
76 | Totally Spies


added to the chat

changed the name of the chat to

: lenaaaaa

: stop doing work like a normal human being and reply to me

: And what does the gremlin want today?

: i don't know what lillian luthor wants, lena

: Haha, very funny.

: i like that you didn't even deny the fact your mother is satan incarnate

: I think that's a sweeping understatement.

: Anyways, enlighten me on why the chat with us both is called 'sincorp'.

: Sounds like a poorly disguised brothel.

: eh i was thinking more like a sex shop

changed the name of the chat to

changed the name of the chat to

: and it's our names smushed together you dummy

: for a genius, you're a bit slow

: Your mom's a bit slow.

: fuck you my mom is speedy like a grandad with a zimmer frame on steroids

: I can't even begin to decipher what that sentence means.

: see? genius, yet slow

: do i have to call up the nobel prize people and tell them to reconsider??

: Are we done insulting me yet?

: you called me a gremlin first!!

: I thought we agreed that title was reserved for my mother, amongst other things.

: ... you can be gremlin #2

: i will ignore that

: So, why are you interrupting my work day?

: i think sam is seeing someone

: And you're telling me why???

: because she would outright deny it if i asked her??? also because i just had to tell someone

: Well I can't say I'm not curious...

: and i wasn't going to ask her teenage daughter about whether her mom is hooking up with someone was i now

: How exactly do you know that she's seeing someone???

: well for starters she's asked both me and you to look after ruby on weekends more often from about three months ago

: Ruby does like to spend time with her favourite aunt though...

: Me, I'm her favourite aunt.

: no i'm her favourite aunt

: should we set up a fist fight and battle for the title

: I have a feeling Ruby would just crown Kara the winner with the amount of food that woman buys her every time she sees her.

: damn that's true

: i'm not fighting a kryptonian

: anyways

: i saw her three times going back to her house in the early morning three weekends in a row when ruby was at yours and kara's

: Were you tailing her?!????

: no i was in the neighbourhood

: well... the first time anyway

: yes i tailed her, lena

: who do you think i am???

: a completely normal, rational, and well-adjusted human being???

: could not be me!!

: Yes you've made us all very, very aware of that.

: so the other two times were also out of concern and i wanted to make sure she got home safely

: i was, and am, always ready to step on someone's neck with my heels

: also we had coffee yesterday and she had a poorly concealed hickey if you looked hard enough at her collar

: And you didn't think to lead with that????

: Instead you started this conversation with you being a slight weirdo spying on her.

: i didn't point it out

: You didn't point it out because you think Sam will tell us in her own time?

: Or you didn't point it out because you want to keep doing your whole spying thing?

: ... all of the above???

: we'll pretend we didn't notice anything for two weeks

: then we'll start dropping hints

: ... fine.


: guys i need to tell you something

: well someone's two weeks ahead of schedule

: yes, sammy dearest?

: anything... interesting to tell us???

: why are you being weird

: and what schedule???

: nothing

: and no reason

: just very invested in your life and wellbeing as one of your best friends

: Is everything okay, Sam?

: lesbi-honest here samantha

: or lets-bi-honest because you're bi

: What Veronica means is that you can tell us anything.

: o... kay??

: i think i have super powers

: what

: W H A T



We've hit 180k!! Thanks everyone for reading and commenting!! I love reading your guy's comments, they always make me laugh [3

I feel so bad for always neglecting my other fic oops

Anyways, stay safe everyone!!