
The system of love achievements

A successful businessman dies and falls into the body of the main character of the anime "Are you ready to fall in love with a pervert as long as she's cute?". Not only that, now he needs to get used to the life of a Japanese schoolboy, but also to deal with a strange system. So, this is my new job. In addition to the above-mentioned fandom, which will be the main one, some characters from other anime will be present in the fan fiction. Having an idea of the canon is desirable, but not necessary.

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13 Chs


It was extremely difficult to regain consciousness. The head, as if clenched in a vice, was bursting with dull pain, the eyes were watering, as if someone very kind had poured sand into them. Throat, lungs, muscles—everything hurt. When I had already despaired of getting rid of this agony, the pain, as if at the snap of my fingers, disappeared. It immediately became easier to think, I wanted to understand where I am and what is happening, but remembering the recent sensations, I decide to wait a couple of minutes to make sure that the painful state does not roll over again.

My fears were not justified, on the contrary, the body began to feel even better, even the slightest discomfort disappeared. It's like I'm in my own soft and familiar bed. I open my eyes a little and see a white ceiling. I carefully turn my head and begin to look around. A small but bright room with a desk, a wardrobe and a computer. Well, I'm not in the torture chamber — that's good. However, I didn't have any fewer questions. The room doesn't look familiar to me. I would understand if I had taken a large amount of alcohol the day before, but there was nothing like that. I remember for sure that I fell asleep in the bed of my own house, tired after a hard day's work.

We need to look around. Being on guard, I get up as quietly as possible and get out of bed. Hmm, but I didn't notice that. There was a pretty enough girl with medium-length brown hair lying on my bed. She was lying with her eyes closed and motionless, covered up to her shoulders with a blanket. Do they really want to hang a corpse on me? Although stop, you don't need to pump, maybe she's just sleeping.

Leaning towards the girl, I listen to her breathing. Breathing! Fuuh, it worked out. Having calmed down and discarded the option of a setup, I return to the inspection of the room. A table with notebooks and textbooks hints that the owner of this monastery is either a schoolboy or a student. Maybe it belongs to a sleeping girl? Quite possibly. Turning to the left, I notice a small mirror hanging on the wall. I am going to him in order to examine myself for bruises and bruises that the kidnappers could have awarded me, if this is a kidnapping at all. I wish I hadn't done that. The mirror reflected an unfamiliar black-haired boy of a slim build with disgustingly naive violet eyes. The scariest thing is that the boy repeats all my movements, no matter how fast and unexpected they may be. The last doubts that I am not reflected in the mirror have finally disappeared.

Have arrived. Is it that I became a hitman, like in those shitty novels that I sometimes came across with poor filtering or my own inattention? Why me, I don't even like this genre? Why, I frankly despised him. A piece of trash written by losers for even bigger losers who are convinced that they have a hidden potential that they can only realize in another world. I've been plowing all my adult life to achieve success in real life. He did not build sand castles, spitting at the ceiling, but did everything he could to achieve his goals here and now.

Isn't this a mockery of fate? Oh, however, I have nothing to regret, by my twenty-eight I have achieved almost everything a man can dream of: a big house, an expensive car, an established and steadily expanding business. Of course, it would be possible to grow in breadth for decades, acquiring more luxurious houses and prestigious cars, but all this would be boring and primitive. Nothing more than useless little things, the pursuit of which leads only to stagnation, or even degradation of the personality. If you look at it from this side, then my hit saved me from becoming one of the fat-bellied Nouveau riche so despised by me. Ha, as always, I'm looking for the positives in everything. Optimist to the core, what else can I say.

— Brother, are you awake yet? Why so early? — a voice suddenly sounded from the side of the bed made me shudder.

Turning around, I see a girl sleepily rubbing her eyes, dressed in modest pink pajamas.

— Um, yes ... — I answer in confusion, trying to understand what I need to do in this situation. Damn, it was necessary to read the relevant novels at leisure, and not to twist your nose. So at least I would know how to behave in such circumstances — I can't sleep -I come up with the first excuse that comes to mind.

Wait a minute, why are we sleeping in the same bed at all, didn't she call me brother? And what's her name? What's my name now?

The achievement system is loaded!

Unarchiving the media memory…

Ah! Pain shot through my head, and other people's memories came flooding over me like waves in the ocean. Childhood, school, friends, favorite food, games and books — everything that Keiki Kiryu knew, and that was the name of the last owner of the body, now I also know. And it looks like it's time to get used to the new name. And the world, because it is clearly not mine, since small differences in the form of different historical events, the names of world brands, presidents and actors are enough to understand that this is some kind of parallel reality.

And if everything is clear with the memory, then where did the soul of the boy go and what is the system of achievements is absolutely not clear to me. But chuika feels both of these events are interconnected, as is my arrival.

— Brother, are you feeling well? — the girl said, jumping off the bed to put her palm to my forehead, — There doesn't seem to be a temperature, — she said thoughtfully, removing her hand.

— Everything is fine, Mizuha, — I address Keiki's younger sister by name, — I just admired your beauty for a moment. I'm sorry I made you worry," I say with a good—natured smile.

—H-beauty?! Mizuha squeaked in embarrassment, blushing to the tips of her ears.

— Of course, because you are a real beauty, — I gently stroke the discouraged girl on the head.

My words did not contain a drop of lies, the little girl really had an extremely pretty appearance. Not bright and pretentious, but cute at home. And I wanted to squeeze this shy girl.

— Brother, you definitely caught some kind of sore. You've never said anything like that before," Mizuha said in a worried tone.

That's right, that's right. Keiki was not famous for his perspicacity and quickness of mind. And I would like to throw everything off on the fact that all the inhabitants of this world are like that, but no. The recipient's memory makes it clear that most people from his environment, though with oddities, are far from morons. So my primary task will be not to pick up his naivety, bordering on stupidity. Or have I already caught it, but just didn't notice?

— Sister, I am now healthier than ever. It's just that the veil fell from my eyes and I was able to see what a wonderful little sister I have.

—Okay, I'll make us breakfast," Mizuha said, fiddling with the edge of her pajamas in embarrassment, and quickly retreated from my room, to which she got into the habit of coming at night to go to bed with her brother.

With Mizuhi gone, I was able to relax and sit on the bed. We need to develop a plan for further actions. Thanks to the memory that has appeared, the risk of getting into a local mental hospital has practically disappeared. But how should I behave further? Keiki Kiryu is still a schoolboy, which means I will have to attend school regularly and communicate with my peers.

Yeah, I'd rather be in front of the Apostle Peter. It's not that I don't like school, but what sane person would want to go through it in the second round? It's one thing to be nostalgic about happy school days, it's another thing to go back to school, where you will have to communicate with teenagers, do homework and obey the strict rules of the educational institution. On the one hand, it is much easier than eight, and in my case, a twelve-hour working day, on the other hand, I am used to spending my time as productively as possible.

Technically, I can just drop out of school, since high school is not mandatory in Japan of this world. Practically, without it, you cannot enter a higher educational institution, and therefore, you cannot get a good job. In this country, for sure.

Okay, we're leaving school, and then what? From Keiki's memory, we can conclude that you can just go with the flow. The main thing is to study a little above average, to enter at least an average university, and after graduation in six months or a year you can find a good job in a company in which you will work for the rest of your life (if it does not go bankrupt). And then just sit out the allotted time, rot your back in front of your superiors, attend Friday corporate parties and that's it, your life was a success. It is extremely difficult to dismiss employees here, but the increase does not depend on merit, but on seniority. So you don't need to strain yourself too much at work either. As a result, the employee gets confidence in the future, and at retirement — a decent old age.

The whole prospect gives me the creeps. Well, this is not a life for me! Well, now my head will ache about that, too. And I also thought that it was easy to get caught, since they come to everything ready. So, let's leave thoughts about the future for now. I will return to them as soon as I acclimatize.

Now it is more important to deal with some kind of system, the notification from which popped up before my eyes right before getting the memory.

Mm, "system activation" — I'm mentally trying to summon this thing. Nothing. "Open menu". Silence again. "Appear, turn around, appear, respond." Now I feel like a psycho, at least I'm not saying it out loud.

Tc, what a firebrand fell on me.