
The Sword Of The Unknown Begining


rohit_kumar_2089 · Fantasie
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59 Chs

Chapter 28 [THE WRONG HOUSE]

and what he saw , is just shocked him to death . (" A beautiful girl of her age , came out , only wearing a white shirt.")

("the girl in white shirt while rubbing her eyes said") andrew you came back ("then she saw haren and closed the door and shouted "), stocker , someone help , there is someone on the door trying to harass me , came fast.

("then she again opened the door , and handcuff haren hand with the wooden pillar.").(" Haren shouted") you bastard andrew , where you drawn me too, it's not your home, just wake up

("the white shirt girl , again opened the door slightly and said") did you know andrew,

(" haren shouted at her") damn , he just lying on the road , behind me .

(" the girl in white shirt came out and looked on the road and see andrew lying there, she get back inside the house and bring a talisman of blast and trying to put

it on andrew.")("haren shouted")are you mad, he is gonna die.......(" the girl in white shirt replied") that's what i wanted(" haren said")andrew run for your life ,

this witch is gonna burn you to ashes , run for your life.(" the girl in white shirt puts talisman on him and then a big wave of water is immersed from it and drawn , andrew in

it.(" haren with a shocked expression said") wtf , it was a blast talisman, who came it , became a water burst talisman.(" the girl in white shirt replied ") fool , i just

rewrote the spell on the talisman , you moron. (" haren replied") who are you calling moron , i just don't know much about magic , right now.(" the girl in white shirt said")

by the way , who are you and why did andrew brought you here.(" haren replied ") first, tell who are you and how did you know andrew.

('' andrew stands up and said")why don't we get inside.

(" haren said ") free my hands first...(" the girl in white uncaff haren and the they , all go inside the house").