
Chapter 139: The Dense Forest Behind the Hill_1

Translator: 549690339

Xiang Rong went ahead, lifted the goat out, and saw that it had broken its leg. There were also four rabbits and two pheasants inside.

They had previously been hopeful that they might catch a lot of game, but after all, they were not experienced hunters and didn't know the effectiveness of their pit traps.

Now, seeing the significant yield from the first and second traps, their confidence gradually grew.

At the third trap, this time's catch was even more extraordinary—two deer, a large and a small one, and several rabbits.

"Wow, we've got deer, one big and one small," Xiang Rong said, "Let's take them back, raise them, and we can cut and sell the antlers every year for a good amount of money."

Deer meat was worth a lot more than rabbits and pheasants.

"Yes!" Zuo Li was also very excited, thinking that he could make another significant contribution, "I brought rope with me, tie them up, and bind the stuff inside."