
The Sunken Sun

When the sun sinks into the sea and everything is shrouded in mist, how can humanity survive in this world of bizarre phenomena? Mysterious mechanical creations and an ancient scroll point to a secret forgotten many years ago.

si_shen · Fantasie
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17 Chs

The scroll

Ethan unrolled the scroll, finding it adorned with complex patterns and symbols that seemed to outline some form of ritual. He attempted to decipher the content but found the strange symbols beyond his comprehension.

What caught his attention most was a vivid depiction in the center of the scroll, initially appearing as a sunset scene. However, upon closer inspection, Ethan noticed an unusual portrayal of massive waves generated by the sun's impact, suggesting not a typical sunset but rather the sun...plunging into the sea?

Even more perplexing and eerie was how the sun's rays were depicted in a bizarre pattern, reminiscent of the creepy tentacles on the fox Ethan encountered, twisted and unsettling.

"What a peculiar item." The scroll, both in material and content, exuded oddity, causing Ethan to regret his somewhat rash action.

Who knew what curse or strange connection might come from handling such a bizarre object?

Nonetheless, it seemed there were no immediate problems. Ethan shook his head and surveyed his surroundings.

The scroll rested on an ancient-looking altar covered in moss, surrounded by scattered shards of pottery, bronze, and other artifacts that seemed intended for ritual use. These items bore the marks of severe damage, some shattered, others twisted as if subjected to intense violent forces.

"But the scroll sits undisturbed at the very center of the altar. Why?" Ethan keenly observed the oddity of the scene.

The contrast between the undamaged scroll and the surrounding destruction was stark, suggesting the scroll held a special significance, perhaps as the focal point of the entire altar.

Ethan examined further, noting the altar itself was peculiar, engraved with those bizarre symbols. Though obscured by moss, the symbols beneath seemed to be highlighted by the moss growing more vigorously, elongated and more lively, outlining the shapes beneath. These symbols resembled those on the scroll but appeared even more complex and profound, as if narrating an unknown tale or depicting some incomprehensible mystical ritual.

"These symbols seem to stimulate vitality in living beings," Ethan tentatively concluded, thinking of the half-skeletal fox.

Ethan attempted to connect the intricate designs and symbols on the scroll to any known cultural or historical context but couldn't find a match. These symbols seemed to originate from an ancient civilization unknown to him, or perhaps they were expressions of a mystical power beyond ordinary understanding.

Just as Ethan was deep in thought, the sound of his phone ringing suddenly interrupted him. Surprised, he noted the unexpected presence of a cell signal in this underground space. It was a call from the cleaner he had scheduled.

It was astonishing indeed, considering there were times he got no signal above ground, and he was using a card from EE, which was quite reliable in London.

"What is this place, really?" Ethan wondered.

Picking up the phone, Ethan took a deep breath before answering.

"Hello, Mr. Ethan? I'm the cleaner you booked, and I'm at the door of the old house you mentioned, but you..." The cleaner's voice, slightly anxious, came through the phone.

"Oh, yes, yes, I got slightly held up with something, I'll be right there," Ethan quickly responded to prevent the cleaner from continuing.

"Alright, but please hurry up, I'm a bit pressed for time. And to be honest, this place looks a bit..."

"No problem, I know it's a bit special. Just wait outside for a bit, I'll be there in five minutes." Before the cleaner could finish, Ethan cut him off again.

He now thought about how to quickly wrap up things here and then head back to the surface.

"Okay, I'll wait at the door for you, but please, hurry up. I have other places to go to." The cleaner, evidently a straightforward person, didn't say much more.

"Understood, I'm on my way." Ethan ended the call and quickly secured the scroll.

He needed to hurry, not wanting to keep the cleaner waiting too long and potentially cause unnecessary trouble.

Preparing to return through the tunnel he had come from. Though curious about the mysteries of this underground space, he had to first deal with the immediate practical issue at hand.

"Would it be better to just send him away?" Ethan initially rushed to respond, but upon reflection, he realized that the secrets of this house were not meant for others to see at this time.

"I'll call him and tell him to leave. Taking a bit of a loss is acceptable." Ethan glanced around as he dialed the phone.

The phone's ringing echoed weirdly in the mysterious space, sounding exceptionally eerie.

However, for some unknown reason, the call never went through. Ethan frowned and hung up.

After looking around once more, Ethan found no other clues or exits. The underground space seemed devoid of anything notable besides the altar, yet he felt it concealed deeper secrets, like the whereabouts of that fox.

"Anyway, it's better to get out quickly, can't stay here too long." Having seen no other exits, Ethan decided to head back the way he came. Handling the cleaner's situation was a priority, then he could further explore the secrets of this underground space. After all, this peculiar discovery might be much more complicated than he initially thought.

But upon returning to the long tunnel, he suddenly noticed a change in the walls. The tentacle-like dry grass and moss that filled the space before had all disappeared, revealing dense spells and murals beneath.

These murals exuded a sense of mystery and primitiveness, depicting various rituals and unknown creatures, some of which sent chills down Ethan's spine.

Filled with questions, Ethan wondered why these spells and murals hadn't been visible before.

"Wait, I clearly remember seeing glowing symbols when I came in, not murals." Could it be that taking the scroll activated some mechanism?