
The Supernatural Culture

After Aretha saves saves Danny Choy from being executed while he was only a baby, she takes the little Vampire far from Dallan, and begins a new life with him. While she had no idea why he, born of sorcerers, was a vampire, she took him in as hers anyway. Danny grows and goes to College, discovering himself and exploring the limits of his powers. He gets into fights, falls in love....and his relationship with Dallan never leaves him. SYPNOSIS WILL BE UPDATED AS THE STORY PROGRESSES.

Preddysun · Fantasie
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Dallan. Unknown to the world though it was the home of many. It was a pretty little town in the middle of nowhere. It was literally in the middle of nowhere. Supernaturals—people with special abilities—have always existed, though have been so much in hiding that it seemed to the world that they had become extinct. Or never even existed in the first place.

Sorcerers, werewolves, weredragons, shapeshiters, mindreaders and seers have all been living behind the curtains, hiding from humans and the powerful presence of civilisation. They knew they could never allow the humans discover them, without a doubt, it would the be the end of them. While humans were far weaker than any of the Supernaturals, only a fool would undermine the power of humanity. It wasn't only because of the preponderance of humans, it went far deeper than that. It was more because of the intelligence of mankind, the way man would always find a way wriggle out of any problem and most of the time, find a solution.

The Supernaturals, putting their differences aside, built a town called Dallan. Dallan was a town built with magic. Some fifty eight years ago when the Supernaturals decided to leave Earth, they made a town. They really didn't leave earth but rather made an invisible town on earth. But just beyond the reach of humans, so they could go to earth when they wanted to. Dallan, as it was built with magic, didn't occupy any topographic space. It was invisible and had served as the home of Supernaturals for nearly six decades.

Dallan, which had a population of seventy five thousand people, was ruled by the G-Council. The G-Council comprised of twelve people, who were the rulers of Dallan. However, since they couldn't rule collectively, one of the G-Councillors was made the apex ruler by the fair votes of the G-Council itself. That apex ruler was known as the Crown of Dallan, and more or less, was seen as a monarch for the ten years that such a person stays in power. Dallan, just like any other place, had schools, businesses and almost everything a regular town was expected to have.

Education in Dallan had many similarities with that of outside world, only difference was that there was a lot of emphasis laid on students learning to control their powers. Although, there was only one school in the whole of Dallan, whenever it came to students learning about themselves, teaching was always different. For instance, adult seers would teach the younger ones more about their powers, adult werewolves would teach the younger ones more about their wolf nature...the same applied to mindreaders, sorcerers, and shape shifters.

It is a little funny to talk about Supernaturals and not mention vampires. What's funnier is that Dallan, the only home of Supernaturals, had no community for vampires simply because they wasn't any vampires living. Vampires had all been ended centuries ago as their kind had always been seen as a threat and an absurdity, even among other supernaturals. Well, not all the vampire were no more, there was one alive. And he was...well, the weirdest of them all.

George and Elena Hutchinson were two young happy couples. They had been so excited when Elena got pregnant, so excited that they had pondered for names that would suit their little wizard. As the couple were magicians, it was only normal for their child to share their nature and easily be welcomed into the community in Dallan. Well, that wasn't what happened.

To the great bewilderment of George and Elena at the moment he was given birth to, their little baby didn't have magic. They couldn't feel it in him, instead what they felt was something weird. Something unusual. It took them a little time to know that their son, for no explainable reason, was a vampire. A blood sucking being! Elena was so crazed and ashamed that she could not breathe properly, she couldn't think or do anything, all she felt was shame. She felt like the most stupid woman in the world. How could she give birth to a monster? What wrong had she done that made her deserve such a dehumanising experience? She couldn't think of presenting the baby to her friends or family?

Elena wanted to kill the baby. She wanted the aberration that had come take her honour away, to take her life away. Without thinking twice, she picked the boy and flung him on the wall so hard that some paintings that hung on the clinic room fell to the ground. Immediately Elena did that, she took a scapel she saw beside her and slit her wrist. She had taken the path to die than to face the shame of telling people that "that thing" she had thrown was her child; that it had come from her. Even as she bled to her death, the little boy had cried on the ground though he was absolutely unharmed and the throw hadn't affected him.

George broke down when he heard of his wife's death. He felt empty as the most important person in his life was gone, his love, his heartbeat. His everything. What was life without Elena, George couldn't imagine? Without anyone raising eyebrows, George refused the child and suggested the nurses throw the little "thing" away as that was no child of his. After spitting on the face of the child, he left and continued mourning Elena. The baby was left without being bathed because the nurses had all refused to touch the baby. And after getting authority from the G-Council, the boy was sentenced to death by whatever means possible.

Funny enough, when people heard of the story, they pitied Elena and George but had had no pity whatsoever for the little boy. Many had said, "It had to be done, by the way, it killed Elena".

Well, all except Aretha Willian. Aretha was caterer in Dallan and was quite the hardworking type. Most of all, she was a woman with a heart. She couldn't bear see the boy being killed. She, being a mindreader, had begged all of her kind and even friends to give her the child. She had told them that the baby was innocent and whether they had thought the boy to be a curse or a demon meant nothing. Whether the boy was a vampire or not meant nothing too. It was a baby after all and should receive love from the whole of Dallan. Her opinions were neither welcomed nor valued. The G-Council told her to leave their presence if she didn't have a strong desire in joining the baby to be executed.

But Aretha couldn't see the boy being murdered so she plotted a plan. She went to Gevena for help. Gevena was an old witch who was very well known for being selfish and a miser. She offered to give Gevena her big bakery, home and every single thing she owned, in exchange for the woman to open the magical barrier of Dallan, as it was always locked in order to keep anyone from leaving. Gevena, thinking about the offer, agreed though she pretended to be unwilling to do as Aretha asked.

Aretha, then stole the boy from the possession of the people who planned to kill the baby. It was a little too easy as they had not kept him close because they didn't want to get soiled by him, and hadn't expected anyone to come for the baby. After taking the boy in her arms, Aretha, following Geneva's instructions, fled Dallan, saving the little boy. She travelled as far as possible, and raised the boy to be hers. She loved him so much and took him as her son. She named him Danny Choy, and also changed her last name to Choy and her first to Samantha. She did so because she wanted new lives for both of them. A life deserving of the darling boy she had risked everything for, and she began a new life with him in a town called Marly Hills.

And there, the exciting story of Danny Choy took its first step.

Dear readers, this is the beginning of TSC and it's going to be a long journey. Add it to your library and COMMENT your ideas.

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