
The System's Martial World

Kai, a high school student yearning for adventure, is thrust into an unimaginable world. Drawn to martial arts and fantastical stories, Kai's mundane life takes a dramatic turn when a mysterious interactive system grants him extraordinary abilities. With the power to acquire skills from his beloved anime and manhwas, Kai embarks on a quest to unlock the system's true potential. Amidst his exploration, Kai stumbles upon an extraordinary reward: an "alteration ticket" capable of subtly reshaping his world. Fuelled by his passion for martial arts, Kai requests a universe brimming with skilled fighters and spiritual energy. As the world undergoes a phenomenal transformation, humanity adapts to the influx of spiritual energy, and martial arts become a core aspect of life. Together with his friends, Kai sets out on a journey that will test his strength, courage, and determination.

Qilinblood · Fantasie
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135 Chs

Exploring Professions

As the students make their way to their classroom, their light-hearted conversations continue.

Emily teases Michael about how he stumbled when they were piled up earlier, and he playfully retorts, earning laughter from the others.

Amidst the sounds of laughter and banter, a wave of anticipation fills the air.

They are eager to put their newly acquired techniques to the test.

Their curiosity is piqued about how well they will perform in the trials and whether their hard work will pay off.

As they enter the classroom, they notice that some seats are empty.

A few familiar faces catch their attention - students who have once been a part of the Combat Department but have chosen to leave when they decided not to participate in the Inter-School Competition.

They are a bit popular among their peers because of the team's victory.

Additionally, there are students from the Research Department and others who choose to cultivate while living a more normal life.

Kai, Ethan, Leon, Aoi, Michael, Sarah, Emily, Rachel, Jackson, and Alex find their seats and engage in conversations with their classmates.

They are curious to know what others have been up to during their time away from the Combat Department.

After a few moments, the teacher arrives, greeting the students with a smile. He notices the presence of students from the Combat Department and nods in approval.

"It's good to see all of you here today," the teacher says warmly. "I have some important topics to introduce today."

He begins his lesson by discussing the profession of "Spirit Elixirist."

The class listens attentively as he explains that Spirit Elixirists specialize in creating pills infused with spiritual energies.

Similar to the stages in Martial Arts, there are ten stages in the Spirit Elixirist profession:

1. Spirit Novice

2. Spirit Apprentice

3. Spirit Adept

4. Spirit Enchanter

5. Spirit Artificer

6. Spirit Channeler

7. Spirit Master

8. Spirit Alchemist

9. Spirit Savant

10. Spirit Ascendant

"As Spirit Elixirists progress through cultivation levels, their expertise in elixir-crafting expands, allowing them to create more potent pills that aid martial artists in their cultivation journey," the teacher explains.

The class absorbs the information, and some students exchange curious glances. They are intrigued by the possibilities of becoming Spirit Elixirists.

The teacher then moves on to the second profession, "Divyakar."

These craftsmen merge artistic skill and spiritual energy into their crafts, creating works highly regarded for their spiritual infusion. The Divyakar profession has six stages:

1. Novice Artisan

2. Apprentice Forger

3. Adept Craftsperson

4. Skilled Artificer

5. Master Smith

6. Ethereal Artisan

One student raises their hand and asks, "Sensei, why does the Divyakar profession have only six levels, whereas Spirit Elixirist has ten?"

The teacher smiles, appreciating the student's curiosity.

"An excellent question. The Divyakar profession indeed had records of stages beyond six, but unfortunately, those records were lost in time. As a result, only six stages are mentioned today."

The class nods, absorbing the explanation. They appreciate the history behind the profession.

The teacher continues, introducing the third profession, "Sacred Artificer."

These cultivators specialize in creating "Yantras" and possess a deep understanding of spiritual energy. There are ten levels in the Sacred Artificer profession:

1. Glyph Novice

2. Sigil Initiate

3. Emblem Disciple

4. Mark Acolyte

5. Inscription Practitioner

6. Rune Artificer

7. Symbol Artisan

8. Seal Savant

9. Arcane Virtuoso

10. Yantra Master

As the teacher finishes explaining, he says, "Now, I've shared these professions with you because you can also choose to practice or take up these paths if you wish. I'll provide you with the forms; you can fill them according to your preferences and submit them by tomorrow."

Excitement ripples through the class. They are thrilled at the prospect of exploring new paths beyond martial arts and delving into these intriguing professions.

Some students are already considering their options, while others are eager to learn more about each profession before making a decision.

"Yes, sir!" the students reply enthusiastically, ready to embrace the new opportunities before them.

As the bell rings, signaling the end of the class, the students exchange thoughts and plans for the forms they will fill out.