
Ryukyu the Dragoon Hero

A/N: Just a reminder, new chapter here means two more chapters over on the P atreon, where my patrons are currently voting on the future direction of this story!


The Dragoon Hero, Ryukyu, steps into the classroom, freezing for a moment at the sight before her, only to hastily close and lock the door behind her. Truth be told, Izuku hasn't had much cause to interact with Ryukyu yet so far this school year. See, UA has two Heroics Classes. Class 1-A, and Class 1-B. They haven't mingled very much at this point and seeing how Ryukyu is the teacher of Class 1-B, it's no surprise that Izuku and she haven't so much as spoken to one another yet.

Well, it seems they'll be speaking together now, because as fast as Izuku was able to move, there's still one problem. While his and Rumi's clothes have been all fixed up, leaving no sign of the fact that he was just ball's deep inside of the Rabbit Hero… Rumi herself has made no move to actually change positions. So what Ryukyu walked in on was the sight of Izuku a step back from Rumi, while Rumi was bent over her own desk, head in her arms and ass high in the air.

… Yeah, even with them both fully clothed, it was kind of obvious something inappropriate was happening. Probably even more obvious given the smell in the air. Izuku just hoped Ryukyu's senses weren't too good, because not only would she then know exactly what they'd been doing, she might also detect Momo just as Rumi had done.

Thankfully, the Dragoon Hero doesn't so much as glance in the direction of the air vent that Momo is currently hiding in. Instead, she takes a step towards the two of them, her one visible eye narrowed at Izuku.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Izuku thins out his lips, already planning various ways to punish his chocolate bunny for this later. Rumi had overstepped herself and Izuku hated being blindsided. He should have probably done something more back when she brought Mt. Lady into their relationship, but that had turned out fairly well so he hadn't thought anything of it. This was different.

"What does it look like, Ry-ry? Just begging my handsome young stud of a student to fuck me~"

Rumi, on the other hand, doesn't seem to think so. The Rabbit Hero giggles as she wiggles her hips in the air, and Izuku's eyes widen at the same time as Ryukyu's. Seriously, what the fuck was up with Rumi? She was acting way too fucking overconfident. Was she on drugs or something?

"What the fuck, R-Rumi?!"

Letting out a disgruntled sigh, Rumi finally pushes up off of the desk and straightens out. Then, she plants her hands on her hips, her eyes twinkling.

"Don't be a prude, Ryuko. I invited you here so you could get a piece of the action. This stud is way too much for any one woman to handle, even me."

Ryukyu… or rather, Ryuko, as Rumi had named her, goes even more wide eyed at that, her gaze flicking towards Izuku for a moment. For the first time, he sees a flicker of interest in the back of her eyes. But it's hastily swallowed up by her irritation and self-righteousness.

"That's not right, Rumi! He's your student! And besides, you know I have a boyfriend!"

… Seriously? Had letting Rumi run wild completely come back to bite him in the ass? It was one thing when it was Mt. Lady and Izuku could prey upon her insecurities to really bring her into the fold. But before she'd suddenly taken this sabbatical to become a teacher at UA, Ryukyu the Dragoon Hero had been ranked Ninth out of all the Pro Heroes in Japan!

And on top of that, she had a boyfriend?! What the hell was Rumi playing at?

"Oh, you mean that piece of trash who's been texting me trying to get me to hook up with him for weeks now?"

Wait, what? Even as Izuku gives Rumi a more considering look, Ryuko has gone pale. The blonde heroine freezes in place for a moment before scowling furiously.

"You're lying."

The thing was, Izuku already knew that the Rabbit Hero wasn't lying. He would be able to tell via his Quirks if she was. Everything she's said so far is the complete truth as she knows it. Something in Rumi seems to soften a little bit at Ryuko's immediate denial. Reaching down, the Rabbit Hero pulls open a drawer and lifts up her phone, holding it aloft in the air.

"Yeah? I've got the text messages right here if you want to read them, Ry-ry."

Ryuko's one visible eye darts to the phone for a moment before she shakes her head and takes a step back.

"N-No… I don't… I don't have to stand here and listen to this. I thought you were my friend, Rumi. I-!"

Cutting herself off, the Dragoon Hero turns towards the door. Luckily she locked it, because the moments in which she's fumbling with said lock are when Rumi stops her dead in her tracks.

"Yeah? Guess I'll just have to take him up on his offer then. If that's the only way to make you believe me, I suppose you'll come home one night and find me in your bed with him."

Thank fuck for his ability to detect lies, because frankly, Rumi has an excellent poker face. But that one… that one WAS a lie. If she'd been telling the truth, if she'd actually been willing to sleep with Ryuko's boyfriend in order to get through to her friend, Izuku's not sure what he would have done. Lying about it is bad enough, but at least it works.

Spinning around, Ryuko snarls as she stomps across the length of the classroom, reaching the desk and yanking Rumi's phone out of her hand. For a moment, Izuku half-expects the Dragoon Hero to crush it or throw it or something… but no, she turns it towards herself and starts going through it. Rumi must have the messages already pulled up, because it doesn't take long for Ryuko's snarl to morph into that same pale look from before.

Izuku watches curiously, feeling strangely like a bystander in this whole situation. He's starting to realize that that's sort of what he is at the moment. Rumi isn't acting like she would if this was her place. There, he was practically King of the Castle, so to speak. Right now though? Even though he'd had her bent over her desk and his dick in her twat literally less than ten minutes ago, she was pretending to pay him no mind.

That wasn't to say she was actually ignoring him however. He can see it in her micro-movements. She wants to put all of her attention on Ryuko. She wants to give her friend, possibly her best friend if he was reading their relationship right, all of the attention she deserves. But she's finding it hard to completely avoid gauging his reaction. Her ears keep twitching in his direction, her body language leans towards him, and she's focusing with all her might not to look at him.

It's possible she knows she's in for a punishment after all of this. Or maybe not. Izuku supposes it depends on how this all pans out. Has Rumi really planned this properly?

"… These could be falsified."

Ryuko's response, when it finally comes, is in a faint voice. Izuku can tell she already believes them to be true. She just doesn't WANT to believe them to be true. Rumi, it would seem, is quite prepared for that, however. Reaching over both the desk and the top of her own phone, she wordlessly taps the screen, swipes to the side, and then presses the play button all without looking.

"This is what you're missing, you little Rabbit Bitch! Look at this dick. This is the dick I used to tame your dragon friend when I took her off that other loser. Look at her. Passed out from my cock. She can't handle me. No woman can handle me alone. You want a taste? You want a try? I bet you're just salivating at the thought."

Ryuko has a hand to her mouth by the time the recording finishes and starts to replay.

"This is what you're-!"

Rumi reaches over and stops the video for her. Izuku doesn't actually see the video play, but he can imagine it. Ryuko's boyfriend seems to have gone beyond the normal 'dick pic' and gone straight to 'dick video'… and from the sound of things, he recorded it after fucking the Dragoon Hero into such a stupor that she wasn't even conscious for it.

"I… I…"

"You have shit taste in men, Ry-ry. Which is why when this guy made you cuck your last boyfriend and then leave him, I didn't really give a shit. Because your last boyfriend wasn't any better. But when he does this shit… that crosses a line. He's got recordings of you naked. In compromising positions."

Izuku is beginning to wonder if this is about him at all. Rumi seems deadly serious, and Ryuko looks like she's on the verge of a mental breakdown. Except… Izuku blinks as he really looks at her and realizes her current state of mind has nothing to do with the recordings her garbage boyfriend might have of her. But rather.

"I-I can't… he's… I l-love him, Rumi…"

Wow. Izuku blinks at the look of honest despair on Ryuko's face. Rumi, on the other hand, scoffs and crosses her arms over her chest.

"You love his dick, Ry-ry. You love his Quirk. You don't love him. You're addicted to the way he fucks you and that's all."

Ryuko flinches back as if Rumi had physically slapped her instead of just bluntly speaking the truth. For a moment, she trembles as she looks at her hands. Finally, her response comes out in a whisper.

"E-Even still…"

Holy shit, what was this douchebag capable of, that he had a top Pro Hero like the Dragoon wrapped around his finger so effectively? Then, Izuku blinks as he considers that thought for a moment and realizes that HE'S done the same with multiple heroines by this point. In fact… oh.

He feels kind of stupid that he only realizes why he's here mere moments before Rumi turns to him with a shit-eating grin stretched across her face.

"You're lucky I love you so much Ry-ry… because I found someone better, just for you."

The way the Rabbit Hero phrases it, one might be led to think that everything she's done so far with him has been for Ryuko's sake. But Izuku can immediately tell that's not the case. Even still, Rumi's eyes are imploring him not to call her out on it… at least not yet. It would seem Izuku is incredibly weak to his chocolate bunny's equivalent of puppy dog eyes too, because in the end, he stays silent as Ryuko looks at him. As she REALLY looks at him.

The Dragoon Hero tries to put on a brave front, but her lower lip wobbles a bit as she crosses her arms over her substantial chest.

"Y-Yeah? That… that good huh? You think he can really replace my boyfriend?"

Finally stepping out from around the desk, Rumi stalks up to Ryuko, smirking wickedly.

"I think if your boyfriend is willing to send me lewd videos of himself with you without your knowledge just to get me to fuck him, he's already got a dozen side chicks. I think he's been cheating on you since the moment you two started dating. And I think you should be allowed to cheat on him right back and give Izuku a try. If you like him enough, then we'll see what we can do about getting you out from under that waste of space's thumb."

Izuku slowly walks out from behind the desk as well, even as he finds himself considering Rumi's words. She's actually put a significant amount of thought into this. From what he's been able to piece together, Ryuko's boyfriend managed to wiggle his way into Ryuko's panties, and then used his Quirk to really fuck her up something fierce. To the point that, even confronted with him trying to get into her best friend's panties, she was considering going back to him all the same.

He probably WOULD blackmail Ryuko, if the Dragoon Hero tried to break up with him. That couldn't be allowed to happen, and it seemed Rumi agreed. Though it also seemed like the Rabbit Hero didn't quite realize that Izuku could help in that regard. As far as Rumi was concerned, he was only here for the sex. But he COULD do both. He could fuck Ryuko silly and show her the time of her life, on top of destroying this boyfriend of her and getting rid of any blackmail he might have of her.

Ryuko looks him up and down for a long moment before a shaky sort of resolve appears in her eyes. But behind it, Izuku sees the desperation as well.

"F-Fine. Couldn't… couldn't hurt."

Rumi grins and slaps Ryuko's ass, causing the Dragoon Hero to squeak indignantly.

"That's the spirit, Ry-ry! Go on girl, get him!"

Stutter-stepping forward, Ryuko approaches Izuku. In response, Izuku watches her wordlessly. When she drops down to her knees in front of him, he lifts his gaze and looks to Rumi. The gorgeous heroine's white rabbit ears droop a little bit in sheepishness, and she mouths the word 'please' at him, clearly begging him to go along with this… and potentially to do all he can to snap Ryuko out of whatever dependency she's developed for this guy's Quirk.

… He would need to know exactly what sort of Quirk the guy had to begin with. Was it something like the increased sensitivity that he'd used on Rumi? That's what had initially broken her down, wasn't it? He could see something similar working even on a very strong, independent heroine like Ryuko.

Honestly, was he even going to do this? From the sound of things, the situation was a mix of Ryuko being really bad with men… and being NTR'd by her current boyfriend from her last boyfriend. And now the current boyfriend also wanted Rumi for himself as well, though he probably didn't know he would be NTRing Rumi from one of her students. As far as the world was concerned, Rumi was single.

But seriously, wasn't this all a bit much? Especially since Momo was still in the vent watching the whole situation go down. Rumi had seriously let this scenario play out while her Class Representative spied on them, all because he'd made it clear he didn't mind Momo's peeping earlier. But that was before Ryuko had showed up and things had gone topsy turvy. Now… now things had changed. Dramatically.

That said, Izuku was nothing if not adaptable. The situation had blindsided him, there was no doubt about that. He wouldn't let it show though. He would do what needed to be done.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com where I have over a thousand stories! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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Thanks for reading!


Also as of now, my first ever original novel Breaking Providence is being released publicly on all of the websites I post to! Please if you have the time at least give it a try for me and let me know what you think, it would mean a lot!