
The Swap...

Annabeth Chase is an intelligent 17-year-old with a special secret. She has an incredible voice, but very few people have heard it. Annabeth would love to share her talent, but life gets in the way. Sometimes, she hopes for a different life. Percy Jackson is a superstar athlete. Everyone adores the swimmer as he's talented and social. Even though it seems that Percy has everything, he knows of pain and pressure. Sometimes, he contemplates a change. Annabeth and Percy are two different people in the same school. Annabeth is smart and careful while Percy is popular and disruptive. Simply put, they don't get along. However, a single moment of magic draws them together. Literally.

Sonu2314 · Bücher und Literatur
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25 Chs

3: Happier

Annabeth POV

"Bobby and Matthew, it's time for dinner," I called from the kitchen.

It was no surprise that Helen was late to come home. She called me and yelled about the things that I had to do for the boys.

Considering she caught me right before I was going to study for a Calculus exam, I nearly lost my temper. I wanted to tell her that I always make dinner and look after the boys anyway.

However, I learned long ago to bite my tongue.

Helen rarely got violent but when she did, it stings.

"Annabeth, what's for dinner?" Matthew asked as the twins ran into the dining room. I was setting the table with lasagna and chicken tenders.

"See for yourself boys," I replied in exhaustion.

"Are you okay, Annabeth?"

Before I could respond. Bobby came forward and hugged me. Matthew also joined the hug. They must've sensed how tired I was tonight. School was very busy, I had a lot of homework, and I had my chores on top of that.

I smiled softly as I hugged my half-brothers.

Despite how bad their mother was, I loved these kids so much. A lot of people put stock in genetics. However, I believed that nurturing was important.

After all, Matthew and Bobby were sweet boys that I pretty much raised.

"Yeah, I'm fine, guys. I'm just really tired is all," I responded.

Matthew and Bobby seemed satisfied with my answer because they sat down and started eating. I joined them at the dinner table. Usually, when Helen was home, I took my food to my room.

"Annabeth," Bobby acknowledged. I looked at him as I waited for his question. "Annabeth, why is mom always so mean to you?"

"I don't know."

These boys may only be 7, but they were smart and observant. Besides, it doesn't take a genius to notice my problems when you're at my home.

Matthew gazed at me solemnly.

"Annabeth, was your mom like this too?" he asked quietly.

I felt tears stinging my eyes as I thought about my mom, Athena. She was a wonderful and intelligent woman, who cared the most about me.

I gently grasped the silver owl pendant around my neck.

My eyes burned as I fought the tears from spilling. I lost my mother a long time ago, but it still hurts to think about her.

"No, my mom was nothing like yours. She loved me so much, not that your mom doesn't love you. It, it was just different," I said softly.

My mom was smart and kind, and she didn't deserve to have cancer. That year was awful. No child should have to watch their mother slowly and painfully die.

I shook my head quickly to stop the memories.

"Phew, let's just eat, and talk about something else. So, how is school going?" I asked.

Matthew and Bobby both groaned at the topic of school, making me chuckle. After a quick response, the conversation shifted to video games and Mythomagic.


"Annabeth, you should really do the talent show," Thalia said.

I sighed as we continued walking down the busy halls of Goode High. The hallways in the morning were always busy. I'm pretty sure it's the same way at every school.

"I told you, Thalia, that I can't."

"Annabeth, I know that I can be scary, but you have nothing to worry about. You're super talented," Thalia said firmly.

I smiled at my best friend before turning towards my locker. Of course, Thalia would always encourage me to pursue my interests. However, most of the other people in my life (my dad or Helen) would not. They didn't even know that I sing.

And, I'd rather not tell them out of fear that they'll make me stop.

Furthermore, I was scared. I doubted that I could get on stage and sing in front of everyone. I wasn't afraid to speak up at school, but singing brought on a certain vulnerability.

"All I'm saying is that you'd rock the talent show," Thalia repeated.

The talent show at Goode High was a huge deal. The whole school and town showed up. Even college officials and business members bought tickets.

Before I could respond, a rude voice spoke up.

"What kind of talent could Annie possibly have?" Drew Tanaka said icily.

Gods, I hated that her locker was close to mine. Thalia and I turned to face the queen bee of our school. Everyone who wasn't rich or popular hated her. Her attitude was awful, and she always tried to ruin others so that she'd be best.

Her makeup and bright lipstick masked her actual face, which could honestly be pretty.

"She has more talent than you, Drew," Thalia defended.

"Besides, who are you to butt into our conversation. Mind your own business," I said sharply. My tone was harsh, but that's what worked with Drew.

If you showed fear, then it was game over.

Her eyes shone with anger as she stomped off with her posse. All of their high heels clicked against the ground.

"Gods, we hate her," I said.

Thalia chuckled as we grabbed our stuff from my locker. Drew didn't have anything on me. However, if she were to get something on me, then I couldn't imagine the drama and terror.

I shook my head before Thalia and I headed off to first period.

Leo and Hazel joined us in class.

"Annabeth, I have your CD for you," Leo exclaimed as he sat down at the desk in front of me and Thalia.

"LEO," I snapped before looking around the room.

We were early so there were very few people present. Hazel stared at us in confusion as she sat next to Leo. "What CD?" she asked curiously.

Ugh. Leo couldn't just go screaming about my CDs and vocal recordings.

"It's just some music, Hazel," Leo said cautiously. "Yeah, Annabeth's old school so she likes vintage CDs."

Leo finished the lie very strongly as he took out a CD.

I breathed a sigh of relief since Hazel seemed satisfied with the response. As she rummaged through her backpack, I grabbed the CD (labeled Girl on Fire) from Leo.

I glared at him.

Sorry, he mouthed before quickly flitting his gaze away. I've been told that my glares were scary enough to turn people to stone. That's ridiculous though.

The final member of our friend group, Nico, showed up a few minutes later.

Yeah, we weren't popular or anything, but we did have a good group. Nico was Hazel's brother, and he was always quiet. Leo was the polar opposite.

Regardless, we somehow managed to get along. Most of the time.

The teacher came in soon and immediately started teaching. I hated teachers like him who strictly followed the book. What was the point of him being the teacher if he just reads out of the textbook?

Let's just say that this class was a waste of time.


"All right, class, settle down. I know that you're very excited today," Mr. Brunner announced.

He had a huge smile on his face as he called out names.

I liked Chiron Brunner as he was my favorite teacher at Goode High. He was a history and Latin teacher. He was so nice and cool that he even planned a field trip to the Ancient Artifacts museum for all of his classes today.

As such, about 60 students were waiting in the Goode High parking lot. It was so crowded and loud as Chiron took attendance.

"Everyone listen up," Chiron's voice boomed.

The crowd quietened as everyone's attention turned to our teacher.

Suddenly, the school doors behind us smashed open. Everyone turned around to see Percy Jackson running towards the group. His backpack was swinging next to him as he ran while carrying his bag in one hand.

"Wait, hold on, I'm here," Percy said firmly.

Percy situated himself next to Rachel and Jason a few feet away. I wasn't even surprised that Percy was late. Honestly, I hoped he was so late that he missed the bus. that would serve him right and teach him a lesson.

"Some punctuality, Mr. Jackson," Chiron said sternly.

"Sorry, Mr. Bruner. I was stuck at the pool," Percy responded.

I rolled my eyes before turning back to Chiron. However, I saw Percy narrowing his eyes at my expressions. I didn't care, though. I was slightly annoyed.

Chiron cleared his throat before started his announcements.

"I expect everyone to be on their best behavior at the museum. I don't want to see any fooling around, and please don't touch anything you're not supposed to touch. Also, this is a trip to have fun, but it's also an educational experience," Chiron paused.

Everyone knew all of this information.

"To ensure that everyone learns, you will have to work on an assignment with a partner while at the museum and afterward."

Several groans erupted from the crowd. Percy didn't seem too fond of doing extra work either. He was already complaining to his friends.

"Honestly, I don't get why they don't expect an assignment at this point. This is high school after all," Thalia whispered.

I nodded in agreement. She was absolutely correct.

"Furthermore, I have randomly assigned partners. Please pair up at the museum," Chiron explained before starting to announce the pairs.

I didn't like when the teacher paired people up. It wasn't anything against the teacher. It was about how most high schoolers didn't get along (besides with their friends).

As Chiron paired the names, I realized quickly that I wouldn't get paired with any of my friends or acquaintances.

My name came towards the end, and it was with the person that I least wanted to work with.

Damn it, just my luck.

"Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson," Chiron announced firmly.

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