
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasie
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57 Chs

I'll Have It

"Hey, don't look at me like that, I took it first." Idan said as he could see the look on Timi's face.

"But you knew I was looking for gauntlet." Timi replied.

"Yeah, but you aren't the only one that uses gauntlet." Idan replied.

"Okay, tell me what do you want, I'll give you all my beasts' core." Timi said, Diana and the old woman was just looking at them.

"Hey, it's just a level 3 gauntlet and can't you see it suit me well." Idan replied, and that's when they could see that the sword and the gauntlet were both blue and he also has a blue band round his air.

"Huh?" Timi said as he turned around.

"You can always get it somewhere else." Idan replied.

They paid the woman with their beasts' core, Idan and Diana paid 24 each, because they both bought two weapons while Timi paid 12.

"Can we check some other shops, I wanna buy pouch and jewelries." Diana said.

"With the little beasts' core you have with you?" Idan asked.

"Shut up, I have money with me." Diana snapped.

"Huh? So wild." Idan whispered.

They started moving forward looking around the area, they could see different people on the street, they got to a large pawn shop where different jewelries and weapon were display outside. Entering the shop, they could see that it was very large and full of items, the front space was empty, while the back was full of different items, there's a tiny space at the left where people would pass through to get to the back space. The pawn owner was at the back, he's a large man with broad shoulder and by his side was a young beautiful lady, who was busy analyzing the collection of weapon, they could only see their back.

Moving forward, they entered the back space and started looking around.

"Can I get a p-, huh? What you doing here?" Diana asked, as the young lady by the pawn owner's side happens to be Temmy.

"Huh, that's a weird question." Temmy she replied.

"I mean; you didn't tell us you'll also be getting weapon." Diana said.

"Are you guys just going to keep looking at my weapon and gist without buying anything?" The man yelled as he slammed his hand on the counter.

"Oh, sorry sir, do you have pouch." Diana asked, a smile appeared on the man's face as he quickly brought out a smooth green pouch from one of the collections.

"Here it is." The man said. Diana collected the pouch and analyzed it well, it was a small elasticity pouch, and has a long tiny string at the top edge that will be connected to the owner's body.

"Wow, it cool." Temmy said.

"How much is it?" Diana asked, the man smile and answer.

"It's just, 10 coin." The man replied.

"Huh, that's expensive." Temmy said silently, she had already bought a few items here and it wasn't as expensive as this. Diana brought out a bundle of coins from her dress and counted ten for him. The man had a large smile on his face as he received the coin.

"What are they looking for." Temmy asked Diana as they were looking at Timi and Idan.

The two of them have ignored them as they entered the shop, they were just looking around the collection of weapon.

"Hey kids, if you have nothing to buy, get out of here now." The man shouted.

"Sir, do you not have gauntlet." Timi asked.

The man moved to the back of the first collection and brought out three different pair of red gauntlets and dropped it on the table.

"These are just level one, any higher level?" Timi asked.

"Don't disturb me kid, you can't afford the higher level I have." The man replied.

"Can you let us see it." Idan asked.

"Qwuuunnn Qwuuunnn." The man cleared his throat and sighed, he moves to the back of the last collection.

"Hey, so you were here before." Idan said facing Temmy.

"What have you bought." Diana asked her.

She dropped the small black bag she was holding onto, to the ground and brought out all the item she bought, necklace, ring, band, pouch and so on.

"So this is what you spent all the core on, you didn't even buy a single weapon." Timi commented.

The man brought out a pair of black shining gauntlet with a golden trim at the edge of the fingertips, he dropped it on the table before moving towards them.

"This is a level 5 gauntlet, made from the body of a black turtle." He said. Idan was the first to move forward but before he could get there, the man had picked it up. "Pay before you could get it." The man said.

Putting his hands in his pocket, he brought out all the beasts' core he had with him.

"Hey, what are for doing, that's supposed to be mine, you have yours already." Timi said.

"Huh, sir, is it the only one you have." Idan asked the man.

"Yes, others are level 1." He replied, Idan moves back with his head down.

"Sorry buddy." Timi said moving forward. "I think this will suit me more than the previous one." He said with a smile.

"This cost 50 coins." The man said which had made Timi halt his movement.

"Fif- Fift- Fifty coin?" They all asked with their mouth wide opened.

"Yes, and if you are to pay with beasts' core, it's fifty level 1 core." The man said.

"That's costly, how much do you even sells level 1 weapon." Timi asked.

"A level 1 weapon costs 10 coin or 10 level 1 beasts' core." He replied.

"Does that mean, this pouch is a level 1 item?" Diana asked.

"Yes, if you don't have the money, you can get the level 1 gauntlets or you should move out now." He man said.

They all knew the man is just using the advantage of them being a student, how could a level 1 weapon costs 10 coin.

"Em- em, can you keep it for me? I'll get it later." Timi said.

"No, if you don't have the money now, get out now." The man replied as he picked the gauntlet and turn around.

"I'll have it." They heard a feminine voice from behind. Turning around, they could see a young beautiful lady with green eyes and yellow hair, coming towards them, she doesn't have any weapon on her and just a light blue dress. "Let me have the gauntlet." The young lady said.

"Where's the money." The man asked.

"I'm paying with beasts' core." She replied.

"Okay, fifty level 1 beasts' core." The man said with a large smile plastered across his face.

Putting her hands into the pouch by her side, she brought out fifty level 1 beasts' core and dropped it on the table, before moving her hands towards the gauntlet.

"Hey, who are you to take my thing." Timi said as he held onto the girl's hand who was about to pick the gauntlet.