
The system of a god

Quincy a normal guy is chosen to save the world from a new race of humans. There's only one issue, Quincy is weak so weak that he couldn't even kill a baby of the new race. But something happens, something great. Only Quincy can have this system and only Quincy can stop this new human race.

ThunderBolt · Videospiele
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19 Chs

What are you

"Quincy, QUINCY WAKE UP!" My teacher Mr. Jones yells.

"Huh, what?" I say looking around.

"Mr. Quincy what is the answer to the question on the board?" Mr. Jones says with a smirk on his face.

"I don't know 74?" I say taking a quick glance at the board. The smirk on Mr. Jones face faded away as he said

"Lucky guess. Moving on." The bell rings cutting Mr. Jones off. "Saved by the bell I suppose, no homework tonight but expect some tomorrow. Quincy I would like to see you after class."

I walk out of the room as he says that put my head down and hope he doesn't see me. Kinda hard though when you're 6'4".

"Quincy get over here right now!" Mr. Jones yells in the sea of people walking to their next class, talking with friends, listening to music, and going into the bathroom to do God knows what.

"What?" I say turning around.

"That is the third time you've fallen asleep in my class Quincy one more time and you're in detention, do you understand?"

"Yup." I say turning around to walk to lunch.

"Slept again?" My friend Josh asks catching up with me.

"Yup." I say with a smile. "He acts like my parents care if I go to detention I'll sleep in his class again he'll call my parents which won't pick up the phone because they're "busy" and then I get away with it yet again."

"Exactly, if only I thought about this before school." He says.

"Well only some are geniuses." I say grabbing a tray for the slop school serves.

"Yummy, thawed out pizza, frozen strawberries, and unripe bananas."

"Don't forget the nearly rotted apples." I say grabbing a bruised apple.

"Disgusting." Josh says. "I'm gonna start bringing my lunch." He says.

"You've said that the past month Josh."

"I know but still."

"Yo Quincy!" Brad says coming up to me. "You got the code?"

"Oh I forgot my bad, I got you tomorrow?"

"You're good, yeah I need it by Friday though."

"I will 100% give it to you by then." I say giving Brad a fist bump.

As always lunch was pretty gross except for the cookies that they rarely give you for free.

I turn my phone on and see a pure white screen with 2 words on it that read 'Listen Up.'

'What the?' I think to myself as the screen goes dark. I look around to see if anyone else got the same message, it doesn't seem like anyone else did or they're just good at hiding it. "OW!" I say throwing my phone into my other hand. For some reason it's really hot I look at the screen again.

'I know what you're thinking.' The screen fades to black again before it flashes again with more text on it. 'You are the chosen one.'

"Quincy there's nothin on your phone, why are you staring at it?" Josh asks slapping my arm

"Oh uh i don't know." I say putting it back in my pocket. "We're gonna be late to class." I say before walking to my science class.

"Good afternoon everyone!" My teacher Mrs. Bullings says with a big smile on her face. "I have some great news for all of you. We get to have a fire drill!" She says. Her smile immediately fades and she rolls her eyes. "We're just going to review what we did yesterday and tomorrow we'll have the quiz and start the new unit."

"Good afternoon everyone I would like to remind you in about 5 minutes we will be doing a school wide fire drill. Teachers be sure to go over your emergency plans.Thank you!"

"You already know what we have to do and you know where to go considering this is the 3rd fire drill of the year."

The fire alarm goes off we all stand up and walk out the doors back to the sea of kids this time with an alarm blaring it's annoying cry warning us of nothing. The alarm fades and turns into a voice.

"Quincy you are the chosen one to save humanity." A low rumbling voice booms.

"Did you hear that?" I as Josh when I see him in the hallway on our way outside.

"Yeah of course I did it's an alarm how can you not hear it?"

"Nevermind." I say looking at my phone seeing if anything happened to it. Nothing just my reflection staring back at me.

"Ok class we have 5 minutes left if you guys want to start packing up." Mrs. Bullings says. The bell rings right after she says that. "Oops I lied the bell is ringing right now."

"Finally I thought this day would never end." Josh says throwing his bag on. "We gonna go the normal route?"

"I don't know, we can go the other route I gotta tell you somethin." All of a sudden my phone started burning my thigh. I pull it out and look at the screen it's bright white with the words. 'You cannot say a word.' "Actually we can go the normal way."

"Um, ok?" Josh says confused. "So which way are we going to go?"

"Normal route." I say. Josh nods as we walk out the doors and head home.

"What's the plan to skip Jones's class?" I ask.

"Well you see if you ask for the pass and he says yes you take it slide it under the door so it's back in the room and then you're free for the class. Although it's real easy to know you're gone considering you're the biggest in the class and also his biggest target, hopefully he just won't notice."

"Well I doubt he won't notice I'm gone. It might work for you though if you want to try it."

"I don't know he's always on me too." Josh says shrugging his shoulders. "I'll see you tomorrow Quin." He says after doing our handshake and turning onto his road. All of a sudden a bright flash appeared in front of me I close my eyes and throw my hands up to fight.

"Quincy we both know you can't fight." A booming voice echos. "Not only can you not fight and win against a five year old you really couldn't win against a god."

"What?" I say opening my eyes to a little slit so I can at least see a little. The figure in front of me is wearing a black robe that is somehow shining like the sun his face is like that of fire and his arms and legs are glowing and flickering like the dancing of a flame.

"Quincy you are humanity's only hope if you do not accept then you and everyone else on planet Earth will perish. You do not have to accept if you do not wish." The god says.

"Fine fine I accept I guess." I say. "What are you even doing to me?" I ask.

"I am implementing a system into you so hopefully you won't look like a stick anymore. You have to listen to what the system says if you do not there will be severe punishments which can cause death, do you understand what I am saying?" The god says with urgency.

"Yeah I understand. So wh-." I say as I'm cut off. The god thrusts his hands at me and a serge of energy and a new found power rush through me.

"Congratulations Quincy, you have been accepted."