
The Sword And The Tiara

Elena Smith who has lived her life as an ordinary girl finds out that she’s a powerful light fairy and the long-lost princess of Euroix, a magical European kingdom that’s home to magical creatures and home to her parents who are now late. After being attacked by vampires and saved by her best friend she’s determined to go to Euroix to explore her roots learn more about herself and find out who killed her parents. While she’s there she’s introduced to friends and enemies and she meets her other family members some of whom don’t like her so much. She begins to receive threats from an unknown enemy, an enemy that stays in the school for magical creatures, Magix Academy. She, Alex, and her new friends and teachers are set to find out who is threatening the princess, and at the same time, Elena tries to find out who killed her parents. Elena soon learns that the world both Earth and Lenfairia are full of hidden secrets and a history that intertwines.

Emiswift33 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter Five

Just way ahead lies a large golden gate surrounded by golden fences. And behind the gate and fences are fresh green grasses, statues and large trees and then there's the palace. Elena has not closed her mouth since she got here, her jaw has been on the floor because what she's been seeing has been nothing but glamour and splendour. This place doesn't look real but it is real.

The stories Alex and her mom told her do not do this world justice. They didn't go into vast detail. She knew Euroix was beautiful but she didn't know it was this beautiful.

And the name Illuminace Palace does it justice, the palace looks even more beautiful than Buckingham Palace back on earth. She can only see parts of it from far ahead but imagine if she goes closer, imagine if she goes inside of the palace. She doesn't have to imagine because she's already going there. Her feet are going to taste the palace grounds.

The limo stops in front of the gate. She notices that the Knights are still following her from behind, they want to make sure she's safe and there are no more witchy surprises. When the guards guarding the gate see that it's them and they're not a threat, he lets them in.

The golden gate opens up inviting the visitors in. Elena, whose head has been out the window since she got into the limo sees the gate opening up. And as they drive in, it feels like the gates of heaven have opened up for her and she's made it to paradise.

The limo drives on the peppled road and at the side of the road are the trees and the green grass. There are animal-shaped trees and magical sparkling lights moving around the trees. What could those be? Pixies? She asks herself admiring the beauty of the place. She shakes her head still in awe.

Heaven. She thinks and she wishes she was raised here instead. Then she wouldn't have met that imbecile Nick.

They come to a stop in front of the magical-looking palace and in front of the palace are what seems to be maids, dressed in uniform; a black dress and a white apron and other guards are standing firm next to the maids. There's a woman in a pink pixie cut wearing a black suit standing tall. She exudes confidence and no-nonsense. Elena is both frightened and fascinated by her.

Someone opens the door for the princess and she sees that it's Pierre. She looks to her right side where both he and Alex are seated. And they're not there. When did they leave her side? She thinks.

She walks out of the limo and thanks Pierre hiding her red cheeks.

"You're welcome to Illuminace Palace." The pixie cut woman says in a French accent, her hands are behind her and there's a small smile plastered on her face Elena thinks this woman doesn't smile a lot. "I am Marie Dechamps, I manage the affairs of the palace. I just want to say that I am really sorry about those evil witches that attacked you."

"It's fine," Elena says waving her off. "It was kind of scary but Alex and Pierre saved me." she smiles at both her best friend and her crush they both share the same expression on their faces.

Marie looks at the two Faeries and she nods her head proudly.

"Alexander Walker and Pierre Chevalier are one of the best Fae students at Magix. The King knew they would deliver you home safely." She says looking at both Alex and Pierre. "Well done boys. And well done to you princess because I heard that you also contributed to saving yourself with your power."

A power I don't remember how to use.

"I need help learning more about my powers." Elena smiles nervously.

"Ah, I thought. That is what Magix Academy is for. It is the best school to learn and you will do just fine there. Please let's come in, your family has been waiting to see you." she walks straight ahead and Elena follows.

She looks behind her some of the guards are leaving the palace but some stay like Diego he throws a nod her way and she smiles. Elena then looks up at the sky and sees dozens of rainbows, and it's beautiful just beautiful. This isn't a man-made decoration; this is nature.

She doesn't know what is it about the sun here but it gives her so much power, it makes her feel alive. Could it be because she's a sun fairy? Maybe, but there's no doubt she's going to be outside more often.

She's loved the outdoors since she was a child.

She says hi to the maids who bow and are smiling and waving at her.

"She's so pretty." one of them says in excitement and of course Elena knows for a fact that she is beautiful. No one ever let her forget it since she was a little girl.

She's walked into the gold-coloured palace and she was right the inside is just as beautiful.

There are portraits of fairies and knights and kings and queens and pixies. And right on top is a large crystal chandelier that sings, technology mixed with magic is just beautiful.

"Illuminace palace has up to two hundred bedrooms, a stable for the unicorns and pegasuses, an indoor and outdoor swimming pool, a music room, dance room, a ballroom, a library and the Diamond Garden named after Princess Diamond who wanted flowers in the backyard instead of nothing. She was the first sun fairy." Marie points at a portrait of Princess Diamond. Elena stares in awe at the beautiful princess. Her name suits her

She has long golden hair and blue eyes just like hers. It's more like looking into a mirror than looking at a portrait.

"The garden is where we're going now. Your family are at the garden having their afternoon tea." she follows Marie whilst still looking at the portrait of the beautiful Diamond.

If Elena was in awe by the outside and inside of the palace she's not prepared to be shocked by how beautiful this garden is. It's large and has lots of flowers and trees. She's spotted a bush of roses, red, white and even gold.

There's a beautiful apple tree sprouting out apples and from the far right is a sycamore tree. Those shiny lights are moving about in the garden. There are different kinds of flowers - flowers she's never seen before and this is a good place to just sit and listen to the birds chirping and the flow of the river that's just way ahead. Thank God for Princess Diamond she's a heaven-sent.

Elena feels like she's entered Wonderland because that's how this garden has made her feel like she's in Wonderland but this isn't some man-made fantasy, this is real.

"There they are," Marie says walking toward a group of regal-looking people sitting down with their cup of tea, enjoying the weather. It's the woman in a crystal dress and tiara that catches her eye. Her hair is strawberry blond and she's the most beautiful woman she's ever seen. She's a model without even trying to be and Elena wants to have the same elegance and grace as her. The way she sits with her legs crossed and the majestic way she holds her cup with her pinky out is just so poised.

"Your majesties." Marie bows and there's happiness in her voice. "The princess, your niece is here."

"Really?" The woman says excitedly dropping her cup of tea on the small table filled with cupcakes and muffins. She rises to her feet and Marie moves out of the way revealing the princess in her white floral dress and flat shoes.

The queen places her hands on her mouth and a tear falls from her eyes. "Conrad, look."

Elena smiles awkwardly at the people looking at her like she's a mythical creature. They look so shocked right now it's almost like they weren't expecting her, but they were it was King Conrad's orders that brought her here.

King Conrad has sandy blond hair and hazel green eyes, his head is round and his face is smooth; he doesn't have a beard and that makes him look younger. He's dressed in a polo shirt and khaki trousers. A smile creeps up on his face and he rushes to his niece.

"Elena. Oh, Elena." The king hugs his niece and Elena smiles hugging him back. She doesn't want to cry but it's too late, tears escape her eyes. She can hear the sadness in his voice like he thought he would never see his niece ever again.

"Hello, Uncle." He stops hugging her and he places his large but soft hands on her cheeks.

"Oh my gods you look just like her. You have your father's eyes but your mother's everything.

"It's like looking at a younger Crystal." The queen says still shocked she's seeing Elena standing in front of her as a grown woman. Crystal was her biological mom who was killed by a witch/wizard who wanted power. Hearing her Uncle and Aunt say she looks just like her mom has created an emotion that she didn't want to feel all she wanted to feel was happiness meeting her family, not sadness. The fact that she will never see her biological mother ever again hurts her.

Her Aunt Stella moves over to her and engulfs her in a hug.

"Ugh, it's so nice to see you dear. I'm your Aunt Stella." She says and Elena figures. She's so happy to be related to such beautiful people. It's like she was born to be a model, she was born to be a princess.

Her Aunt Stella releases her and wipes the tears from her eyes. Elena does the same.

"Wow, everyone's crying." Elena chuckles and her Uncle and Aunt join her. Even Marie has managed to shed a tear, she wipes it off quickly so no one sees.

"Please everyone sit." Aunt Stella gestures to the empty chairs. King Conrad moves over to both Alex and Pierre and places his hands on their shoulders.

"Thank you both," he says then looks at Alex. "Your mother would be so proud." Alex nods his head slowly happy to hear that come from the King. "Please you both should sit."

A maid comes to pour tea for Elena and she repeats this for Alex and Pierre.

"So Elena are you loving Euroix, want to go back to earth?" Aunt Stella asks her, her eyebrows are raised as she waits for her her reply.

"What? I just got here. And I love my home on earth and think it's beautiful but it's nothing compared to the beauty of this world." she shakes her head looking up at the multiple rainbows in the sky. "This world is like a dream."

"And there's still lots to see. I can't wait for you to see it." Aunt Stella says with a wink as she drinks from her tea. She notices that her uncle isn't saying anything she turns to see him staring at her. Aunt Stella notices as well and she places a hand on his leg getting him to come back to reality.

"Oh, sorry it's just that…" he sits up straight gesturing to Elena. "You're grown now." he shakes his head. "The last time I saw you was when you were a baby and it shouldn't have had to be that way. My brother and his wife would still be alive if that disgusting witch didn't break into the palace." he shakes his head in disgust.

"Disgusting bastards," Alex mutters in annoyance.

"And those disgusting creatures tried to get to you on your way here."

"Oh my gods that's right." Aunt Stella places her tea on the table and puts her hand on Elena's lap. "Are you okay dear? Did those creatures hurt you?"

"No, luckily these handsome gentlemen were there for me. And I kind of destroyed them with the power they wanted. Embarrassing for them honestly."

"The power of the sun." King Conrad says shaking his head with a smile on his face. "You don't know how powerful you are Elena."

Elena puts on a small smile because she remembers every day how powerful she is but doesn't remember ever using those powers. Well, the good news is she's here to master those powers of hers.

"Don't worry Elena next time those monsters won't find it easy to get to you because you're going to deal with them as soon as possible." King Conrad winks.

"God, I hope so. I was pretty scared back there that they were going to annihilate me like they did-" Those poor Euroxian citizens that got killed by the witches. She remembers them turning into skeletons. Are the witches here that vicious? Do they not have remorse? Why do they hate fairies so much and why do they want power?

"Don't even think of it. You're safe now." King Conrad says. "Ever since the King and Queen were killed we've taken extreme safety measures and over the years there have barely been witches or any other dark creatures around to commit any crime. You're safe here niece."

Elena hopes so because the only reason why she's here in the first place is so she doesn't get killed and she hopes her mom and Patrick are safe as well.

King Conrad rises to his feet.

"Well, I'm going to go make an announcement that my niece is back." King Conrad throws a grin her way. He looks so excited. "I've been waiting to do this for years. Marie call the news crew!" King Conrad walks away.

"You'll be meeting them at the study, your Majesty," Marie yells and she winks at Elena.

"He's been waiting to do that for a long time." Aunt Stella says. "I'm sure you must be tired. Two of your cousins are already in Magix and the younger ones are in school right now. Maybe you'll see them this evening at the welcome back ball."

Elena almost chokes on her tea.

"A ball?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, Marie, show my beautiful niece to her room let her rest and later on freshen up. There are so many ball gowns for you to choose from my dear."

Ball gowns.

She turns around to look at Alex in shock. Alex wiggles his eyebrows. She turns back to her Aunt.

"Will my friends be joining us?"

"Of course! Pierre and Alexander protected you. They're more than welcome. This is also their home." Aunt Stella throws a genuine smile their way.

"Thank you, your majesty." Both Alex and Pierre say in unison with their heads bowed.

"Now, if you'd excuse me I'll be looking for what to wear for the ball as well." The Queen rises elegantly to her feet.

"But what you're wearing looks great already." Says Elena admiring her dress.

Aunt Stella giggles. "Thank you, niece, but a stylish woman has to look her best. I can't attend an important party with the same outfit I wore for tea."

"I understand you so well." Elena agrees. The queen chuckles.

"You really are my niece and your mother's daughter. We are going to get along so well." she winks and walks away, and a trail of maids follows her. "Please make sure to show the princess to her room."

And that is what they do, show her to her large room with the large King-size bed and the large walk-in closet.

"Holy shit, this is my room?" She asks Marie and the two maids smile at her. They all nod.

Fuck! I am a princess.