
The direction of the future

He was talking about two things, but Zhou chunyong immediately realized where he had gone wrong.

Why did boss Zheng have such confidence? This was because he came from the General Surgery Department, and he could perform surgeries well!

What was confidence? this was confidence!

If he performed well in surgery, and even better in interventional surgeries, he would have the most direct understanding of the comparison between the two disciplines.

Boss Zheng knew who was right and who was wrong.

Zhou chunyong sighed. He had been working in this field for more than ten years.

However, it was not as good as working for boss Zheng for a few months.

One could imagine that in the case of the live broadcast of the surgery in Xinglin garden, once the damage caused by interventional embolism to the tumor tissue was presented to all doctors ...

The truth would break everyone's preconceived notions.