
The Summoner's Harem: Surviving the Eternal Apocalypse

In the world of the Eternal Apocalypse, where the dead walk and the living are few, survival is the only thing that matters. Souta, a young man with a mysterious power to summon androids and a system that allows him to buy anything he needs, has managed to carve out a small community of survivors in an underground shelter. But his community is unlike any other - it's filled with talented women who have all fallen in love with him. Souta never set out to create a harem - it just happened. As he traveled across the wasteland, rescuing survivors and gathering supplies, he met women who were struggling to survive on their own. He offered them shelter and protection, and they fell for his intelligence, kindness, and charisma. But Souta wasn't interested in just collecting wives - he cared deeply for each of the women in his community and was determined to protect them no matter what. The women of Souta's harem were all different, with unique talents and personalities that made them stand out. There was Yuki, a skilled mechanic who kept their androids running smoothly. Kaori was a talented fighter who had saved Souta's life more than once. Maki was a brilliant inventor who had helped create many of the advanced technologies in their shelter. And then there was Ayumi, Souta's first love, who had joined his harem after he rescued her from a group of raiders. As Souta's community grew, so did his harem. More and more women joined them, attracted by the safety and stability that Souta provided. But with each new addition, Souta felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He had to make sure that everyone in his community was safe and happy, and he had to balance the needs and desires of his many wives. But despite the challenges, Souta's harem thrived. They worked together to build a society that was more advanced than anything that had existed before the apocalypse. They created new technologies, grew their own food, and found ways to generate power. And through it all, they remained fiercely loyal to Souta, willing to do anything to protect him and their community. Souta's harem was often misunderstood by outsiders, who saw them as nothing more than a group of women fawning over a man. But those who knew them understood that they were so much more - they were a family, bound together by their love for each other and their determination to survive in a world that had been destroyed. And as they faced new challenges and dangers, Souta and his harem knew that they would stand together, no matter what the future held

KLUX · sci-fi
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44 Chs

Patient Zero's past

The vehicle was filled with silence. The information they have heard is not that easy to comprehend. If the cure were really to be made, then does that mean that the zombies they killed were people who were sick? Does that make them murderers now? If this information is leaked, the whole world will turn into chaos, creating more conflict among many survivors. 

Up until now they have been killing zombies and thinking they have no choice since they needed to survive, but If you told them that there is a cure for this what will happen to the people who killed their family members who have turned. 

"What's your name?" Emily asked breaking the silence, "I don't have one, They usually call me patient zero" She said coldly 

"Do you want us to think of a name for you?" Emily insisted 

"You don't have to, As I am an experimental subject I will be dead or killed sooner or later" She again said coldly 

Emily felt bad about it, knowing that she is just alive to become an experiment for them to find a cure, "But, Isn't it nice that you are the one who will make the cure! you're like the hero for us all!" Emily said trying to cheer her up. 

Patient Zero glared at her and got mad, "What!? What do you mean by a hero!? I never want to become like this! Watching every person I'm close to dying in front of my eyes! every kid I know they were just an experiment subject in their eyes! do you think I want that!?" 

"Do you want to be the person who has stayed alive just to become their expirationtal subject? I have been injected with hundreds of injections for this so-called humanity to live! What about me!? They didn't even care about us! We're like animals in their eyes!" She said angrily  

Emily got emotional and run to her capsule to comfort herself, Souta and Yuki who is in the driver's seat looked at each other, Souta sighed at Yuki to comfort Emily. 

Yuki went to Emily to comfort her, "Patient Zero was it? Seat here beside me I want to talk to you" She didn't listen at first "This is not a request but an order, As your owner acknowledge me as your master" Souta said with power in his voice. 

Patient Zero followed Souta's Order and seat beside him, "tell me your story, Your Real Story" Souta ordered, Patient Zero got taken aback and start talking. 

Patient Zero's Original name is Nana, She is a daughter of a normal family in the countryside, their country is currently at war when a foreign Invaded their country in a particular way.

They put a deadly virus into their food supplies and natural water, The virus quickly spread throughout the country, Their government didn't last a week and all of them died one by one. 

When it was about to reach another country the virus changed naturally, people who died from the virus started to stand and act crazy, And that's when the first zombies start. 

Many countries send their soldiers to end the situation but all of it failed until they have no choice but to nuke the country. 

"Nuked? then how are you able to survive?" Souta asked, "There was a group of scientists who saved me, And they are called the Enlightened Ones" 

"Huh? Wait... Enlightened Ones? Are you sure about this?" Souta asked again, "Yes, Since they are the one who said it directly" Patient Zero said. 

"Lies, The Enlightened Ones have been long dead since World War II..." Slowly Souta started to figure it out, "The war you are talking about... It's world war II!?" Souta said losing his composure. 

"Yes?" Patient Zero asked innocently, "Do you know what the date is now?" Souta asked, "I do not. " "World War II has been long gone, The year now is already 20××" 

"Huh? Then... All of it was a lie? Everything that they have told me up until now was all a Lie? No that can't be... how can I have not been aged if that is the case?" Patient Zero asked trying to escape from reality. 

Souta stopped the vehicle, "Follow me" And got out, Albert who is curious followed them, On the road, Souta summoned a capsule, "Get inside, This will answer all of our questions" Souta said

Patient Zero Get inside as she also want an answer, The capsule scanned her.

The result was unknown, "What!? This can't be! Even for the zombie bite they will immediately know what is wrong, but she... Is Unknown"