
The Summoner Mage gets Rich Summoning Mythic Level Demons

After dying, Rue Beydo is reincarnated by a powerful god. Like his old world, Magic exists, though it has a different set of rules than he’s used to. So now that he’s able to succeed as a summoner, Rue uses his new lease on life for one thing: MAKING MONEY!

Geeky_oreo1408 · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Breakfast at Pyrra’s

"I hear you took out the demon's in the village.'' Noir's chest was healed, though her robes still had a hole burned in them. Her goons, the men who had sat at the other table beside me, stood up and circled around me."I wonder how a weak summoner was able to take out four demons and a sorceress in the same hour. Especially a follower of Demiurge, the wyrm."

Why did she keep calling my god a worm?

Alla approached the one eyed woman. "Listen, we don't want any fights this morning. If there is a problem between parties, I suggest you take the fight outside."

THe goons or my previous attacker hadn't noticed that her materia flared from her body in threatening spirals. 

"Relax, waitress," the one eyed woman waved Alla away. "We're only talking. Isn't that right, Rue?"

I felt all eyes on me. I could feel the heat off of the guy behind me, a large man who wore a vest over his bare chest. 

THe staff had retracted, and I got no message that I was in danger. 

"Sure," I responded. "Just talking." 

Alla stared at me for a moment, then shrugged. She went off to wait for a third table that had been occupied by a family of four. 

"So, Rue," the one eyed woman leaned on her arms, which she had folded in front of her on the table. "Care to tell me how you learned a spell from the demon you said killed you."

I hesitated. Did she know about the system? What if I told her and it broke her mind? It would be like finding out you were part of a simulation!

But then she said, "Have you been receiving messages from your god, too?" her voice was so low, her goons barely heard her. 

I nodded.

Crap! Does she also have the system? Does that mean she was reincarnated too?

In front of her, she activated the system. I couldn't read what the message was, but I could tell it was similar to my system. I got a message. It told me "Noir wants to send you a message. Receive?"

I accepted. 

"I'm also a reincarnate, but I'm guessing you already knew that. I'll make you a deal. If you can take out my goons, I'll make a truce with you. I'll teach you all you need to know about this world, in exchange for you not attacking me."

I glanced back at the goons. They paid no attention to my system. It was like they couldn't see it.

Checking the charges of my attack spell, I realized only two of my charges had recharged. 

If I could get them to line up, I would probably blast a hole through all of them like I did Noir. And they didn't look like wizards, so they'd probably die on impact. 

The system asked me if I wanted to accept Noir's offer. Calculating how I could even get the goons into a position made me realize the attack was futile. Even if I blasted two of them, I'd still have two more goons to deal with!

I declined, which only made Noir smile.

"Good decision." Taking the coffee pot, she poured herself a cup. She sipped it, her eyebrows raising when the taste touched her tongue. "Mmm." she moaned. "Praise the Green Lion for this meal."

A notification appeared in front of me. 

"Name: Noir

Age: 20

Affinity: Decay Magic/ Rot Element

Allegiance: Green Lion (Deity)


THere were four redacted spells. Each of them were silver spells, letting me know they were uncommon.

She was leagues above me in skill level! 

She raised her hand, setting her mug down. Gesturing at me, she flicked her wand into her hand with the tug of her wrist. Grabbing my staff, I readied a spell. She was faster than earlier, but her attack missed me.

Four violent tendrils shot from her wand. I closed my eyes, expecting to be disintegrated. THe sign of caution appeared in front of me, then disappeared.

Great. I'm so dead, even the system gave up on telling me I was in danger.

To my superiors, I wasn't decaying. When I opened my eyes, I saw Noir sitting across from me. Behind her, the family of four and Alla stared at us.

Behind me, the goons were gone. Where they stood were flakes of ash that withered into nothingness. 

"I didn't want them listening in on our convo anyway." Noir muttered. Releasing her wand, she sipped her coffee again.

"Why did you do that? Weren't they your men?"

She almost spat out her coffee when she snorted. "Please! They were hired cronies paid to follow me around town until I healed." She Showed me the hole in her shirt. "As you can see, I'm healed."

"WHat about their pay?"

She snorted. Reaching into a bag that she had slung over her shoulder, she pulled out a bag of coins. "I wasn't gonna pay them."

This chick is crazy!