
The Summoner Witch

Myro Aras is just a gamer. In an online game, he was the best player there but while fighting a boss in the game and winning, Myro suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep. He awakens as a baby in this world filled with unique powers and magic. A place where one's strength decides everything. Myro decided to walk the path of a mage and walked towards the top. Accompanied by the help of a system that gives him cheating by being able to bring Myro's power from the previous game. Look at Myro walking towards the top with the people who believe in him.

Rein_Majerov · Anime und Comics
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56 Chs


It was a very quiet night, Myro still sat on his bed and thought for a moment. Then Myro started saying "Then the system, start character summoning".

"Yes, the host started character summoning. Who do you want to summon?".

Myro immediately smiled and said, "Surely my oldest friend, Shar the killer".

"Request confirmed, initiate summoning. Shar received your call. Congratulations to the host for successfully summoning the dark elf, Shar".

Shar is the first character created by Myro. But because he made Shar at the beginning of the game so the items used to make Shar are not good items. Therefore, after playing for a long time, Shar's strength couldn't keep up with Myro's strength anymore. But Myro continues to provide strengthening abilities and skills to Shar. After all, this was the first character to be with him in The World Online game, so Myro was very clear on that. Myro does not give bad traits to the characters he made such as traitors. Especially Shar, which at the time Myro made him in the beginning Myro gave him the characteristics of absolute loyalty so that Myro was not afraid that Shar would betray him in this world. It was also for that reason that Myro decided to call Shar first.

"Remind the host! The characters you summon in this world can also become stronger by training or you can give them some unique items so that they can become stronger. The host can also increase their strength by performing tasks from the system, then the system will reward the host".

"The system has adjusted the summoned person's level to this world level which is using the same level as a magician, because Shar is an assassin then the levels are apprentice assassin, junior assassin, senior assassin, an expert assassin, legendary assassin, mythical assassin, world assassin, assassin semi-god, and god-killing stages. Each stage is also divided into nine levels".

"As we have been told the tiers that the system creates are the same as those of the wizarding tiers in this world. So a tier 7 junior assassin can fight or even kill a tier 7 junior mage. A tier 9 slayer god can also fight and kill a tier 9 mage god. The system chooses magicians in comparison because magicians are the strongest occupations in this world. This level also applies to all occupations other than assassins such as fighters, archers, and others".

"Host has summoned Shar, dark elf, 5th tier senior assassin".

Suddenly in the room where Myro was a magic circle appeared and it shone brightly. After a while in front of Myro stood a female dark elf. She has a beautiful face and long silver hair. He wore a black mask and on his waist were two daggers that emitted a cold light.

Shar opened her eyes slowly and then saw Myro in front of her. Shar shed tears and immediately knelt in front of Myro and said very happily "Master, I am really happy to finally see you again after 10 years".

Myro was immediately surprised, after all this was Myro's first time seeing the summoned character firsthand. Because previously Myro only saw the character from the computer, which was very different from seeing it directly.

"Master, Shar in this life will always be with the master and give his life", said Shar still kneeling in front of Myro.

Myro immediately panicked and hastily helped Shar to stand up while saying "Shar there is no need to overdo it like that. Let's stand up first".

"Okay sir", said Shar then stood up and wiped her tears.

"Shar, do you want to follow me again to fight in this world?", said Myro.

"Master, Shar will follow you anywhere even if it means paying with his life", said Shar with eyes filled with determination.

"Okay, then I'm counting on you. Then just call me Myro, calling master is a bit strange", Myro said.

"How is that possible? I wouldn't be so presumptuous," said Shar shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Then just call me young master, after all, I'm only 10 years old here," said Myro.

"Then fine sir...young", said Shar strangely. Doesn't seem used to calling Myro like that.

"Shar, I'm not mistaken you can disappear right?", said Myro.

"Yes sir I was able to eliminate my existence and according to the information I got from the voice that called itself a system and gave me basic information about this world before leaving for this world. It seems that if I use the disappearance ability, not even a tier 9 senior mage can find it." my presence even though they use detection magic", said Shar.

"Okay, then I will rely on you to protect me by hiding. But, Shar remembers this carefully you can only help me if it threatens my life", said Myro.

"Why should it be like that? Shouldn't I help the young master if anyone wants to harm the young master?", said Shar.

Myro shook his head and said, "Shar I will not grow if only rely on your strength to solve problems. So you don't need to always act unless it threatens my life you understand?".

"All right, Shar will follow the young master's words," said Shar reluctantly.

"Okay you so you can rest anywhere at this time after all it's late at night. Then don't forget to practice", said Myro.

"Yes then the young master can rest", said Shar then he started to disappear from his presence".

Seeing this, Myro started walking to his bed and was about to sleep. But before sleeping Myro still said, "Shar don't forget to rest. Even though you take care of me, sometimes you also need rest".

"Relax young master", came Shar's voice, but right now her whereabouts were still nowhere to be seen.

Looking at the seemingly empty room, Myro couldn't help but smile bitterly and began to sleep.

Myro's days passed as usual whether it was going to the fields to build his father's work or reading a book. The day for the element compatibility test is drawing near.

Three days before the test time arrives.

"Myro let's play", said a little girl who this year also turned 10 years old with Myro. He is Myro's friend since childhood as well.

Behind him were two boys who were also 10 years old. Myro and the three of them were friends of the same age in this village and would conduct an elemental compatibility test three days later.

"I'm currently busy reading a book", said Myro immediately refused.

"Come on Myro, you'll get bored if you keep reading books. Playing once in a while is also good," said the girl and pulled Myro to go with them.

"Okay, no need to drag me I'll come with you," Myro said.

"Well then," said the girl and then let go of Myro's hand.

"Where are we going?" asked Myro.

"We are going to the forest," said the girl.

"Isn't the forest dangerous and there are wild animals?" said Myro.

"Don't be such a coward Myro", said a skinny man who was one of Myro's age in the village then the boy said again "You know that soon there will be a wizard compatibility test and I will also become a magician. So we have to prepare for the test."

"Preparations?", said Myro confusedly.