
The Synchronized Brothers GONZI and BONZI

The Synchronized Brothers GONZI and BONZI is a kids' story of two adventurous hand puppets who want to be friends with all babies and children in the world. It is a modern fantasy children's books who likes children reading books, fantasy characters and fairy tale stories for kids. It is a story of hand puppets. #kidsimaginationrandom #fiction #fantasticcreatures #kidstory #handpuppets #kidsbook #handpuppetsbook #omniscientreader #suprememagus #sololeveling #AnimationScripts #AnimationMovieScripts #fantasticfictionkidsbook #kidswriter #fairytale #cartoon #Cartoon #cartoonfanfiction #Cartoons #cartoonFanfic #adventure #comedy #action #kid #kids #kidsfriendly #fantastic #fantastical #fantast #fantasti #puppet #Puppeteer #puppets #children #Children #qidian #yuewen #Childrens #Childrenstories #fantasytvseries #ChildrenstoriesChristmas #webnovel #cartoonmoviecharacters

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The Synchronized Brothers GONZI and BONZI Chapter 1

Written by Senem Öcal


All rights reserved. All rights belong to the AUTHOR. In part, it can not be quoted. Texts may not be reproduced or published by electronic, mechanical, photocopying or any other recording system without the prior permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. The responsibility of the texts in the book belongs to the author.


Zinda was unable to lift her head from the sewing machine because of last week's holiday rush. Luckily, she had succeeded in sendoff her worried customers with a smile from her little shop.

On a quiet Tuesday morning, she enjoyed sipping her tea while writing a one-week program on her little red leather journal. After all, as the elders say, the word flies but the writing remains. After completing the shopping list, she put her journal in the drawer. When she was about to close the drawer, she saw a piece of red cloth whose thread stuck to the sugared tea. She took it from the ground and threw it into the scraps of cloth in the sack bag.

The interior of the small shop was quite scattered. Colored thread spools falling on the floor, small pieces of cloth, a few tailor pens, and colored buttons…

She collected them all one by one. She separated them on the table and put them in fancy boxes with neon-colored name tags. Zippers in separate boxes, pens in another box. That way she could easily find what she was looking for, even in the hectic times

Zinda was a preferred tailor for many years because of her planned and regular work.

She gathered her shop in a snap. She dusted her desk and sewing machine quickly. While she was sweeping the floor, she was also picking up tiny pieces of fabric on the floor. She realized that a total of three bags of pieces of fabric had taken up much space in the small shop.

She took the pieces of fabric from the bag and the fabrics from the nylon bag under the table and put them in a small sack. The upholsterer, who came to pick them up every month, hadn't been around for a few months. His phone didn't answer either. She thought a little.

"Maybe if I put these next to the garbage, it might work for someone" she murmured to herself.

At the same time, Zinda's son, sister, and her apprentice entered the shop.

They said, "Good morning!" at the same time.

Then, they laughed looking at each other.

"Let's make a wish together!" Zinda's sister said.

The tailor's apprentice didn't hear it because he rushed into a fabric sack arrangement. Zinda had to pick up the ringing phone before she could answer them.

"I want to do something good this week," said Zinda's sister with smiling.

"I can join you, aunt!" said Zinda's playful son by winking.

"So, you can start to eat my crispy pastries! Since the weather is nice today, let's take this table out and draw something."

The school bus had come and her son rushed to go to school.

Meanwhile, Zinda's apprentice took the sack out.

"Mrs. Zinda! As you said, I'm taking them to the edge of the garbage.

Zinda's curious sister got up immediately and looked into the sack.

"But what about the upholsterer?"

"You know he hasn't come in a few months. The shop is too small. Let's not keep it here in vain. It will be better to put it aside. Of course, someone will take it." said Zinda.

"But there are lots of colorful fabrics here. All of this should be mine," replied Zinda's sister.

"What do you intend to do with all that fabric waste?" asked Zinda.

Then her sister eyes were on the hand puppets in the coloring book.

"I found it! Guess! What?"

"I really don't know," said Zinda.

"Look at! These are very nice hand puppets. When we use the buttons for them, the work is done." replied Zinda's sister.

"Well! Then?"

"I'm thinking of selling it in the bazaar. Why not?"

"How can I sew three sacks of hand puppets in all my work?" Zinda replied.

"Don't worry about that!" said Zinda's sister.


You can teach me a sewing course for a few days. It's over. I already have a new sewing machine at home. For example, we can start now."

"Let's drink a hot tea, first!" said Zinda.

"All right, well."

"I forgot to ask you. Did you have breakfast?"

"Of course! I never go out without breakfast." replied Zinda's sister.

They sipped their hot tea on the table together, meanwhile, Zinda's sister drew puppet models on a piece of paper.

"Beautiful drawings!" said Zinda.

Zinda picked up pieces of red and blue fabric. She started to cut quickly and sew the fabrics.

"So quickly?"

"Yes, I have some hand habit," replied Zinda by smiling.

She sewed the blue fabric a little slower. Her sister was watching her sister in pure attention.

When the phone rang, Zinda ran inside.

"Zinda! Bring a few buttons for the puppet's nose as you come!"


Meanwhile, a fairy named Zinda was wandering through the sky, who had finished her work early. It was a coincidence that the tailor and the fairy had the same name. When the fairy heard that someone pronounced her own name as Zinda, she suddenly made a quick descent into the direction of the sound. She saw the tailor shop behind the dense tree. Meanwhile, an elderly woman was standing in front of the store with a gray fabric in her hand.

"Mrs. Zinda! Have a nice day!"

"Have a nice day!"

"I brought you that gray fabric. I want a two-piece dress on this model," said her by showing a photo of the magazine in her hand.

"Sure! Please don't stand there! Come inside!" she said

Fairy Zinda learned that the tailor's name is Zinda too. Until that time, she didn't know that fairies and people sometimes had the same names. Fairy was surprised. Because it was very rare.

"This is the first time I've ever seen my name be given to a person," she said to herself.

Actually, she liked it. She decided to follow tailor Zinda a little more.

After the old woman left the shop, the young woman took a few colored buttons and went out.

"Which one is better for them? What do you think?" asked Zinda to her sister.

"Whether, this or that! I don't know! I couldn't decide. Puff! I think they should!

"Okay, I think they're cute!"

Zinda sewed the puppets' noses in a snap. She drew their eyes with the fabric dye and then ironed them thoroughly warmly.

"Here, it is!"

"Really, not bad at all!"

"Not bad?"

"I am kidding. They're really cute."

"Super, I think!"

Meanwhile, the little son of Zinda had gotten out of the school bus.

"Mother!" he called.

"Welcome, my lovely son! Are you hungry?"

"Yeah! Yeah! I am starving. I want to buy chocolate at the grocery store!"

"No! First, you have to eat your lunch and then I will let you."

"Okay, mom!"

"I cooked a delicious spinach dinner! Come on! Get bread, yogurt, and chocolate you want from the grocery store!"


Her son jumped and went to the grocery store. When he returned, he gave them all to his mother.

"I spent nine sterling pounds. This is the change.

"Well done, my smart son! Now, you should eat your food!"

"Wow! Whose are these puppets?"

Zinda looked at her sister. She never made a sound.

"No one," the aunt said.

"Then let these can be mine!"

"Okay! then it's yours."

"Hurray! I had two wonderful hand puppets."

He immediately got them.

"What about their names?"

"We haven't thought of anything yet." Zinda's sister said.

"This is Gonzi! Let this can be Bonzi!" said Zinda's son.

"Okay, whatever you want. Your food will be cold. You can wash your hands and then, sit at the table!"

"Okay, mom!" he said.

Zinda tried to get ready her work all day long.

As it was getting dark, a sudden rain started.

"Let's get together quickly and go home!" said Zinda.

Her sister carried the sack inside without getting wet. As she pulled the table aside, she accidentally dropped the puppets onto the chair. They hurriedly dressed and set out immediately.

Drowsy fairy Zinda stood up on the tree branch with raindrops with the sound of raindrops. She entered the tree hollow. People were running around. While the fairy was examining the area, Zinda and her son had left the shop. The fairy flew to the front of the tailor shop. She looked inside. As she entered under the table she saw the puppets dangling towards her. She flew over the chair with a rush.

"This is the first time that I've seen the hand puppets," she said to herself.

She went into the puppet.

"I can sleep here," she said with yawning.

The continuous sound of the rain kept her from falling asleep.

"If I drop some fairy drops on the puppets, maybe I can play games with them a little here." she murmured.

She put her hands on her chin and tried to remember their names for a while. He removed the magic dropper from her pocket and dropped the last two small drops on the puppets.

"This is for you, Gonzi! This is you, Bonzi!"

There wasn't any movement in the puppets. She turned them around.

"So I'll wait here alone until the rain stops." said the fairy sadly.

A droplet of fairy descending from the sky slowly approached the fairy.

"Hey! Zinda! The cloud fairy is looking for you everywhere. You must go back quickly!"

"Yes, there were cloud magic lessons today. How I forgot! I should catch up on the lesson now! Thanks!"

"You're welcome." the droplet said.

Fairy Zinda blew a raindrop. At that moment, the raindrop swelled up well and turned to a small transparent bubble. She went inside. She rose towards gray clouds rapidly in the rainy weather. She had left there by unaware of the puppets that would come alive.

Puppets were moving from one side to another side. From a distance, it could have been thought that they were moving with the effect of the wind. The situation was very different. Fairy Zinda's magic drops had worked.

First, Gonzi awoke with yawning. He had difficulty standing upright and sometimes twisted and curled as well. Half-eyed Bonzi stood up suddenly. He was wobbling when he trying to walk. It took them half an hour to fully recover.

"I'm Gonzi!"

"I'm Bonzi!"

You didn't hear wrong! The hand puppets were talking. First, they were shaken. The raindrops were sucking the dust away.

"Nice to meet you, Gonzi!"

"Me too, Bonzi said."

"Have we met before?"

"I am not sure. Well, I don't know. Your name doesn't sound stranger to me."

A woodworm started to talk who lives in the tree that front of the tailor shop.

"You've never met before!" he called out.

"And how do you know?"

"From where? I just had to share my hollow with a fairy. Unfortunately, she didn't notice me. Maybe if she hadn't been so interested in you, maybe she could have done something to me."

"Do something?"

"Of course! What do you think? The tailor of this shop sewed you. Fairy Zinda had been watching you all day. She revived you with her magical drops when you were hand puppets standing motionless. You were very lucky. If she had noticed me, maybe she would have turned me into a giant tree woodworm. So I could easily gormandize everything to my stomach." told the woodworm with sighing. It was a strong sigh.


"What's your name?" Gonzi asked.


"Mine is Gonzi"

"I'm Bonzi"

"I know them, friends!"

"How do you know?"

"Immediately after you stood up, the tailor Zinda's young son gave you these names. Every school return, he comes here by his school bus." the maggot replied.

"What about the fairy that dropped the magic drops on us? Maybe we can learn more from her!" asked Gonzi.

"I do not think so." said the maggot.


"Because she doesn't even know about you. You came alive in an hour with the magic drop. She had already flown away. It's actually nice in my opinion" replied the woodworm.

"Why?" asked Bonzi

"Because you're free! I have to go back to my cavity. Good luck to you!" said the little worm.

"Thanks!" replied the hand puppet brothers.

Gonzi and Bonzi were examining each other. They were made of the same fabric type. Only their colors were different. Even their noses were the same. Their front teeth and lengths as well.