire I have gotten used to wearing. The clothes consist of a black camo shirt with a matching pair of black jeans with a silver-colored metal belt, a pair of steel-toed boots, and a pair of fingerless gloves.

"Thank Viper." I complimented her as I patted the Symbiotes on the head as she emerged from my shoulder. "I will be sure to give you a nice cup of chocolate ice cream or shake later, okay?"

Viper purred in satisfaction at the promise and then retreated into my body once more. I smile, appreciating the bond that Viper and I share. She's always been a good companion and has provided me with a constant source of support and companionship. Viper was a part of me, and I was a part of her.

Shaking my head again, I turn away from the mirror and make my way out of the bathroom, heading towards the door, and opening it. I was met with the smell of musk and sex was heavy in the air as I entered our guest room, and the sight that greeted me was almost comical, if not a bit ridiculous. Jean was sprawled naked on the bed, her face flushed and her skin glistening with both cum and sweat, her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath. A small puddle pooled between her legs, and a few more ropes of the sticky fluid dripped down her thighs.

Both her hand and leg were chained to the bed and around the redhead bombshell's neck was a metal collar that had a chain attached to it. Beside the bed was a bottle of lube that was empty and a ball gag was strapped to Jean's mouth. The whole scene was quite a sight, and I couldn't help but smirk at the sight of my beloved submissive girlfriend, who was completely and utterly debauched.

"Wow… Viper, we really did a number on her, didn't we?" I whistled out loud as I crossed the room and walked over to the bed, taking a seat next to the bound redhead.

"How are you feeling, Firebird?" I inquire, reaching over and stroking her cheek affectionately. "Did I hurt you too badly?"

"Hmm... No..." Jean mumbled weakly, her voice slightly muffled by the ball gag in her mouth, a dreamy expression on her face. "Hmm… Moar…"

I chuckle at how utterly wrecked the red-haired Phoenix avatar looks, her expression filled with bliss, and her emerald green eyes half-lidded and glazed over. The red-haired girl's entire body is covered in bite marks and hickeys, and her nipples are swollen and tender, evidence of my intense assault on them.

"Are you sure?" I ask again, gently caressing her cheek. "It has been a week of nonstop hell for you in this room already and I don't think that the Ancient One would appreciate the state you are in right now, Jeanie. We need to clean you up a bit and take care of you, darling."

"No... No... More..." Jean moans out, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and anticipation, and her gaze meeting mine, the pleading and desire in her emerald-green eyes evident. "Please, Mistress... I need it..."

"Jeanie… I'm a busy woman, my magic is not limitless and I am getting a bit strained keeping this…" I gesture around the room. "…time dilation field up for us to have fun and not let others know what the hell we are doing, I have an appointment with a contact and a friend of mine later in the morning, and I also have a training session planned for Wanda," I explained gently, trying not to laugh at the adorable pout on her face, and the disappointment that she felt through our mental link. "Hmm… You know what? Fine. Just one more round, okay, Firebird? But only if you promise to clean yourself up and prepare for the day."

"Yes... Yes, I will... thank you, Mistress Annie..." Jean breathed, her voice muffled and her expression filled with relief and gratitude. "One more round is all I ask..."

"Good…" I lean back into the chair as a cup of tea suddenly appears in my hand and after taking a sip, multiple large green tendrils abruptly shoot out of my back and begin to move, coiling themselves around the red-haired bombshell with the chain disappearing, lifting her up and allowing Jean to move freely.

Jean squirmed and writhed, her eyes widening and her breath quickening, as the tentacles caressed her smooth and creamy skin. They roamed over her perfect bosom, her toned stomach, her bubble ass, and her thick and muscular thighs, and the pleasure she felt was enough to make her cry out in ecstasy.

"Oh god..." Jean moaned, her body arching into the touch, and the sensation of the cold slimy Symbiotes tendrils sent a shiver down her spine.

"You're so fucking wet, aren't you, Firebird?" I murmured, smirking as I watched her reactions as I took another sip. "Look at you, writhing and moaning like a whore. You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"Y-yes..." Jean whimpered, her body quivering with pleasure as the tendrils continued their relentless assault, sliding between her legs and teasing her slick folds. "Oh, fuck... Please, Annie... Please, I want more...

"More, eh? Well, who am I to deny such a request?" I asked, a wicked grin spreading across my lips. "Don't worry, Firebird. I'm going to make sure you're screaming my name in no time."

"ANNIE!" The beautiful Phoenix-Avatar scream rang out as a large green tentacle roughly thrust into her tight cunt, filling her to the brim, and the sudden fullness sent a wave of pleasure crashing through her.

"Huh… that was quick," I remarked with a chortle.

All the while, I sat back and enjoyed the show as Viper fucked my beloved girlfriend into the mattress, and the sight was truly a sight to behold. I watched with amusement and delight as Viper plundered the red-haired beauty's pussy, her juices dripping down her thighs, and the sound of slapping flesh echoed throughout the room.

(End of Minor Lemon Content)

<================== >

3 hours later…

New York City

Shawarma Palace.

"Thank you for coming at this time, Anne, I'm hoping it was no problem for you." Frank Castle greeted me with a genuine smile as he sat on the opposite side of the table. The former marine was wearing a white tank top and a pair of blue jeans, and his rugged and scarred appearance was a stark contrast to my own.

"Oh, it was no problem, Frankie. I actually frequent this place quite often with my girlfriend. And besides, I can never turn down an invitation to have a meal with a friend and fellow serviceman," I replied, grinning as I gestured toward the food. "So, how are things going with you, Frank?"

After taking care of Jean and cleaning her up, I left the New York Sanctum and headed out to meet my contact and friend, Frank Castle, who had wanted to talk to me about some things. But considering that I still had some time to spare, I decided to take a scenic route around the Big Apple using the Sling Ring to create a portal and teleport myself.

"Things are going pretty smoothly, thank you for asking, Anne." The man in front of me answered after taking a bite out of his sandwich. "Although the people at the local precinct are starting to get suspicious, and I'm worried that they'll start sniffing around too much and that will attract unwanted attention."

"Hmm… Do you need my help? Jean And I could probably devise something to get the heat off your back." I offered as I took a sip of my coffee. "I could probably… Obliviate… a few officers or Jean could do some… Jedi mind tricks… and mess around with their memory. If you want me to, that is."

This New York City and its surroundings were familiar yet definitely different from the one in my old life. While most of the buildings and landmarks were the same, there were a few notable changes, including a few noticeable skyscrapers towering over the rest and the streets being a lot cleaner than the ones in my New York City. The people here were mostly the same as well, albeit a bit more diverse, and the mix of different cultures was always a welcome change.

Frank shook his head. "No, no, it's fine. I can handle it. Besides, I wouldn't want to involve you or your girlfriend in my mess. But anyway…" The marine took a deep breath before asking. "How are Lisa and Frank Jr?"

A few of the Skyscrapers and iconic places I recognize from the movies, including the Stark Tower, the Baxter Building, the Daily Bugle, and the… X-Mansion… although that last one I stay well clear of mostly because of… Xavier… and the potential mess related to him and that place. Regardless… The sight is a strange reminder that the Marvel universe is real, and sometimes, I still have trouble believing it.

I held one finger up and checked the surroundings of our table carefully, silently telling the former Marine to wait for a second before determining that no one was eavesdropping or listening in on our conversation. One of my hands suddenly glows slightly with red eldritch energy and after muttering a spell under my breath, an invisible barrier appeared around us.

"Okay, the spell has been cast, Frank. It's safe to speak now, and as for the kids, they are doing pretty well, Wanda surprisingly takes care of them quite well whenever I am busy and Jean is also helping out. But to be honest, Frank, I think the kids are missing their dad and would love to see him every now and then."

The gruff and scarred ex-marine's face lit up when he heard that, a genuine smile appearing on his lips, and I couldn't help but smile back. "Wanda… She's your apprentice, right? Send her my regards for taking care of them while I was away, Anne. She and Jean."

"Don't worry, I will," I reply with a nod, appreciating the thought.

"But as for visiting them, I don't think that would be wise. After everything that's happened, after… Maria… I can't risk bringing my shitshow of a life into their world. It wouldn't be fair to them. They deserve better, and I'm just trying to keep them safe." Frank said, his voice heavy with guilt and sadness, and his expression darkened.

"Hey hey… no need for that, Frank. The kids understand and they know that you are doing this to protect them. They may not be able to see you, but they still know that their father is doing what's best for them. You're a good man, and they look up to you, and no matter what, they will always love and support you." I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder and gave him a small smile, my eyes locking with his. "Now let's move on, shall we? You said you wanted to discuss a couple of things, correct?"

Frank nodded, a slight frown appearing on his face, and the mood turned serious. "Yes, I wanted to talk to you about one thing in particular… You see… A couple of months ago, my friend Micro, if you remember, was digging around in the old S.H.I.E.L.D. database that I recovered from an underground auction house and he came across some… let's just say interesting intel…"

I nodded for him to continue but then my body stiffened and my eyes narrowed when I felt my mental shield being grazed unexpectedly by a Psionic tendril of some kind before it bounced and ricocheted off harmlessly, the former Marine must have noticed the sudden change of demeanor because he has a very concerning expression on his face.

"Everything okay, Anne?"

"I think someone or something tried to enter my mind," I muttered, my voice laced with annoyance and a hint of irritation. "It is trying to scan or probe my mind, and it's not Jean or Wanda, that's for sure."

"That's not good." Frank shook his head. "How bad is it?"

"They are not very good, I can tell you that... I've seen Jean and maybe Wanda do better, but whoever this is, It was a quick and amateurish attempt that much I can tell, and the person who did this… they are either not very experienced or they are a low-level telepath."

"Should I still be concerned?" The Marine veteran inquired.

I hold one hand up and gesture to the scarred veteran to calm down. "I don't think so, your shields and wards that I set up seem to be holding but I am still going to take a quick glance around the place to determine who or what did this… and if they did it intentionally or not. Stay in your seat… so they won't suspect anything and pretend we are having a casual conversation, Frankie."

"Roger that."

With that, I closed my eyes and began to concentrate, my mind's eye shifting to the Astral Plane. My Astral Body rose from the ground, and the familiar scenery of the restaurant slowly faded away, replaced by the ethereal landscape of the Astral Plane. Thankfully, my physical body, instead of looking like a corpse was being held up by Viper, the Symbiotes were doing a good job holding up my body and pretending to be me.

Glancing around, I took a look at the various souls and Astral bodies of the people around me. Most of the Astral bodies were bright and shining, a testament to the purity of the souls within them, and the colors ranged from white to blue, indicating the strength of their mental defenses and their level of spiritual purity. I could also sense the emotions of the patrons in the restaurant, their feelings flowing through the air like currents.

There was a young boy sitting alone by the window, reading a book and drinking a glass of orange juice, his emotions a mixture of curiosity and boredom. An old couple sitting at a table near the counter, enjoying a late breakfast together, their emotions a mixture of love and contentment. A mother and her daughter were seated nearby, laughing and chatting animatedly, their emotions a mix of happiness and excitement.

And… there! I could see traces of Psionic energy swirling around a young woman, who was sitting by the entrance of the shop. Her astral body was shrouded in many shades of gray, and her emotions were a tangled web of anxiety, worry, and sorrow. However… right now, there seems to be a sense of…anticipation, surprise, and… fear in her?…

But that wasn't the only thing about the woman that caught my attention. I could sense that the woman had a very strong psychic presence, almost Jean level in fact… and the aura she emitted was somewhat similar to Jean and Wanda with both having this red aura, and this woman was giving off a familiar dark crimson aura just like them…

"Huh… That's interesting... Definitely, a mutant… inexperience, not a low level, and has the potential to reach Omega level… " I muttered to myself, frowning as I took another look at the woman.

She was a young-looking and attractive brunette-haired woman with a slender yet curvy build. Her facial features were striking, and her piercing blue eyes stood out against her pale skin. She was dressed up in a very simple attire, a black leather jacket, and a pair of dark skinny jeans, and she had a large and bulky bag slung over her shoulders.

She certainly looked to be completely taken off guard like she wasn't expecting any kind of resistance from her scan or probe with the way the young woman occasionally cast a discernible look of suspicion at us, her eyes constantly darting back and forth. She had a troubled and wary expression on her face, and her posture was tense and guarded as if she was preparing herself for a fight.

"Certainly not an intentional targeted scan or probe… it was more of an unconscious or habitual scan like she does this regularly every time she enters a room or building. But the problem is, she probably wasn't expecting my mind to be so… formidable, especially with the mental wards I have set up in my mind. She always expects to be able to probe anyone's mind with no difficulty, which means she's a natural telepath like Jean, a very strong one too. Hmm… Maybe this is the first time she ever met a person whose mind she couldn't read or control..." I mused as I watched the mysterious woman's reactions carefully. "Hmm… A young, inexperienced, and powerful, natural telepath. And she has the potential to grow stronger and reach the Omega level. Very intriguing."

With a thought, I will my Astral body back to the Material Plane and returned to normal reality, opening my eyes, and meeting the veteran Marine's gaze just as the waitress brought me my dessert, a chocolate milkshake and I could sense my Symbiotes was craving for chocolate as well.

"Did you find anything, Anne?" Frank asked as he finished the last bite of his sandwich, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"Well… depend…," I replied, shaking my head. "There is a young-looking brunette woman in a booth by the door that I noticed earlier when we entered… and It wasn't an intentional probe, most likely an unconscious and habitual scanning, so we can rule out any hostile intentions. But!… it's still not something we can let go of, I can tell that she is a very powerful natural telepath with significant potential. She's not a low-level telepath, Frank. She's probably not a threat for now but still, we certainly have to keep an eye on her."

"Hmmm... Should we confront her?" The ex-Marine suggested, briefly glancing at the young woman, who hurriedly got up and approached the counter, before looking back at me, his eyes narrowing.

"We will… don't worry but for now let's get back to our original conversation. I can confidently say that our young telepathic brunette-haired friends here are not an immediate threat so it can wait, Frank." I assure the Marine, grabbing the cup of chocolate milkshake, and taking a sip. "What was the other thing you wanted to talk about, Frank?"

Frank Castle stared at me For a few seconds before sighing and leaning forward with a shrug of his shoulder. "Alright… I trust your judgment, Anne. You've helped me and my family a lot and the last thing I want is to cause a scene in public… again…"

"Thank you, Frankie." I chuckled and nodded in gratitude. "I have a plan, don't worry."

"Heh… You always have a plan of some kind… nevertheless, let's just get straight to the point here. So! Here's the deal… Mirco found an encrypted classified file about something called… the Red Room…" He said, pulling out a folder and placing it on the table. "Have you ever heard of the Red Room?"




The air around us suddenly thickened, My eyes narrowed and my posture tensed as I leaned forward with my hand crossed on the table as I looked at the Punisher with a serious look at the mention of the infamous Black Widow Ops program and the thought of Natalia Alianovna Romanova, better known as Natasha Romanoff, and Yelena Belova… "Yeah… I've heard some rumors..."

<================== >

Around the same place…

5 minutes earlier.

Emma Frost.

Former status: Students of Snow Valley School for Girls, The second daughter of Winton Frost, and Member of the Frost Family.

Current status: Runaway heiress.

Third POV.

So far, Life wasn't easy for the young Runaway brunette heiress. After running away from home… from her father Winston, and her older sister Adrienne. Emma Frost had been struggling to survive on the streets of New York. Just Recently, She had to spend most of her time sleeping rough in some old and cheap run-down hotel room. Sometimes she had to beg for food from strangers, and other times she was forced to steal food, clothes, money, and anything small enough and valuable enough to pawn for some cash.

She was now 19 years old and had just spent her 19th Birthday on the streets.

Emma used to have some funds and savings but a couple of weeks ago, her account was somehow frozen and all the money she had was seized by her father. So now, the young brunette women had also been forced to work various jobs, and yet despite that… Emma Frost was still struggling to make ends meet. She had no money, no friends, and no family to turn to. All she had was her own wits, her good looks, and her natural newly awakened telepathy.

The Runaway heiress was born into the wealthy and influential Frost Family, and her life had once been filled with luxury and privilege. She is the third of four children of the wealthy and powerful businessman, Winton Frost, and his wife, Hazel Frost. Her father Winston was cold, ruthless, and uncaring, and her mother Hazel was distant, aloof, an alcoholic, and neglectful. Not to mention Her oldest sister Adrienne is a ruthless and manipulative sociopath who always sees Emma as a rival and a threat to her inheritance.

Yet… despite her family being so dysfunctional, Emma had always cared about two things above all else: her younger sister, Cordelia, and her brother Christian. Cordelia was the only person in her family who had ever shown her any kind of love and support, and Christian was the only one who truly understood her. But now, they were both gone, Cordelia had been sent away to some boarding school in Europe by their father, and Christian had disappeared under mysterious circumstances, leaving Emma all alone in the world.

Emma knows her brother, Christian, was a homosexual, and she suspects that their father, Winston, had something to do with his disappearance. She had been trying to investigate his whereabouts and uncover the truth behind his disappearance, but so far, she had hit dead ends at every turn. Her father said that Christian was living his own life, and he had no idea where his son was, but Emma knew better than to believe her father's lies.

Emma also has another secret… while attending the Snow Valley School for Girls. The brunette telepath developed a sort of crush that evolved into a full-blown relationship with one of her teachers, a man named Ian Kendall, a professor in the art department. But unfortunately, their affair had been discovered by her father, and he... Suddenly "Died" under mysterious circumstances shortly afterward, leaving her devastated and confused.

Emma had suspected that her father had something to do with his death, but she had no proof, and without proof, she could do nothing but mourn the loss of her lover.

And added to all the stress and emotional turmoil that her life has been put through, the Runaway Heiress decided to do something drastic, something that would change her life forever. She decided to run away and escape from her oppressive and abusive home. The young brunette wanted to get away from her family, her responsibilities, and her past, and start a new life somewhere else.

But now, Emma was finding it harder and harder to stay afloat, and the stress and pressure were getting to her. She had no money, no job, no place to live, and no family or friends to turn to. The former heiress was slowly but surely starting to feel like her life was falling apart, and she was afraid of what would happen if she couldn't find a way to turn things around.

Emma was currently sitting alone at a booth in a diner, a place called the Shawarma Palace with a half-eaten burger and a glass of soda in front of her. Her gaze was downcast and her posture was hunched, her expression weary and troubled. The brunette was feeling lost and overwhelmed, and the constant struggle to survive on the streets was taking a toll on her mentally and physically.

'I don't know how much longer I can do this.' The young brunette thought sadly, her blue eyes downcast and her expression grim. 'I need to find a way out of this mess, or else I'm going to end up losing myself and becoming a shell of who I used to be. But how? I have no money, no connections, no resources, and no one I can turn to for help.'


Suddenly, the sound of the diner's entrance beside her opened… and for whatever reason, she suddenly felt the urge to look up and take a glance at the two people that entered. There was a scarred man in a white tank top with another young and surprisingly pretty-looking woman heading towards an empty table.

The first thing that struck her was how different and striking the young woman was, her features were sharp and exotic, and her brown and blonde hair was styled in a messy pixie cut. She was tall and slender, with an Amazonian-like build and she moved with a confident grace that was impossible to miss.

'Whoa… she's… gorgeous, and damn that ass!…' Emma thought, her eyes widening as she took in the sight of the way the women's jeans hugged her curves. The Runaway Heiress could feel her face flush and her heart race, and her mind immediately went places that it shouldn't.

Then the woman turned her head and briefly took note of Emma before the Amazonian woman waved over a waiter, and the brunette telepath felt her breath catch in her throat. The woman's eyes were a deep, rich golden color, and they seemed to pierce right through her as if they could see into her very soul.

The young woman's presence was imposing and commanding, and the air around her seemed to crackle with an odd invisible energy somehow. She exuded confidence and an aura of authority that was unmistakable, and the brunette telepath strangely found herself instinctively drawn to the strange woman for whatever reason.

As the scarred man and the mysterious Amazonian beauty sat down, the brunette telepath tried her hardest to eavesdrop, but the man and the woman were surprisingly discreet, and she could only catch snippets of their conversation before Emma strangely couldn't hear any sound coming from them anymore. However, the two individuals were still close enough for her to pick up a few details about them.

'They're military… maybe Marines or something?' Emma thought as her mind began to unconsciously reach out with a tentative psychic probe, attempting to gather more information about the two newcomers. But as her telepathic senses brushed against the mind of the woman, she was suddenly met with an unexpectedly strong resistance, causing her to recoil slightly in surprise.

'What the…?' Emma thought, taken aback by the unexpected pushback and a little terrified by the strength of the mental barrier. She quickly withdrew her psychic probe, her heart racing with a mix of fear and curiosity. 'Who... who is she? What... What kind of power does she have? And why... why couldn't I read her mind?'

Feeling a sense of unease and uncertainty settling over her, Emma glanced back at the mysterious woman and the scarred man, her mind racing with questions and doubts. She knew she had to be cautious around them, especially after encountering such strong resistance to her telepathic abilities.

She remembered vividly the time she was met with this kind of resistance to her psychic probe before… and… it pertained to her own family. For whatever reason, some of Emma's own family members were immune, or at least completely resistant to her telepathy… and those were her father, and… Adrienne… especially Emma's oldest sister since that terrible woman always took advantage of that fact and made sure to torment the young brunette mutants as much as possible.

'I have to get out of here, something feels… wrong.' She thought as she got up and walked to the counter, her body language tense and guarded. 'I feel like I am being watched by something…'

Emma took another glance and saw both the mysterious woman and the scarred man were still talking to each other and not at all paying attention to her. Still, Emma couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched, and her nerves were on edge as she approached the cashier and paid for her food.

'You're being paranoid, Emma. There's no way they could know who you are or what you're capable of.' She told herself, taking a deep breath and exhaling. 'You're just being silly, and besides, you're a telepath, not a spy or a secret agent. You're not trained or experienced in any kind of combat or fighting, and your powers aren't that impressive… right? So you should be fine…Right?'

Despite her inner reassurances, Emma could not help but feel uneasy as she left the diner and headed down the street, the sounds of the bustling city drowning out her thoughts. The sun was high in the sky, and the weather was mild, yet the young brunette mutant kept walking aimlessly, her mind occupied with thoughts of her strange encounter with the mysterious woman and the scarred man.

"I should be okay. No one can possibly track me down or follow me." Emma muttered to herself, glancing over her shoulder nervously. "It's probably just a coincidence that I happened to be there at the same time as them. Besides, they probably have no idea who I am, and my powers are pretty weak anyway-…"


Suddenly there was a limousine that appeared out of nowhere that suddenly stopped in front of her as Emma was about to cross the road. And before the young Telepaths could even react, a pair of large and muscular hands grabbed her and threw her inside the limousine before the doors slammed shut.

"AHH! Let go of me!" Emma yelled as she tried to struggle against the iron grip of her captors, but the two men were too strong, and her attempts to free herself were futile. "Let go of me!"

"Well Well Well… isn't this a surprise… is the running away runt." A familiar feminine voice spoke up causing the young brunette to freeze up as she was forced to sit on a couch in the limousine. "You caused Father a lot of headaches for this particular little stunt of yours, Emma. Did you really think that you could hide from us and run away?"

"A-Adrienne...?" Emma gasped, her eyes widening with fear and shock. Her older sister was sitting across from her, her emerald-green eyes gleaming with malice, and her lips curled into a cruel smile.

The blonde-haired sociopath was dressed in a form-fitting and fancy white dress with some fine golden jewelry set and a Sapphire, her green eyes were cold and piercing, and her lips were twisted into a cruel smile. She looked just as beautiful and deadly as ever, and Emma felt her heart race as she struggled to break free of the iron grips holding her captive.

"Hello Emma, long time no see... You look good, little sis, you're looking quite… healthy, I must say. How is life on the run treating you so far?" Adrienne chuckled balefully, her eyes glittering with amusement and the sound sent shivers down Emma's spine. "How is living like a filthy street rat suiting you, sis? Painful? Rough? Hard? Miserable? Stressful? Lonely? Take your pick. Hahahaha."

"Adrienne... W-what are you doing here?" Emma asked, her voice trembling with fear and confusion. "How did you find me? Why are you here?"

"Come now… did you honestly think you could escape from him, from us? From me, Emma? Did you really think we would just let you go and leave you alone, let you live your life as a vagabond and a criminal? Do you have any idea how much trouble you caused our father? Cause me in particular?" Emma's older sister questioned, a dangerous edge entering her voice, and her eyes narrowing into thin slits.

"W-what do you want, Adrienne?" Emma asked, her voice trembling as she tried to keep her composure. "Where are you taking me?"

"Oh, nothing special, little sister. I just wanted to… let just say… talk… that's all." The blonde-haired sociopath smirked. "As for where I'm taking you… That's none of your concern… yet…"

Suddenly, there was a bag placed over her head, and the last thing Emma saw before she blacked out after she was suddenly jabbed by a needle of some kind was her older sister's face looming over her, her eyes glittering with sadistic glee, and her lips twisted into a cruel grin.

<================== >

At the same time.

The Street of New York.

The Punisher Battle Van.

Back to Rosette Anderson AKA Anne Richardson.

First Person POV.

I watched on with a grimace as I saw the poor girl being manhandled and kidnapped, and Frank was looking quite pissed off as well. It's been a while since I've seen such blatant kidnapping happen in the streets, but I guess not everyone is immune or protected by the law.

"We have to do something, Anne. We can't let them take her like this." Frank Castle said, his eyes narrowing as he watched the limo drive off.

"Yeah… we should, you go on ahead. I need to make some calls first." I replied as I exited Frank's Van, and began walking towards a nearby alleyway, my mind already working on a plan as I pulled out my phone from my pocket and dialed a number.

I was not the type to stand around and watch potentially innocent girls get kidnapped, and I was going to do everything in my power to save her, whether she liked it or not. As a famous uncle of a certain web-slinging vigilante of this universe once said, "With great power, comes great responsibility."

"Jean. Are you busy at the moment? I need you to notify Wanda that we have to cancel today's training. There has been a change of plan and I probably won't be back tonight."


Author Note: I will be taking a Brief Lull for this story to work on the next episode of this story, I have a few things in mind and I will be reworking some plot points and arcs in the meantime.

I also have another story in mind, a similar yet different concept to this one, that I might write and publish soon. It will have some similarities, and the characters will be similar somewhat but yet… also different, it will be set in the DC universe like this story but I have a couple of things that I like to do differently than this story.

I will update you soon.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and stay tuned!

And I hope you enjoy this story so far.

Stay Tuned and Keep Reading.