
35 | The Amazing Man-Spider™


: kara something requires your attention

: please don't tell me you set the toaster on fire again

: what? no?

: lol you set the toaster on fire

: it was an accident!

: okay whatever

: what's the issue winn?

: [www.catco.com/article: is the man spider a new hero or trouble?]

: Interesting...

: who?

: man spider or something

: oh so that was who cat was talking about branding this morning i wasn't really listening...

has entered the chat

: tsk tsk kiera, i expected better from you

: miss grant! um what are you doing here?

: do i need a reason?

: of course not miss grant!

: Man Spider is a bit of an odd name.

: ah lena luthor, good to see another person who's not a peasant

: what the fuck is happening

: the hobbit

: winston? william? winslow?

: uhhh the third one miss

: hobbit it is then

: and for the record lena, i did not choose to name him 'man spider'

: that was some amateur's problem


: Peter Benjamin Parker.

: uh oh someone's in trouble

: yes lena?

: Would you like to tell me what this is?

: [www.catco.com/article: is the man spider a new hero or trouble?]

: umm that's someone else with powers running about in a badly made red ski mask obviously

: they named you the man spider lmao

: Harold, Peter could die.

: i'm not going to die!

: So you admit that you're the 'Man Spider?'

: i'm not the man spider

: i am however, spider man


: You're a kid. You shouldn't be fighting crime! Leave that to Supergirl!

: i'm seventeen and i've been ripped -like i have actual abs!- ever since that spider bit me so obviously i'm gonna use my powers for good.

: Seventeen is technically still a kid Peter! You have a whole life ahead of you! What about your aunt May? What if you get injured or even worse, die! What will happen then?

: i won't get injured or die.

: and i'm not going to stop fighting crime, even if you tell me to.

: also, the last time i remembered, you're not my mother.

: I may not be your mother but I care about you. We all do.

: i know and i care about you guys a lot too.

: harold and kathy are like my weird grandparents, rose and rosie are the wine aunts, jess is the drunk uncle, and you're like an annoying older sister.

: you do not want to see me drunk

: bitch i'm not that old and would i really marry harold of all people?

: excuse me i am only thirty two thank you very much

: sounds about right

: agreed

: i'm still going to fight crime whether you like it or not but it would mean a lot to me if you supported me

: At least let me make you a suit instead of that horrendous hoodie and ski mask, you look like a burglar or a cat thief.

: thank you

: the suit not the cat burglar thing

: BUT, if you die I will resurrect you and kill you myself, okay? And I am not annoying!

: uh huh

: you have connections to cat grant right?

: Yes...

: please tell her to name me Spider-Man and not man spider that would be great thanks


: I know who the Man Spider is.

: what who?

: Peter Parker.

: interesting...

: Please don't tell anyone.

: don't worry i won't. i just hope he won't get hurt.

: He's a smart kid but I would be devastated if he got injured. He's like a kid brother to me.

: how long have you known him?

: I convinced Lex to give him an internship at thirteen back when it was LuthorCorp. We entered the same science fairs even though he was so young. He beat me at one of them so obviously I was impressed. Lex was too but not Lillian because she didn't like the fact an nineteen year old was defeated by a kid. I had also heard that his aunt was struggling financially which gave me more of a reason to get him an internship.

: Lex said yes much to my mother's dismay. I taught him the ropes since I worked there part-time in the labs and we bonded over blowing things up because why the hell not.

: It's been five years.

: The others only started working for me when I became CEO. Lots of the old employees were leaning towards Lex's insane beliefs.

: wow

: i promise I will be there to protect him no matter what

: Thank you.

: no problem!

: i love you

: I love you too.


So I had to chop and change Peter's backstory a bit to make it fit the story line if that's okay. Yes there's going to be an actual storyline to some degree I guess.

Also, the Queen herself has arrived in the form of Cat Grant.

And Peter as the Man-Spider™.

Thank you so much for 4500 reads! [3 and to all those who always vote on my chapters!