
The Supreme Cultivator

Kai Chen, a pseudo cultivator meets his end while facing his only arch-enemy, the Immortal Asura dragon, and his three Divine Asura beasts. When he thought everything was over, he regained consciousness as an heir of the small commoner clan. Soon he realized that he gained many things which he didn't have in his previous life. Follow him on his adventures journey to becoming the world's strongest cultivator. My English is not that great so please do bear with me. ——————————— 1 chapter every day please show some support and leave a review! Picture cover is not mine credit goes to its maker.

Daoistgod · Fantasie
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32 Chs

C32. Yin Yang Dragon pill

"Kai Chen tell me what ingredients we will need to refine the pill you want to cure Chai Xudan. I have prepared everything." The second elder was not joking she really had prepared thousands of herbs of every rank from 1st to 6th, there were even two or three 7th rank herbs too. It was like heaven for alchemists.

"We actually don't need more high-ranking herbs, except this Hostas herb we will only use 3rd and 4th rank herbs." Kai Chen took out the Hostas herb and gave it to the second elder.

"So what pill we are refining?" She asked.

"Yin-Yang dragon pill." Kai Chen looked into her eyes and said with a smile. The second elder was still in the dark, she never heard of a such pill. But she had already put her faith in Kai Chen.

"How do you want me to refine it?" She took out all the ingredients Kai Chen Asked for without a question.

She began the refining process and started the fire and put the cauldron on it. "Stop!?" She was going to put all ingredients in the cauldron but was stopped by Kai Chen.

"Why did you stop me?" She asked.

"Because you doing it wrong." Kai Chen replied to her. "Wrong? I have been doing this for years and you are saying I doing it wrong?" She said. It hurts her pride when a 13 14 years old kid taught her about how to refine a pill when she had been doing this for decades.

"Instead of putting the ingredients one by one, put all of them at once including the Hostas herb. And the most important thing don't mix your Qi energy in it while refining the pill." Kai Chen told her the method to refine the Yin-Yang dragon pill.

For a 4th-tier alchemist like her refining a Pill was a piece of cake, she could refine a 1st tier pill in her sleep. With her cultivation level, the materials she had, and the years of experience, she could refine at least a 4th level pill which is quite a feat on its own.

The director and the hall master are 5th-tier alchemists and can refine 5th-level pills. But that doesn't mean one can easily refine the higher level pills, since the higher level pills are extraordinary, it is hard to refine them, and the chances of failure rise too. However, the 4th and 5th tier pill effects are extraordinary too.

But this doesn't mean the person that succeeds, a Pill Master. This Comprehension of Pill Refining piece of cake. It is a journey of many years and gaining experience.

"Ok, now you tell me how to do it!" She said.

"Instead of putting the Hostas herb first put the other lower rank herd and refine them." Kai Chen suggested.

"But that's not the right way to refine the pills. If I do put the lower ranked herb first then the higher rank herb(Hostas herb) would not get enough for refinement and the pill refinement process will fail." The second elder had years of experience in alchemy. The way of refining a 4th tier pill successfully was to put the higher rank herb first so it can get proper time and then put the lesser rank herbs.

"Just do it, I know what I am doing." The second elder saw confidence in his eyes. Although her mind was stopping her to believe in him, her heart believed him.

She as Kai Chen had told him and started the pill refinement process. When she finally put the Hostas herb in the cauldron Kai Chen told her to increase the flame heat.

"Crackle! Crackle! Crackle" The cauldron started to make violent noise. Suddenly the second elder's face became dark, she felt a strange tightness in her chest. She was already familiar with this and a single word came from her mouth. "Failure."

It's a sign of pill refinement failure. Her last hope to save Chain Xudan was shattering before her eyes. But an alchemist never stops the process in the middle. She draw out her Qi and was going to mix it in the ingredients before it took the form of a pill.

She was 4th tier alchemist and knew very well that it was a big failure but still somewhere inside her heart she prayed for it to become a success.

As she was going to mix her Qi she was stopped by Kai Chen. The second elder finally lost her patience.

"Kai Chen don't you see that it's a failure. I don't know what came over me that I trusted you. I am a fool, why did I even believe in some kid's words?" She shouted at Kai Chen.

"Believe me when I say I could treat Chain Xudan then I can. I don't make empty boasts especially when my family is on the line." Kai Chen picked calmly said as he picked up the last ingredient.

"...tha-that ingredient? Isn't that the frost serpent grass? It is a vicious poisonous herb. You are not going to put that in the cauldron, right?" The second elder recognized the last ingredient very well. It was the frost serpent grass, a 3rd rank herb. They had a lot of it in the medicine palace for various reasons.

"You see, the Constitution of the yin cultivators and yang cultivators are like earth and sky. It is poison for only yang cultivators because this frost serpent grass grows only graves of powerful cultivators where the yin energy is rich in quantity. But for yin cultivators it is as good as founding treasure." Kai Chen

casually waved the herb in the air and squeezed a few drops in the cauldron. When the drops mixed with other ingredients the crackling noise stopped and weird and chilling energy started to leak from the cauldron.

Leaking energy from the cauldron means the pill was refined successfully but the energy was totally different than what she had ever felt before. It was cold, so cold that she felt chilled down to her bone. But was more surprised by the fact that an almost failed refinement become a success. It exactly happened to what Kai Chen had told her.

However, seeing it with her own eyes still left him shaking and breathless. This was the first time she witness something so world-defying, she was still astounded.

Even in the upper world, 1 or 2 people could compare to him regarding the Dao of alchemy. Kai Chen refined many pills in his previous life. Since he couldn't cultivate early in his life so refining the pills was impossible for him as the cultivator had to mix a small amount of their Qi in the pill to change the pills nature to yin or yang. But he found other methods to fill those gaps.

The second elder had seen the hall master and the director how they refine pills, she herself was an esteemed elder of the medicine palace. But it was first time she had seen pill refinement process like that. Her understanding in the alchemy felt much inferior compare to Kai Chen.

But to witness something so unheard of and amazing, it was the most beautiful scene in the world, at least, for alchemists.

Since her part was already done Kai Chen left her astounded, he quietly turned off the fire before taking out the pill. When he turned the cauldron, five Yin Yang Dragon pill flew into his palm.

The pills had dark blue color and releasing the cold energy. The pills were definitely the yin based. Kai Chen finally let out a small laugh.

He quickly asked the elder for a bottle to keep the pills. The also didn't waste a second and give passed him the bottle.

But seeing the pills the second elder was not assured about what tier pill they had refined so she asked, "Umm, Kai Chen what tier these pills are?" She asked hesitated.

"Huh? These are 5th tier pill, why?" Kai Chen replied confused.

"What 5th tier?! But I'm only 4th tier alchemist how can I refine 5th tier pill?!" The second elder was shocked when she heard the tier of the pills. In medicine Palace only hall master and the director could refine 5th tier pills. She was stuck as the 4th tier alchemist for at least 5 years, but now even she can refine a 5th tier pill.

"Kai Chen thank you! not only did I manage to refine a 5th tier pill because of you but now I definitely believe that you can cure Xudan, please cure her she a very kind soul but due to her yin constitution she has been suffering since birth." She had both relief and guilt in her eyes. Kai Chen nodded.

"Now that everything is prepared I am ready to visit the Chain Ho mansion. I will take my leave now please thank the director for me." Kai Chen said and left the medicine Palace.