
The Summoner Witch

Myro Aras is just a gamer. In an online game, he was the best player there but while fighting a boss in the game and winning, Myro suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep. He awakens as a baby in this world filled with unique powers and magic. A place where one's strength decides everything. Myro decided to walk the path of a mage and walked towards the top. Accompanied by the help of a system that gives him cheating by being able to bring Myro's power from the previous game. Look at Myro walking towards the top with the people who believe in him.

Rein_Majerov · Anime und Comics
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56 Chs


Myro was a little sorry to see the possibly innocent Ford currently covered in blood by the whip. After another 50 lashes, the head of the Bright Light Academy stopped whipping him then said to the head of the Dark Academy "I've finished punishing him, according to the stipulation of 100 lashes. Old fox, you better not cheat and give all of Ford's treasures to the kid. hidden".

Hearing those words, the head of the Dark Academy smiled and said "It's rude to call me old fox. But you can rest easy, we Dark Academy will always keep our word and give all of Ford's treasures to that kid. After all, we Dark Academy didn't do anything about it. bad as not keeping our own words".

"Because you are from the Dark Academy, I doubt you. Remember this carefully, not only the Magical Plant Academy will be watching over you. But our Bright Light Academy will also be watching", after which the head of the Holy Light Academy left with the magicians from the Light Academy. Holy.

Hearing the words of the head of the Holy Light Academy, the face of the head of the Dark Academy became ugly and said in his heart "Just you wait, one day I will kill you".

"Quick, take Ford to prison for 5 months to reflect on his mistakes. He really made our Dark Academy name bad", said the Dark Academy Chief.

Soon Ford was taken by some wizards to prison. Ford was still screaming as he was being taken away "Chief, wait. I'm completely innocent. Chief, I'm sure someone is trying to set me up. Chief trust me I won't....".

The witches who brought Ford ignored him and continued to take him to prison. The head of the Dark Academy just stared coldly and said in a voice so small that no one could hear it "It's all your fault for taking away treasures from our Dark Academy. After all, only a mage from an ordinary family would dare to be arrogant. for nobles only."

After that, the head of the Dark Academy immediately left with the magicians of the Dark Academy. No one heard what the head of the Dark Academy said earlier.

Brigitte saw Ford being taken away and said "Poor Ford wizard. He was whipped so badly."

"No need to feel sorry", said Vine then said again "It was all his own fault. He tried to secretly kill a talented new student during a test. This would be tantamount to making trouble for the entire magic academy. Luckily he wasn't sentenced to death. If I'm not mistaken which student he will kill...My..."

"Myro", said Brigitte "How could you forget? Then I heard he will join our Magic Plant Academy. We will be friends in the same magic academy, you have to remember that talented student if you accidentally interrupt him maybe you will get problems in the future. After all, that Myro has the most possibility of becoming the most powerful disciple".

"Yeah right, his name is Myro. I forgot I only heard that name once", said Vine with a smile then suddenly turned into a very surprised "Wait! Myro? You said earlier his name was Myro and joined the same Magical Plant Academy as our?".

"Yes, what is it? Why do you look so surprised?", said Brigitte strangely then looked at Myro beside Vine. Immediately Brigitte came to her senses and said in surprise "Wait, isn't your name Myro? Are you the so-called gifted student".

Myro just said with a smile "I don't know if there is another Myro in the magic academy. But if you mean Myro who was almost killed by a junior magician during the test then yes, it's me Myro Aras who was almost killed by a junior magician".

Soon Vine and Brigitte were silent for a while. Vine shouted then put his arm around Myro's shoulder and said "I didn't expect you to be that Myro. Hahahahaha..... I already know that talented student".

Brigitte immediately said quickly "Vine don't shout like that, you're just getting us noticed by others".

"Oh..... Yes, you're right. We'd better find a place to eat first. How about it? It's almost night anyway", said Vine.

"Yes," said Myro nonchalantly.

"Alright", Brigitte also nodded.

"Then let's go, I saw a place to eat that looks like it has good food", said Vine then hurriedly walked over.

Soon they arrived at a diner filled with students wearing various kinds of robes. Myro, Vine and Brigitte looked for a seat and started looking at the menu. A waiter also came to ask for their order. Looking at the menu list, Myro became confused. There are some weird foods like magic lizard soup, fried kobold meat, they even sell goblin meat. Moreover, the price is sky high, magic lizard soup costs 10 magic crystals, goblin meat costs 5 magic crystals, all food on the menu is paid for using magic crystals including the drink. The cheapest drink here is magic water which costs a magic crystal. Hearing the name of the menu, Myro couldn't help but think "Isn't that just ordinary drinking water that is given a magic name so it's expensive. This place is not a place to eat, I think here is opening a fraud business".

If Myro previously didn't get a walking wallet and only relied on magic crystals from the academy, then Myro wouldn't have bought this food. Luckily in the previous test a junior mage came to him to hand over the wallet.

"Dark Academy was good enough, gave me a free wallet during the previous test", Myro sneered in his heart.

Myro's surprise wasn't over yet and he almost vomited blood at Vine's words to the maid.

"To think that your food is very cheap. It seems that what people who have come to the magic academy said are true that the price of food at the Magic Academy is the cheapest", said Vine.

"That's right. In other places, the price of this magic lizard soup is at least 25 magic crystals. To think it only requires 10 magic crystals here", said Brigitte happily.

"Have I been so poor all this time?", thought Myro in his heart feeling his world began to turn upside down.

They immediately ordered food. Vine and Brigitte ordered various kinds of food that Myro had never heard of before. Myro only ordered the cheapest food, fire chicken and magic water. Fire chicken meat is not the cheapest, the cheapest food is goblin meat. But Myro said in his heart that he wouldn't eat goblin meat, considering how bad the goblins were in the previous world game. Well..... Magic crystals are precious, even though I currently have several hundred magic crystals but still shouldn't use them carelessly just for food except for goblin meat.

Seeing Myro who only ordered cheap food, Vine said "Myro why don't you order some other menu. If you don't have enough money you can borrow mine first. After all, when we were junior mages, it was very easy to get magic crystals. Many missions in the academy later magic that will reward us with a lot of magic crystals. That's what my family who has entered the magic academy said before."

"Yes Myro", Brigitte nodded and said again "Besides, our noble family has a lot of magic crystals so you can borrow them at ease. Storing a lot of magic crystals isn't that profitable, because just cultivating if you want to spend a magic crystal will take a month. So having a lot of magic crystals is useless. After all, the food sold in magic academies is obtained from monsters that have mana in their bodies. So if we eat them it can speed up our cultivation".

Myro just smiled and said "It's okay. I'm not short of magic crystals right now. I'm just not too used to eating monster meat, after all I'm from the village so we usually only eat meat from farm animals".

Hearing Myro's words, Vine nodded and said in a low voice to Myro so as not to be heard by Brigitte "You just said that there was a shortage of magic crystals. After all you helped me before with the flower matter".

Immediately Brigitte glared at Vine and said slightly angry "What are you whispering, are you mocking me".

Vine immediately panicked and said shaking his head "No, no I was just telling Vine about a small matter".

Myro nodded and said "Yeah, Vine was just talking that you're a nice person".

Vine immediately looked at Myro in confusion as he had not spoken like that before. While Brigitte was a little embarrassed and said to Vine "If it's like that, you don't have to whisper like that which makes other people curious".

Seeing the embarrassed Brigitte, Vine also became a little embarrassed because he didn't say that before. Fortunately, the strange atmosphere was soon solved by the arrival of the waiter who brought the food. They started eating the food they ordered. While eating the fire chicken meat, Myro immediately felt mana flowing through his body. Moreover, the element contained in the meat is a fire element that matches Myro's element. However, the food in this world uses very few spices compared to the food on earth. Therefore, this fire chicken only takes advantage of the freshness of the meat and the mana that is still present in the meat so that people who eat it will benefit from cultivation.

But this fire chicken meat was indeed much better than the chicken Myro had eaten in his village before. Soon they finished their meal and headed back out of the trading place.

"I'm going back to my room to rest," said Brigitte. The boys and girls rooms in this hot air balloon are different therefore Brigitte will return to her room not with Vine and Myro.

"Yes, then tomorrow we will meet again. Tomorrow is the time to leave and go to the Magic Plant Academy so don't be late", said Vine.

"Yeah, you guys too", said Brigitte and started walking away.

"Okay, let's go too Myro", said Vine.

"Yes," said Myro.

They immediately walked towards the boys' room. After arriving there Vine and Myro went to their respective rooms. When Myro entered his room, he saw that nothing had changed there. The things he had put here before were still there too. Myro immediately sat on his bed and said "Shar, are you there?".

"Yes, young master", soon Shar's figure appeared in front of Myro while kneeling.

Myro opened his pouch and took out a medicine to remove the wound that the junior mage had killed by the previous head of the Magical Plants Academy. Myro gave the medicine to Shar then said "Give this to Ford to treat his wound. If I save him from prison it will be a problem if people find out that Ford is not in prison. So I just gave him medicine to heal his wound. Then, don't until Ford finds out who gave him the drug. You shouldn't be caught either so just give it away without getting caught. Shar, can you do that?".

"I will do it young master", said Shar then took the medicine and disappeared again.

After Shar left, Myro sighed and said "If I get him out of prison, it will only cause panic throughout the hot air balloon. It might cause big trouble, after all Shar can disappear but can't bring too many people to disappear. But, since the treasure of Ford will be given to me, I will give you a little kindness."


Cold prison in hot air balloon,

Ford was currently lying on the cold prison wall while enduring the pain from his wounds. Moreover, the whip was made of the element of light which was the enemy of the element of darkness, so Ford's current injury was much more severe. As Ford was enduring the pain, he suddenly felt something hit his head. Ford opened his eyes and saw a medicine for healing wounds. Ford immediately looked around in confusion and didn't see anyone throwing the drug. After making sure that no one was there, even though Ford felt confused he still took the drug to treat his wound. Soon the wound he had previously had no more pain and began to heal slowly.

"This must be God Krous's kindness. God Krous must have known that there was no crime, and gave me medicine to heal my wounds," said Ford.

Shar who was already quite far away and was still in a state of disappearance, slightly shook his head and said "Why should young master bother helping this idiot? Well….. Young master is indeed too kind so I must always be careful that others will not take advantage of the kindness of the young master".


Soon the next day came,

Myro heard a knock on the door so he had to get up and open the door. Luis wearing a white robe, gives Myro a dimensional pouch and says "This is Ford's treasure which was given to you by the Dark Academy, we have confirmed it and the Dark Academy did give you all of Ford's treasure".

Myro nodded and said "Okay, thanks".

Immediately Myro closed the door after Luis left. Myro said "Shar, did they give me all the Ford treasure".

Immediately Shar's figure appeared and said "Young master, the Dark Academy didn't give it their all. Likewise with the Magical Plant Academy, they took some of Ford's possessions for themselves. I've put a lot of my shadow over them".