
The Summoner & Contractor System

Rentaro Eccel, an eighteen-year old orphan, lived a rather ordinary life. Since young, he had decided to live his life by his own ideals, living a life of solitude with his few hobbies of enjoyment, while not harming those around him. As fate would have it, Rentaro finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Caught in a bank robbery, he makes the choice to sacrifice himself to protect a child from suffering the same fate of losing his parents and living a life of sorrow. Opening his eyes, Rentaro finds rebirth after death. He is transported into a world of cultivation with a system that will ensure he never lives days of solitude again, living with the Summoner and Contractor System and his new companions. Special thanks to silentscarlettt who created the cover. Up-To-Date Information/Stats posted on the novel: Grimoire of Twilight Goals: * After we reach 100 power stones, I'll upload 11–14 chapters a week. * I'll do some other goals as well for extra chapters, once we're closer to that. * Doing this kind of milestone system as motivation, seeing how it goes. Seems like an interesting concept. * I'd also appreciate any reviews, good or bad, for the sake of getting an actual rating on the story. Every time the novel gets 3 reviews, I'll upload an extra chapter. (Heavy Emphasis: The whole three reviews = one chapter isn't a continuous addition, just one time per each three, if that makes sense. After 1 chapter is given for 3 reviews, an extra chapter will only be given again upon reaching 6, then 9.). One other thing: This story is linked twice on here, I originally started the story in 2018. However, I didn't have the time to really give it a shot for a long time. So, here it goes now! I hope I can give you all an enjoyable read!

Shotgun9494 · Fantasie
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56 Chs

Blossoming Just Before Death

Landing on the ground with a resounding thump, Astrona exclaimed reassuringly, "Thankfully, I made it just in time. I'll handle the rest—"

In the corner of his gaze, he took note of Rentaro's missing arm

Astrona's eyes were ice-could and his blood boiled in anger.

Quint breathed out in relief, having survived a near death encounter was quite the toll.

But even so, "Astrona, even though Edalas and I are on the same level, he greatly overpowers me. As long as I'm not careless and I give it my all, I should be able to stall for time."

Astrona shook his head, "I have my own ace up my sleeves, trust me on this one. And I still have Icrin to watch over, so I'm not gonna die so easily."

No matter what, Quint wasn't going to be able to change his mind.

With that being the case, he might as well trust him. And from past experience, when he, Astrona, and Nero fought together, he knew that Astrona wasn't a rash person. If he said he had an ace, then he surely did.

"Alright, I'll leave him to you. Just know, Edalas's eyes have an ability where he can disrupt the internal flow of our energy and blood."

"Is that the case? Disrupting my blood flow is one thing, but even I can't control the flow of my energy. I'd like to see him try."

Astrona exploded with power, his energy erupting without any sign of stopping.

Edalas looked on in shock, his three eyes closely inspecting, "I can see that you're only in the eighth stage of Foundation Establishment, and yet your strength seems comparable to my own."

"And your energy flow, it's simply rampaging throughout your body. It's as I thought, you possess a unique physique. But I wonder, what are the conditions for such power?"

Astrona gripped his fists as he spat out in anger, "So, that's what this is? A physique?"

"Yes, and I will say, that look in your eyes... I know it all too well. You and I, we are very similar. Does the cost of your power make you hate the heavens? Oh, how so interesting it is—it was my inability to acquire power that made me grudge against the heavens!"

"Despite being on opposite sides, we both have met at a crossing. It's quite the strange predicament, isn't it?"

"Met at a crossing? The two of us are similar? Tch. The cost of my power, you ask. Every time someone I love dies, my cultivation rises. Maybe I do hate the heavens for cursing me so, but my hate for you is unbridled."

"My son, my daughter-in-law, you killed the two of them. And that's only to name two who have died at your hands. So today... Today is the day you die, ridding the world of a sick man."

Gripping his axe, Astrona shot forward at Edalas.

Shwew! Clank!

Axe in hand, it clashed against Edalas' blade repeatedly.

Sparks flew, as the final battle commenced.

Looking at the two, Edalas' huge body looked as if it could easily overpower the aged Astrona.

And with his three eyes and two stubbed horns, it was like a heroic man fighting against a ravenous beast!


Astrona's axe was knocked back, as Edalas sought to take advantage of the opening.

Edalas stabbed forward at his heart, but a burst of energy suddenly shot forward as a bird of lightning shot from Astrona's chest.


Before he could dodge, the bird managed to stab its beak into one of Edalas' eyes.

Astrona pounced towards him, "Heh, That's just one trick of many."

"You—You and I are truly alike! To think, you carved formations into your own body! While are methods are different, we truly walk similar paths!"

To be ruthless to oneself... Only then could he defeat his enemies!

With his cultivation limited due to his physique, he carved meticulous arrays day-by-day throughout his body while ignoring the pain to enhance himself. This was the only other method he could come up with for additional strength.

Rather than talk, Astrona shot towards Edalas with an incredible speed as his legs formed into a tigers. Paired with his affinity for lightning, his speed was astonishing.

"Foren, Shuren!"

The wolf jumped from the trees, snarling as it bit towards Astrona.

Yet, Astrona's arms suddenly formed into a bears', smashing the wolf's skull in its grip while several serpents formed along them. Each one dived into the wolf's body, obliterating it.

Before Shuren could shoot off its needles, Astrona yelled out as thunder boomed from his palm!


Shuren was flung back, its body rolling along the ground.

Smoke rose from the corpse, and upon closer inspection—it was burnt to a crisp. There wasn't the slightest sight of regeneration, being deader than dead.

Even Edalas was stunned as Astrona's right arm suddenly smashed down on him with great force.


He dodged, the ground where he just stood was cratered in.

Without time to breath, Astrona already made his way to him, his face snarling with the heavy breathing of a starved wolf, while a snake spiraled from his arm as it snapped viciously towards Edalas' neck.

Edalas screamed out as it bit into his veins, lightning invading his body as it rampaged within.

His eyes went bloodshot, only to be slammed against the ground.

He coughed several times, spitting up blood and teeth as he tried to stand.

Yet as soon as he raised his head, he saw the swinging of an axe, and felt it burrow into his back the next second.

Edalas' vision started to darken, though his life force was strong enough to prolong his life.

The match was a one-sided beatdown.

Edalas wiped the blood around his mouth, muttering, "Considering the cost of your cultivation, such a physique lives up to the name of a godly physique, no matter how damning it is."

Astrona looked down at the man. Unlike the others, he had no clue as to his story. Even if he did know, his grudge was too deep for empathy.

He readied his axe, preparing to swing down one last time.

But he saw Edalas crawling on the ground, moving in the direction of Jean.

At this sight, Astrona froze with his fists clasped in anger.

'Whatever, the two of them are on death's border. I'll let them have their final goodbyes.'

Astrona hated Edalas, but thanks to Icrin, he never blinded himself with revenge.

And he couldn't help but ponder his last moments with his son and daughter-in-law. The poison traveled so quickly—he didn't even have time to speak after they gave their final words!

Even if that was Edalas' fault, he couldn't bring himself to kill the man just yet.

Finally, Edalas arrived at Jean's side. His breathing was faint, and he didn't have much longer.

Edalas called out weakly, "Jean..."

"Master?" A weak voice answered.

"I'm sorry master... I can't see...."

His eyes were destroyed along with much of his body—it was a miracle that he could still speak and hear. Thankfully for Jean, the creature only targeted the most crucial parts of his body, or he might not even have a final goodbye.

"Yeah, it's me, Jean..."

"Sorry, master, I failed you."

Tears were welling up in Edalas' eyes, as he shook his head quickly, "No, Jean—if anyone failed, it was me. I failed you, bringing you along a wicked path. And there's many things that I've failed to say up to today."

Jean smiled slightly, his breathing growing weaker.

Edalas couldn't hold back, his tears flowing, "Jean, should the two of us live another life, I hope to meet again. Next time, let us do something else, something simpler. Like running a hotel, or a restaurant..."

"I've never said this Jean, but I've always considered you like a son, not a disciple. I haven't done a very good job of showing that."

Despite nearing his death, Jean could feel a stream of tears from himself and Edalas.

Jean smiled brightly, "Uh-hm, I would like that... Father...."

"Jean, by blood or not, you are my son. May we meet again."

With his smile and tears, Jean passed happily while Edalas was prepared to soon follow.

Even so, Jean’s final smile was the brightest it had ever been, blossoming just before death