
The Sword of Shiva

Raj, an ordinary boy, sets out on a summer vacation to Sri Lanka. Little did he know that this trip would change his life forever. During one of his adventures, Raj stumbles upon a divine sword hidden in a cave. Unaware of the sword's past and its significance, Raj takes it with him. As he continues his journey, he realizes that the sword has mystical powers more than his Imagined. Raj embarks on a thrilling adventure, fighting evil forces. Along the way, he meets new friends who join him in his quest to uncover the sword's true purpose. Raj and his companions discover that the sword has a rich history and is linked to a powerful ancient civilization. They also learn that there are others who seek the sword for their own selfish purposes. With danger lurking at every turn, Raj must use his wit and bravery to protect the sword and its secrets. Will he be able to unlock the sword's true potential and fulfill his destiny? Only time will tell in this epic adventure of discovery and self-discovery.

Arya256 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter 8 : The Liger Army

One month ago, Rudra transferred billions of dollars worth of Bitcoin to Raj's Bitcoin account.

Normally, large Bitcoin transactions are not suspicious if they are the total of all transactions over the course of a day. However, if billions of dollars are transferred in just a few minutes, that is a red flag. That's why all worldwide intelligence agencies began to investigate these transactions, as they may be linked to criminal activity.

The investigation revealed that the money had been stolen from various government departments, banks, and private companies in different countries. The United Nations was forced to create a special task force called AVIC to investigate the case. AVIC consisted of 12 teams of top agents from different intelligence agencies, each with their own methods and strategies. Team no. 4 was led by FBI officer Sam, who had a reputation for being relentless and ruthless.

Officer Sam had a lead that linked the Italian mafia to Rudra's transaction. He had tracked down and captured Marcos, the right-hand man of the mafia boss, from his luxurious island. He brought him to a dark and dingy interrogation room, where he hoped to extract some information from him.

Officer Sam slammed his fist on the table and shouted at Marcos, "Where is the money that you stole from the governments' funds one month ago?"

Marcos looked at him with a smirk and said, "So the governments are also victims of the Sword of Shiva?"

Officer Sam frowned and said, "What do you mean by 'governments are also victims'? Who else became victims of this mysterious theft? Who is Sword of Shiva?"

Marcos leaned back in his chair and said, "A month ago, in the underworld, with my lord, all gangs, criminals, and terrorist organizations and everyone who had funds in bitcoins, someone stole them and left a message on the screen of all organizations: 'Sword of Shiva: Stop doing crime otherwise I will kill you.'"

Officer Sam exchanged a glance with his teammate who was standing beside him. They were both stunned by what Marcos said. They had never heard of anyone who could hack into the underworld criminal organizations' systems, let alone steal from them. They were even more surprised that such a message did not appear on the screen of any government or bank system that was reported to them. Maybe it did not appear on the bank systems' screens, but what about the governments and private companies whose money that was stolen was related to criminal activity? This was the only thing that attracted Officer Sam to this case.

The governments' stolen funds were used for supporting terrorists against their enemy countries, and the private companies earned these funds by selling weapons, software, and other items to criminal organizations or harmful products that could cause cancer or any disease to people in poor countries by political support.

Marcos continued, "Some organizations started an investigation into Sword of Shiva and announced a large reward for anyone who could provide information about them. However, no one came forward because no one knew anything about them. Based on the message that was left on the screen, they were able to determine three things:

* Sword of Shiva is the name of an organization.

* It is a new organization, and it is Indian based on the word "Shiva" in its name.

* They are against crime.

However, one thing is certain: once they find out who this organization is, they will kill everyone associated with them."

Officer Sam said, "How can you be sure that Sword of Shiva is not the work of a single person or a group of hackers, but rather an organization?"

Marcos said, "Do you think a single person or a group of hackers could hack into all of the underworld organizations' and governments' systems at the same time and steal billions of dollars? It is impossible. For such a task, you would need a large team of nearly a thousand people who are experts in their fields and have significant financial backing. That is why we are certain that there is an organization behind this. However, you may be correct: it is the work of a single person if that person has superpowers."

Officer Sam said, "Interesting, but what do you mean by 'some organizations'? Are other criminal organizations afraid of Sword of Shiva?"

Marcos said, "You are correct. Some organizations are afraid of Sword of Shiva because of its ability to independently steal billions of dollars from various parties, accumulating vast wealth. With these resources, they can secretly hire numerous contract killing organizations to eliminate any rivals without revealing their identity. In the underworld, as long as they pay in advance, the client's name is of little concern to the contract killers. This adds to Sword of Shiva's mysterious and dangerous reputation.

The remaining organizations are waiting to see what the most powerful criminal organization does. That is the only one that has been silent so far. Some say they are secretly investigating because the message that appeared on the screen was like a challenge to them. No one had ever dared to threaten them before. But now that Sword of Shiva has done it, they have lost their status as the most powerful organization. They need to regain their reputation by taking down Sword of Shiva."

Officer Sam's curiosity was piqued as he asked, "Who is this most powerful criminal organization? Wasn't the Black Cobra disbanded five years ago? Has any other organization stepped up to fill their place, and do you know their name?"

Marcos thought for a moment before responding, "You mean you haven't heard? They are the ones who rule the underworld. They are the ones who have connections with every government, bank, and private company. They are the ones who have the most advanced technology and weapons. They are the ones who have no mercy and no fear. They are the ones who call themselves... The Liger Army."

Officer Sam's eyes narrowed in anger as Marcos spoke the words "Liger Army." The mere mention of the name sent a shiver down his spine, reminding him of that dark and fateful night when the Liger Army killed his parents in front of him and took his older sister when he was just eight years old.

At that time, the Liger Army was just a small gang, but they had already made a name for themselves as being ruthless and violent. Officer Sam vowed to destroy the Liger Army that had destroyed his world, and he began collecting all the information he could about them. He scoured newspapers, news channels, and any other source he could find, and he was able to gather some information about the gang.

However, when he was twelve years old, the Liger Army seemed to disappear . Officer Sam thought that he might be able to find more information about them if he joined the FBI, so he applied and was accepted. However, even in the FBI, he was unable to find any new information about the Liger Army.

Officer Sam's heart sank. He had been working so hard to find the Liger Army, and now he was being told that they were even more powerful than he had imagined. He opened the door and stepped out onto the terrace of the building.

The wind whipped through his hair, and he took a deep breath of the fresh air. He knew that he was facing a long and difficult journey, but he was determined to find the Liger Army and bring them to justice.

Officer Sam said to himself, "I'm going to find them. I'm going to find the Liger Army, and I'm going to make them pay for what they did."

He turned and walked away, determined to find the Liger Army and bring them to justice.

The Liger Army had infiltrated the FBI and other law enforcement agencies, giving them inside information. They were able to erase any new information about the Liger Army that came to light. As a result, in the FBI's files, the Liger Army was listed as a local gang. Due it Officer Sam and FBI were unaware that the Liger Army had become the most powerful organization in the underworld..