
the supernatural

Aziza was a normal girl but her Mother died and she was pushed to military school and trained to do nothing but kill and destroy but later given away to be the crown prince as his bride, that sounds amazing right but what if you realize that those people killed your parents and they were demons and all they wanted was her power but in the course of realizing that all the want is her power she also realized that the supernatural realm was in danger of slavery but she was not strong enough so she embarked on a journey to become stronger to help magical creatures, discover the mystery of the supernatural world, and save the world from a dangerous threat but in that journey she has to go through pain, near death experience, heart break and other things find out more in THE SUPERNATURAL.

Smileevee · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter 20: a death to remember.

They both arrived at Muldan and went straight to the cafeteria And sat down with the rest.

"Hey,.meet James Harper Lena's son.". Aziza said. James waved his hand and said. "Hi, nice to meet you all it seems I will not be alone here."

"Welcome to the team." Andrea said.

"Thanks." James said.

"Wait, when did we become a group." Aziza said.

"Since you killed Maddie." Andrea said and immediately apologised but it was too late. Aziza stood up from the chair and walked away.

"Aziza I am sorry I didn't mean to mention it." Andrea said in a calm voice which annoyed Aziza the More and Andrea had to chass after her.

"Wow those two act like couples." James said.

" tell me about, wait how we gonna order food when they ain't no money." Dean said and then James brought out a card and said. "I have money." Dean smiled and shivers ran down his spine.




Aziza and Andrea were sitting on Aziza's bed talking.

"I sorry." Andrea said.

"you knew that saying that will get me upset but you still did it." Aziza said. Andrea stood up and said. "It's already dark and early in the morning we are going to have an examining exam so if you can't get over the fact that Maddie is gone your gonna fail and you will become a F class student, I can't keep telling you sorry because I didn't do anything wrong, if you didn't kill her she would have killed you this is not the Aziza I know although I don't know you well I know that you won't behave like a fool over a death that is not your fault soo good night." After his short speech he opened the door and turned towards Dean and said. "Goodnight, and left.

"Guy that guy is mean like fuck, buuuuut he is Right Maddie is dead and you need to accept that ." Dean said and climed the lowest bunker and slept.




Back in to 45 Andrea's room. Andrea opened the door to find James lying down playing video games on his phone when he stood up. "Oh I didn't know we were room mates."

"What do you take me as a fool." Andrea said and James just blinked a few times, Andrea sighed and said. "I know you heard me just spit it out I can see your face it shows annoyance, anger and disappoinment but I do not ca..." James interrupted him and said. "You think I look like that because of you I have never seen a girl like this, I literally had a hundred thousand dollars in my account and she managed to use half of the money in my bank account for good and she didn't even finish it God." Andrea raised his one of his eyebrow.

"And you were kind of mean, but I don't know what happened so I am not to judge." James said.

"Yes you are not to judge." Andrea said. They all slept waiting for the examing exam.