
Chapter 98 - Eye Advancement Pill: Part two

"Even two different ingredients picked out from the same plant can differ in terms of age, energy level, and sometimes even in their elemental affinity."

"Cauldrons are never instant at transferring heat, so you have to hope it's fast enough. Otherwise, you will be already making mistakes."

Raj looked at the cauldron wondering how good it was to use.

"Sometimes, the recipes itself may be flawed. Maybe the alchemist who made the pill wrote something wrong, which is why the pill never reaches 100% harmony."

"What I am trying to say is, even though you might do everything right just as the recipe dictated, and still end up with only an earth-grade pill. And that is the very first lesson you need to learn when you are trying to make pills. You will never make the perfect pills. The reasons are beyond your control and you need to be satisfied with what you end up with."