
The System's Martial World

Kai, a high school student yearning for adventure, is thrust into an unimaginable world. Drawn to martial arts and fantastical stories, Kai's mundane life takes a dramatic turn when a mysterious interactive system grants him extraordinary abilities. With the power to acquire skills from his beloved anime and manhwas, Kai embarks on a quest to unlock the system's true potential. Amidst his exploration, Kai stumbles upon an extraordinary reward: an "alteration ticket" capable of subtly reshaping his world. Fuelled by his passion for martial arts, Kai requests a universe brimming with skilled fighters and spiritual energy. As the world undergoes a phenomenal transformation, humanity adapts to the influx of spiritual energy, and martial arts become a core aspect of life. Together with his friends, Kai sets out on a journey that will test his strength, courage, and determination.

Qilinblood · Fantasie
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135 Chs

Unveiling the Dark Arts

The commentator's voice reverberated through the arena, announcing Dragon Academy as the victor of the previous fight.

Jubilation filled the air as Kai and his friends reveled in their hard-earned triumph. Cheers erupted, mingling with the electrifying atmosphere of the arena.

Amidst the celebration, Master Liang and Sensei Mei approached them, their faces a mix of pride and caution.

Sensei Mei's voice held a note of warning as she spoke, "Congratulations on your victory, my students. You fought very well. But remember, this is only the beginning. There are tougher battles ahead, and you must be prepared."

Student's hearts swelled with a sense of accomplishment, and they replies "Thank you, Sensei Mei. We won't let our guard down."

As the commentator introduced the next match between Crane Martial Arts School and Serpent Dojo, a ripple of intrigue spread through the crowd.

Master Liang turned to his students, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Let's watch this fight closely, my students. It's crucial to understand our potential opponents and what they're capable of."

With a mix of excitement and apprehension, Kai and his friends followed Master Liang to the spectator seats, eager to witness the clash of martial arts prowess.

The commentator's voice boomed, introducing the fighters by name and cultivation level.

"Silas, a formidable student from Serpent Dojo, stood at the Novice Rank Middle Level. On the other side, representing Crane Martial Arts School, is Kazuki, a determined novice at the lower rank."

The mention of Silas' higher rank immediately caught their attention, raising eyebrows and igniting curiosity.

Kai leaned closer to Ethan, his voice barely a whisper. "Novice Rank Middle Level? That's unusual for this stage. There's more to Silas than meets the eye. We need to stay vigilant and analyze his techniques."

Ethan nodded, sharing Kai's suspicions. "Yeah. Let's see what he's capable of."

As the fight commenced, Kazuki showcased the graceful and precise strikes of the crane style, captivating the audience with his elegance.

In contrast, Silas emanated a sinister aura as he unleashed the lethal arts of poison, each strike carrying the potential for fatal consequences.

Kai and his friends watched with a mix of awe and concern.

Rachel's eyes widened as she voiced her unease. "There's something chilling about Silas' techniques. It's not just physical, but it feels dark and malevolent."

Jackson's jaw clenched, his voice tinged with determination. "We must be cautious. His poisonous arts pose a deadly threat."

The battle unfolded, with Kazuki skillfully evading Silas' venomous onslaught. Each blow seemed calculated to strike with precision and incapacitate.

Yet, the Crane Martial Arts School student couldn't escape unscathed. A single graze from Silas' poisoned strike sent shivers down Kazuki's spine, his body briefly succumbing to the toxins' insidious grip.

Kazuki mustered his strength, a glimmer of fear in his eyes.

He swiftly signaled his withdrawal, a realization dawning that his life is in grave danger. Despite his request, Silas continued his relentless assault, his malevolent intent undeterred until the commentator intervened, halting the fight before it claimed a life.

Silas was declared the victor, but a heavy cloud of discomfort settled over the arena.

The gravity of the injuries, the lives lost, and the poison-inflicted combatants left the audience in stunned silence.

Michael's fists clenched, anger surging within him. "This isn't honorable. It's ruthless."

Master Liang stepped forward, his voice resonating with wisdom and concern.

"This, my students, is why we hold scruple about Serpent Dojo. They prioritize finishing their opponents or leaving them in critical condition. It is an unspoken rule in the martial arts world that only the strong survive. However, let it be known that strength alone is not the pinnacle. Compassion and mercy have their place too. While defending yourselves is crucial, strive not to take a life unless your opponent harbors malice. Protect yourself, but remember the value of life."

Kai and his friends absorbed Master Liang's words, their expressions a mixture of understanding and resolve.

They comprehended the delicate balance between strength and compassion, the weight of their responsibilities as martial artists.

As the fights continued, leaving a trail of injuries and tragic deaths, the toll weighed heavily on the audience's spirits.

Kai and his friends, their hearts heavy with the magnitude of the battles, sought comfort in their resting rooms, needing a break from the harsh reality.

Kai lay on his bed, considering the day's events. The fights had left an indelible mark, but they had also deepened his determination.

His friends rested nearby, their breaths steady and calm, their minds filled with the echoes of battles fought and the strength required to face the challenges ahead.