
22 | PG Stands for Pretty Gay


: hey kara, lena, you want the good news or the bad news?

: What's happened?

: what did you do now?

: well

: congrats you've won cutest couple of national city

: That's good.

: yeah that's great!

: that's the good news

: the bad news is that ummm

: clark kent is writing the article as a special for catco

: some of the questions are not...

: pg

: i mean they're pretty gay but they're not exactly pg13

: um i've just been informed that i'm doing your photo shoot with you guys tomorrow and um it's on a bed...

: oh rao are you kidding me

: hold on kal's trying to call me




(terrified): Kara why would you do this to me? I have to ask you and your girlfriend questions that I would really rather not ask.

(awkward): Uhh... *incoherent mumbling* Look Kal I'm so so so sorry for doing this to you. Can you quit?

(slightly scared): I can't. *heavy sigh* The Daily Planet wanted me to try and partner up CatCo and them by helping write this article. It's my job.

: *nervous chuckle* W-what exactly are the questions you have to ask me?

: *another heavy sigh* Who's the better kisser.

: Well that's not too bad.

: Is Kara good in bed? *faint mumble of 'Oh my God'*

(haunted): Oh Rao.

: Well you do happen to be dating one of the world's most powerful CEOs and of course people would be invested in her love life.

: I'm so sorry that you have to do this Kal. Well, I've got to go now, I'll see you tomorrow.

: Alright, bye.


: soooo

: kal has to write this article...

: Oh no.

: yeah oh well

: Anyway.

: I would like you to meet someone.

has added to the chat

: This is Samantha Arias, my new CFO.

: oh look it's kara danvers/supergirl

: damn it

: Oh sorry Kara.

: nah it's cool

: oh hey sam

: oh my god veronica sinclair?

: tis me in the flesh

: well not really

: Sam's my new CFO.

: yeah you said that earlier

: i can read you know

: how do you guys know each other?

: we went to boarding school together

: however unlike me and lena, sam here actually spent most of her time studying instead of going to parties

: Excuse me but I would have done the same but you dragged me out every time.

: and look where it got you!

: you're the ceo of a multi-billionaire company and you've also saved the world multiple times

: Fair point.

: is roulette being nice for once? this is a miracle

: i'm a little drunk and sadly i go soft when i'm drunk

: i need to fix that fuck

: Veronica, you shouldn't be drinking at nine in the morning.

: You should try and avoid it.

: i probably should though


has created a chat named

has added and to the chat

: right sam

: this is gonna be where me and lena give you the scoop on our friends to catch you up

: uh huh

: lena write a list of couples and their ship names

: On it.

: why?

: Couples List:Kara and Me - Karlena/SuperCorpAlex and Maggie - SanversNicole and Waverly - WayHaughtWinn and James - ScholsenAva and Sara - Avalance

: And Veronica is lonely.

: rude

: okay noted

: also side info - kara and james had a thing but ended it not long after they snogged

: winn also had a thing for kara but nothing happened

: i'm pretty sure kara and sara had a one time thing

: That was on a different earth, how on earth did you find out?

: i have my ways...

: is that all?

: yeah pretty much

: cheers