

"After transmigrating, Gao Wen encountered a slight hiccup. Drifting over a peculiar realm for tens of thousands of years, he began to feel the need for a physical body to truly become a complete transmigrant. Little did he expect that, upon successfully acquiring one, he would have to crawl out of a coffin with his new body and face two bewildered great-great-great-great-granddaughters. All of this, in a world on the brink of an epoch-ending catastrophe."

DaoistgvZG8g · sci-fi
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7 Chs

Chapter Four Waking Up in a Mess

Highwen felt that his condition was rapidly improving. His brain was gradually clearing up, and he had regained full control of his body. Finally, he had the energy to pay attention to the girl who was still being held captive.

"By the way... what's going on here?" Highwen inquired.

The half-elf girl had been trying to lower her presence, hoping that the members of the Cecil family would forget about someone desecrating their ancestors' tombs amidst the shock of meeting their "ancestor." However, before she could find an opportunity to slip away, Highwen turned his gaze towards her. So, the unfortunate tomb raider had no choice but to shrink back, looking pitiful. "I just wanted to find a place to hide..."

"Do you need to hide all the way into the deepest tomb chamber?" Hetti immediately retorted, addressing Highwen. "Ancestor, this despicable grave robber defiled your resting place and disturbed your slumber!"

Highwen paused for a moment, then looked strangely at the half-elf girl. "So... you're the one who 'woke' me up?"

If it weren't for the limitations of human anatomy, the thief girl would probably have hidden her head in her pelvic region. Her voice trembled as she explained, "I really didn't do anything! I just wanted a safe place to hide. But when I got in here, I accidentally triggered my professional skills and ended up in the tomb chamber. But even inside, I didn't do anything..."

Highwen thought for a moment and earnestly said, "Thanks, anyway."

Thief girl: "...Huh?"

Including Rebecca and Hetti, everyone else: "...Huh?"

"Cough, let her go. It's not a good look, four big guys restraining a young girl," Highwen said, realizing what he had just thanked her for but unable to backtrack. "It goes against the spirit of a knight, well, the knight's spirit."

Hetti hesitated, "But, Ancestor, she's..."

"I'd like to thank her for waking me up from my slumber," Highwen waved dismissively. "Let her go. I have no objections. What else were you saying?"

Sir Byron, looking oddly at the "Cecil Ancestor," finally, under Hetti's gaze, sheathed his sword. The three soldiers by the side also stepped back.

The half-elf girl looked around, carefully confirmed the situation, and then cautiously stood up. She confirmed with Highwen, "So, you're the elder one. Keep your word; don't change your mind!"

Hetti's eyes twitched, suppressing the impulse to beat up the grave robber cultivated over many years of aristocratic upbringing.

Highwen curiously looked at the girl, and from the inherited memories, he could determine that she was a half-elf. "What's your name?"

The half-elf girl blinked, "Amber."

Highwen rubbed his chin, "Amber? It has a bit of a Wood Elf style..."

At this moment, Hetti suddenly spoke, interrupting the interaction between Highwen and the self-proclaimed Amber, "Ancestor, I have to interrupt you. Now is not the time for chit-chat. We are not safe right now!"

Highwen, trying to immerse himself in the new identity, looked at Hetti seriously. "What's happening outside?"

"Monsters!" Rebecca spoke up loudly after staying silent for a while. "Monsters pouring in from the Selind gateway and the direction of the mines! The forces on the territory and the security team are no match for them. The outside is probably completely occupied by those creatures."

"We organized resistance as much as possible, and before the situation completely collapsed, Sir Philip led some soldiers to protect the civilians for evacuation. But before the second wave of evacuations could start, those monsters destroyed the drawbridge," Hetti added, "Rebecca and I did not tarnish the honor of the Cecil family. These brave warriors fought in the castle until the last moment. Only when the main gate of the inner courtyard was breached did we have to retreat down here."

Highwen then asked more questions and pieced together the outline of the whole story:

This place was the ancestral territory of the Cecil family, passed down from the first ancestor to the present. The seemingly high school girl carrying an iron staff, Rebecca, was actually the current lord of this territory. When the monsters attacked, this young lady did try to organize resistance, but it was clear that she had failed. The monsters ultimately destroyed all defenses and slaughtered every human along the way. After the first group of survivors was evacuated, Rebecca and the remaining soldiers were trapped in the castle. They fought for a long time, but when the castle was finally breached, they had no choice but to retreat to the ancestral tomb below.

And then, coincidentally, they encountered his feigned corpse... oh, possession.

The lady named Hetti, who looked mature and dignified, was actually Rebecca's aunt.

But these hierarchical relationships meant nothing to Highwen. Regardless, they were great-great-great...granddaughters. One more or less didn't make a difference.

As for the half-elf named Amber, she was indeed a thief. However, this time she really came seeking refuge — just that her thieving skills were exceptionally advanced, and she accidentally ended up in the deepest tomb chamber of the Cecil family ancestors...

"Waking up to such a mess..." Highwen rubbed his forehead, contemplating how to handle the current crisis. Meanwhile, he searched his memory for any information that might be helpful.

"So, those monsters have completely taken over outside," Highwen mused, "going out would be a death sentence. By the way, constantly calling them monsters, what exactly are those things?"

"I speculate they are some kind of demonic subspecies," Hetti said. "But demons haven't appeared in the primary material world for many years, let alone on such a large scale. I can't be sure."

Rebecca clutched her staff, looking at Highwen with hope in her eyes. "Ancestor, aren't you the most powerful knight in the Ansu Kingdom, even the entire northern continent? Legend has it that you, in your prime, single-handedly slew the barbarian Grand Marshal Gurg... "

Highwen was momentarily stunned, "Me?"

"Yeah! Legend has it that you were the greatest hero of the Ansu Kingdom during the era of exploration," Rebecca's eyes almost sparkled, "You even became one of the Seven Generals of the kingdom after its founding, guarding the southern border and successfully repelling numerous counterattacks from the dark tide, undefeated..."

But such a glorious life was like a candle burning too brightly. This legendary figure, Highwen Cecil, was the greatest hero of the Ansu Kingdom during the era of exploration. He was one of the earliest pioneers when the remnants of the ancient Tudor Empire collapsed, and civilization was devoured by the chaotic demonic tide. Highwen led the surviving humans out of the ruins of the fallen empire, and one of the groups that ventured north eventually became the ancestors of the Ansu Kingdom. He spent ten years establishing a new kingdom in the northern part of the continent, guiding humanity back into civilization and order.

After the founding of Ansu, he became one of the Seven Generals, stationed at the southern frontier, successfully fending off numerous attacks from the dark tide. However, in the final battle against

the demonic forces, Highwen Cecil succumbed to exhaustion and perished at the age of 35.

These memories were all he inherited.

This legendary figure, Highwen Cecil, was now a part of him.

Highwen felt his temples throbbing. He had possessed a formidable character!

Rebecca continued, "You're known as the strongest knight in Ansu, maybe even the entire northern continent. You defeated the barbarian Grand Marshal Gurg with a single sword strike... but anyway, why can't you use your strength to deal with the monsters outside?"

Highwen paused for a moment and then looked serious. "Me?"

"Yes! You are the great ancestor of the Cecil family!" Rebecca exclaimed.

Highwen quickly checked his memories and was surprised to find that Highwen Cecil was indeed a legendary figure. He was a key player during the exploration era, leading humanity to establish new territories and reclaim civilization. It was an illustrious life, but it ended in the battle against the dark tide.

However, Highwen understood that those memories did not necessarily mean he could unleash the same level of power now. Yet, he needed to exude confidence in front of these hopeful gazes.

He admitted he was somewhat overwhelmed by the legendary life of Highwen Cecil, but in this situation, he needed to be resolute in himself. The source of this newfound confidence was simple – he had been observing this world for tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of years, even though the essence of those memories might not be extensive.

His current goal was clear – find a way to survive.

Once he calmed down, he would figure out a solution. And with this determination, solutions would come to him.

He soon found some useful information in Highwen Cecil's memories. "Going out directly is not realistic," Highwen began, rubbing his chin. "I've been dormant for too long; I'm not sure how much power I can muster. Besides, we can't be certain how powerful those monsters are. The best course of action is to find a way to bypass them and reach a safe place."

Rebecca nodded, "But the drawbridge has been destroyed, and the other paths are blocked..."

"Underground," Highwen interjected. "Cecil territory was once part of the southern defense line of the kingdom. There's a secret tunnel system beneath us, blessed by earth elementals. It won't collapse even after a thousand years. The entrance to this secret tunnel is right beneath the castle."

"But there's a problem," Highwen continued, "I only know how to navigate from the castle, not from this tomb."

Rebecca looked surprised, "You've lived here for so long, and you don't know the way around?"

Highwen: "..."

Sir Byron, the soldiers: "..."

Hetti turned pale, feeling that the esteemed ancestor might be exasperated by this incompetent descendant...

Highwen shook his head, dismissing the topic. "Let's focus on getting out of here first. I might not know the way from the tomb, but I know the way from the castle. We'll find the entrance to the secret tunnel there."

Rebecca's expression turned hopeful again, "Ancestor, lead the way!"

"But there's another problem," Highwen added, "I've been dormant for so long; I might not be able to exert my full strength. We need to be cautious and avoid unnecessary confrontations. Let's make our way to safety."

Rebecca nodded in agreement, "Of course, Ancestor. We'll follow your lead."

With that, the group started moving, with Highwen in the lead, aiming to escape the besieged castle and find refuge through the secret tunnels beneath the Cecil territory.