
The system of a god

Quincy a normal guy is chosen to save the world from a new race of humans. There's only one issue, Quincy is weak so weak that he couldn't even kill a baby of the new race. But something happens, something great. Only Quincy can have this system and only Quincy can stop this new human race.

ThunderBolt · Videospiele
Zu wenig Bewertungen
19 Chs


Heading home I open the door and am greeted with the smell of fresh meat.

"Hi honey!" My mom says from the kitchen of my apartment.

"I thought you were coming next week?" I say going into the kitchen and seeing an assortment of foods.

"I was but decided to come early." She says sitting down. "How's the new highschool?" 

"It's good." I say. "My grades are also good." 

"Make any friends?" 

"Yes mom." I say laughing a little sitting down. 

"I made your favorite." She says pushing a plate with rice and meat to me.

"Thanks mom." I say.

"Your welcome honey, I can only stay for a couple more minutes but I want to make the most of it, I haven't seen you for a month." She says getting a water. "Have you been working out?" 

"Yeah a little." I answer. 

"That's good, don't overdo it. I don't want you to get hurt." 

"I know." 

"You seem even taller than last time I saw you." Mom says standing next to me. I tower over her and can easily see over her head.

"Don't think so." I say.

"You in any sports, clubs, or anything like that?" 



"Really mom." 

"Alright, I'm going to do a little cleaning cause this place is disgusting." 

"I clean every Saturday there's no need for you to do it for me." I say putting a pan in the sink. 

"I get that but I don't want you having a gross room when your girlfriend comes over." 

"Mom!" I yell. 

"No girlfriend?" 

"No not yet." I say.

"Hey will you go to the store and get some apples?" Mom says getting my vacuum.

"I guess." I say.

"Thanks, chances are I'll be gone when you come home I just saw that you didn't have any fruits or anything." 

"Alright mom, love you." I say walking out my front door.

"Love you too." She answers. 

'I would level up.' The god says.

"That's what I plan to do." I answer calling my level three spreader. It's soul comes out of my chest and makes the shape of the spreader. I pat it's side and send it to find a spreader for me to kill. 

It doesn't go far before dragging a spreader out of a bush shaking it violently by the neck. My spreader stops and sets the spreader down a black shadow coming out of the body.

"Rise." The spreader takes shape and behind the level 3 spreader when I use death tracking again. The spreaders only run about a third of a mile before running in a pipe and pulling out another spreader a black shadow rising out of its body. "Rise." 

{You leveled up!} 

{Reward: 100 gold, servant cap raised to 30, max level extraction raised to 6} 

'Will I ever reach the cap?' I think to myself. I need to name my level 3 spreader.' 

{Input name of servant:} I type in Pierce.

{Servant name: Pierce is this correct?} 

"Yes." I say the spreaders level disappears then reappears with Pierce in front of the level "Pierce go find a spreader that's a lower level than you and bring it to me when you kill it." I say patting it's head. Tongue out Pierce turns and runs across the street rounding a corner. "Alright the rest of you work together and do the same thing." I say to my other spreaders, they split up into two groups of two and run off.

'Now we wait.' I say to myself doing sit-ups. After a minute the level 3 spreader comes back with a level 2 in it's jaws. "Perfect." I say petting the level 3 spreader. "Rise. Both of you split up find another spreader." Then they run off when a pair of my level 1 spreaders run around the corner dragging another spreader. "Man this is great, rise." The soul makes the shape again and I have them sit with me. 

After a couple minutes all my spreaders bring me another dead spreader totaling 10 spreaders ranging from level 1 to level 3. 

'The Pretenerary's are going to start sending scouts tomorrow.' The god says.

'Heck are those?' I ask.

'The youngest of the Pretenerary's. They aren't yet strong enough to be fighters but are stronger than spreaders so they send them to scout strategic positions. Mind you because it's a hive mind every Pretnerary will know what you look like and you will be their first target.' 

"Got it." I say.