
The Summoner's Harem: Surviving the Eternal Apocalypse

In the world of the Eternal Apocalypse, where the dead walk and the living are few, survival is the only thing that matters. Souta, a young man with a mysterious power to summon androids and a system that allows him to buy anything he needs, has managed to carve out a small community of survivors in an underground shelter. But his community is unlike any other - it's filled with talented women who have all fallen in love with him. Souta never set out to create a harem - it just happened. As he traveled across the wasteland, rescuing survivors and gathering supplies, he met women who were struggling to survive on their own. He offered them shelter and protection, and they fell for his intelligence, kindness, and charisma. But Souta wasn't interested in just collecting wives - he cared deeply for each of the women in his community and was determined to protect them no matter what. The women of Souta's harem were all different, with unique talents and personalities that made them stand out. There was Yuki, a skilled mechanic who kept their androids running smoothly. Kaori was a talented fighter who had saved Souta's life more than once. Maki was a brilliant inventor who had helped create many of the advanced technologies in their shelter. And then there was Ayumi, Souta's first love, who had joined his harem after he rescued her from a group of raiders. As Souta's community grew, so did his harem. More and more women joined them, attracted by the safety and stability that Souta provided. But with each new addition, Souta felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He had to make sure that everyone in his community was safe and happy, and he had to balance the needs and desires of his many wives. But despite the challenges, Souta's harem thrived. They worked together to build a society that was more advanced than anything that had existed before the apocalypse. They created new technologies, grew their own food, and found ways to generate power. And through it all, they remained fiercely loyal to Souta, willing to do anything to protect him and their community. Souta's harem was often misunderstood by outsiders, who saw them as nothing more than a group of women fawning over a man. But those who knew them understood that they were so much more - they were a family, bound together by their love for each other and their determination to survive in a world that had been destroyed. And as they faced new challenges and dangers, Souta and his harem knew that they would stand together, no matter what the future held

KLUX · sci-fi
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44 Chs


"You mentioned that we have been chosen, but who exactly? Me or Maki?" I asked the Enlightened Ones.

"Master, while Maki may be a genius and talented, we have determined that you are the one worthy of possessing the power to control androids and the system. You are the individual we have been searching for," they replied.

Feeling awkward and surprised, I "To be called a genius by such esteemed scientists, I am grateful to be alive." Maki responded and also excited to hear about their recognition of my abilities.

"Are these scientists well known?" I asked.

"No, to be precise, there is no record of them," Maki responded.

Confused, I inquired, "Then how do you know they are famous?"

"This 3D technology is not something that can be easily created. Additionally, this bunker was used in World War II. This indicates that they were already in power for our next era, but have been buried here for centuries," Maki explained.

"I see. So, you are the Enlightened Ones?" I asked.

"You may refer to us by any name you choose, Master," they responded.

"How about 'Twilight'?" I suggested.

"If that is the name you have chosen for us, we shall accept it gladly," they replied.

"Okay, Twilight, can you tell me about the history of this bunker?" I asked. Maki whispered to me that she had no interest in the history of the bunker, but instead wanted to explore its technology, and then excused herself.

The 3D program began to explain, "As you may know, this bunker was built during World War II. We were assigned by the government to study advanced science and technology, but we discovered something that could change the world - the dimensional time rift."

"A dimensional time rift?" I asked.

"It refers to a hypothetical phenomenon where time and space are distorted to such an extent that a person or object can pass from one dimension to another," they explained.

"that means..?" I asked.

"it's a teleportation device that connects to another dimension that nobody knows about. But one thing is certain - this dimensional time rift is the reason why a powerful force like us was defeated. A force from the dimension sent something that we cannot explain, and in one night, we, the Enlightened Ones, were destroyed," they explained.

"How did it happen?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, we do not know," they responded.

"That's a shame. Does this mean it's dangerous to stay here?" I asked.

"Master, there is no need to worry. As the technology we discovered has been lost for a long time, this 3D model serves as an emergency backup if something similar were to happen. It connects to our brains, and our knowledge can be used to assist you. While we may not have physical bodies, our knowledge is a valuable asset," they reassured me.

"But how do you know about my powers?" I asked.

"It's because you are related to the individual who escaped this bunker," they revealed.

"What?" I was shocked.

"More specifically, you have our bloodline. We cannot explain why you possess such powers, but the dimensional time rift is the reason," they explained.

"Okay, I suppose I have to accept that for now. Can you tell me why the apocalypse happened?" I asked.

"Apocalypse? Are you referring to a human extinction threat?" they questioned.

"Didn't you know about the zombie apocalypse?" I asked.

"Apologies, but we have just awakened, and we have no knowledge of current world issues," they responded.

"Is that so, a world crisis suddenly began, and the government stated that they have been dealing with it for a while now but now it's out of control, the zombies spread worldwide, the government shut down and I don't think the human will survive" "Zombie apocalypse? We have a theory about a dead rising to life again, but we know nothing about the zombie apocalypse I'm very sorry for our lack of knowledge" "It's okay, you're already a big help to us"

"But master, the zombie is a virus that affects the dead even if they are already dead?" "Yeah? I saw someone who kill himself yet wasn't bitten but still turn into a zombie" "Airborne? if that's the case then this place is full of zombies!" "What!?