
The Stupid Villainess Is Wonderful

Frean never expected to be normal. Born to a cult with an abusive father and neglectful mother she was already handed a bad card, but finding out she was a 'Saintess' made it all the more tiring. Being suddenly forced to go to school to seduce and marry a prince is interesting but not when your 'Love Rival' turns out to be your total type. The Saintess will marry the Prince and defeat the Villainess. Word for word that was their Pope's latest 'prophecy', with it the cultists and her parents urged her to attend the school where the 'Prince' and 'Villainess' attended. With the mission of forming a relationship with the 'Prince', Frean accepted it. Except she plans to marry the Villainess, cuck the Prince and shut down the cult. In any order and NO MATTER WHAT. Read and find out how Frean will go about this when her 'Villainess' might not be her perfect dream lover.

Xeen_Keen · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Chapter One: A Quaint Magic Academy?

 ~A Quaint Magic Academy?~

My hair is like the sky, my eyes as deep as the ocean, and my voice is pure angelic bliss—that's how most people describe me, and honestly, I can't argue. Known as the 'Saintess' among the Cultists I've lived with forever, I've gotten used to soaking in every ego-boosting compliment thrown my way. It fits the image, you know? Being a 'Saintess' and all usually comes with being drop-dead gorgeous, which, yeah, I kinda fit into... I mean have you seen me?

Anyway since I'm such an angel I'll do you a favor and introduce myself. The name is Frean Von Kreen, fun fact the Von isn't the 'noble' type of Von; it's just my second name. Unique twist right?


I can just hear the squeals of the lads or ladies I don't judge.

Growing up in a huge cult— as previously mentioned by me— I had everything handed to me on a silver platter. Which was pretty unusual since most cults would stick their members roles. Like that kid would do physical labor and that one would cook for the week and so on. But not me; I had—more like do have— a unique role; being our cult's 'Saintess.' All I really did was heal people and preach about how the Lord would bless us with immortality if we follow his will that our Pope has prophesized—spoiler alert most of it is 99% bogus. 

What happens to the remaining 1% you ask? Yeah, some of what our Pope prophets actually comes true. Like that time when a raven-haired beauty fell from the sky and married the bloodthirsty prince. I'm not kidding; it actually happened. It was actually traumatizing...suddenly that one dude who declared war on our country, had cities, villages, whatever he got his hands on burned and sieged, your friends and family murdered in cold blood turned into an overly affectionate borderline stalker-ish, lover after getting hitched. Their love story? Broadcasted to the whole world. And get this, the moment they got married all the shit he did...goes poof! Crazy right? ...Excuse my language.


Thankfully the raven-haired beauty was only average—at most a 6/10. Almost thought we were heading into some Neo-Hitler and Eva scenario. Get it? No? Well sorry, I'm at least two-fifth Jewish; I can toss in some dark humor, right?

And I'm completely sure my villainess is hotter than some woman who fell from the sky. She crawled out of hell if our dear old Pope was right, which automatically makes her hotter whether in body or her soul. Hell her personality can be crap for all I care really— yet again excuse my language— but as long as she's not a total idiot, I'm good.

"Freany? Have you finished preparing your things?" A high-pitched voice suddenly interrupts me, it was my Mother who was standing by my door wearing her usual flowery 1940's housewife dress with an apron worn over.

"Not yet. Almost done though. Mother." Entering my closet I searched every nook and cranny for anything that I could wear befitting of my 'Saintess' image. I spotted a box tucked away in the corner opening it I was greeted with a collection of neatly folded extravagant dresses. I had never worn them, their blinding colors were not suitable for me my Father had declared. But I always loved such bold colors they were all so striking, the way they screamed 'This is how I am and you have to deal with it.' left me drooling with gratitude when I recieved them, but my parents thought otherwise. The man of the house—my Father—had decided that no 'Saintess' would ever wear such clothes.

And so, those gifting them were left humiliated and scorned. Closing the box I searched some more, spotting modest enough clothes and I carried them to my room but I then saw a box labeled 'Robes' and chuckled. It always was hilarious to me how Mother never seemed to suspect the box despite how unusual it was to have a random box for robes when I only really owned a pair for my Saintess appointments. The box was actually full of jeans and tees and more scandalous clothes like dozens of skirts all short enough for my Father to get a heart attack ten times over. A secret box as most people would say.

Walking back to my bed I kneeled down and took out my jewelry box, taking a pair of earrings, I looked at my Mother who had not moved an inch from where she stood. She was staring right at me, "Is Father already asking for me?" I asked, reaching for a pair of rings that fell when I opened the box. It was a couple pair gifted to me by a suitor for my 15th birthday the one who gave it wasn't anyone special but he was different from the others who wanted to marry me for my supposed 'powers' and my good looks, probably because he was gay. We thankfully weren't made to be engaged which the old man Yu was disappointed about, mostly because the lad was the heir to one of our biggest customers, but at least we became great friends that and he is going to the academy as well so we will meet him there.

"Yes he has Freany, dearest husband says that if you can not finish preparing your things in five minutes he will whip you for every second you take too long." She cheerily replied, her smile still peppy even after delivering me the worst news that she could have possibly said. 

I froze in surprise and fell down on the cold marble floor, "...Mother, could you please tell Father to wait for at least a minute? I just woke up from a nap because of how tiring my session was last night." I pleaded, looking her in the eyes. Her eyes identical to mine became colder as I pleaded and her red lips turned to a frown. I knew it was a gamble, my Mother would never disobey her husband unless she was allowed to make her own adjustments.

"Do remember to take care of your hair properly, those luscious locks of yours weren't inherited from him for nothing." She coldly responded, I touched my hair I didn't think it was that messy. I checked and I waz part of the percentage where no matter what would happen my hair always looks good. "But I'll consult dearest husband about this." She said, her eyes softening for just a moment before she turned her back and left, I guess... she remembered that I was still her child.


So in the end there is still a chance for him to say no. Better hurry and finish this...


I walked down the stairs wearing a modest green dress with a flowery pattern and a cinched waist it reached past my knees making it modest enough for my father but still considered stylish with it accentuating my body and features. Using my duffle bag made my outfit look like a hot mess though. But I had no choice, the bag was full of my clothes, manga, books, videogames and all the stuff I needed to survive a life in an academy—potentially— full of rich snobs and also run away from this place. But then I heard chattering below and I froze.

I hurried down the staircase fumbling when I missed some steps, when I was finally at the end I looked around. No one. Almost thought I would finally catch them today. This was not unusual, there are times where I would hear the chatters of the servants who worked here but whenever I try to find them the noise would vanish and I the only one left looking deranged. One time in the middle of the night I saw light coming from the kitchen and the servants talking. I hid behind the door, eagerly waiting for a chance to finally see what they looked like but on that night I finally overheard the real reason for why I never saw them. The reason was because of how they were ordered to never let themselves be seen by me as they would sully me with their sinful gaze. Not even a creative excuse but it was enough for some... cultists to believe. And believe they did. I had never been as disappointed in people as I was with them that night.

Upon entering our living room I saw my Father sitting on one of the posh couches, a cup of coffee and a... timer neatly set on the gold-bordered glass table. The wrinkles on his face deepened with his frown as I entered, his face was buried in the newspaper delivered from this morning, "Greetings, Father." I bowed respectfully, he lowered the newspaper and adjusted his glasses. He coldly stared at me with his sharp green eyes. It felt like a snake assessing its prey. A mistake, a hair out of place, the wrong perfume, bad outfit coordination, wrong duffle bag to use. It could have been anything. That same anything would cost me a lot more that it should.

Suddenly he reburied his head in the newspaper, "...Hm, you were late by 43 seconds. Your mother told me how you pleaded her to wait for at least a minute. I'll apply that to your situation right now. But this will only happen for today." He strictly warned, "Elzie is outside with the Limo ready, she will act as your 'Second Female Lead' according to Lord Yu's prophecy. Now leave and remember your mission." 

...What? That was all? No, goodbye whip, goodbye smack, goodbye slap...anything? Is he not able to get-off on beating me anymore? Oh no, is he...

"...Father are you impotent?" I asked, staring pointedly at his crotch, my face showing remorse for his —possibly— fallen soldier.

"...What." He stared at me, his face in confusion and his hands loosening from his newspaper.

"Uh...I asked if you were impotent?" I repeated.

"I know what you asked! I'm asking why you asked me that!" He yelled, veins bulging from his head and his hands clenching the newspaper crumpling it. 

"...It's okay Father. Even if you're impotent I'm sure Mother still loves you, at least it looks like that to me. Your child, biological if you forgot." I said, being honest wasn't bad, really this is an opportunity for me anyway, I don't plan on coming back to this hellhole after all. 

"You idiot! Get out! Just get out, right now!" He yelled standing up from his couch stepping closer to me his eyes red and huffing like in a cartoon. Woah, calm down Dad no one's going to talk crap about your dead weenie except me of course. 

"Ah? R-right, I apologize Father I'll get going now!" I shrieked, dashing outside and narrowly dodging my personal maid Elzie, which turned out to be a bad idea because I fell into a pile of leaves. 

"Bleh! Phoo! Why are there worms here?"

"Fu~ Saintess? Why are you in such a hurry?" Reaching out a hand to me my long-time friend asked. Wearily I accepted her hand smiling, "Just excited to go to school and well meet...my prince."

Leaning closer to me Elzie brushed some dust off my shoulder all while looking deeply into my eyes causing me to blush. She should really understand that her face is a bit too attractive. High cheekbones, fox eyes, tall nose, beautiful black hair and a great body to boot, the whole package. She's simply... gorgeous.

"Your prince or your villainess?" She whispered smirking at my surprised face.

"How did you..."

"Find out? You should really lock your doors whenever you plan to do your 'Villainess' monologue."


Embarrassed I hurriedly slipped into the limo, catching sight of my mother in the window eerily smiling at me as my father was beside her his face set in a deep frown. Wow there's definitely no pressure here, no sir.

A short while later Elzie entered the limo, car keys being jingled on her fingers, so she was the driver, "When did you get a driver's license?" I asked glancing at her. She was in the middle of buckling her seatbelt when our eyes met, she smirked.

"...Well when you were busy with your seminars. I thought it would be a good time to fulfill our promise and drive you wherever you want." Her cheeks flushed as she bragged, she really was a good friend. 

"Why are you the one embarrassed here? I'm the one who didn't fulfill our promise." I chuckled, she pouted her face turning more red, "...Yeah, yeah. I shouldn't be the one embarrassed because I'm the one who first got a license, automatically making me the winner to every racing game we do, that includes Yario Kart." She dramatically sighed her face clearly showing that she was teasing me.

My face indignant I retorted, "Even if you have a license I'm sure it would be revoked from how much you suck at making a U-turn even when there are no cars on the road."

"...That was... unfunny but I'd like to ask, Saintess who here has a license and is the one driving them to the academy that is in a... whole different country?" She snarked.

Of course I ignored her and made myself comfortable on the expensive leather seats. Ooh, very worth the price, comfy and it even smells expensive or that's just me. I pressed a button to my right causing a small cabinet to raise in front of me. It was full of all kinds of drinks— mostly alcohol— along with the books I would need to study, I picked up a blue book with gold engravings of and... a cover of glass containers? How odd some have a strange spout, "A beginners guide to...Alchemy? Have those parents of mine gone senile and sent me to a public school? It stinks like one from how much they seem to cater to student's vices. I mean what could these glass be for? " I exclaimed, flipping through the pages as words appeared that were entirely in a different language, only the title was written in the common language and... is that a recipe for puking cupcakes? 

"Trouble in paradise, Saintess?" Said Elzie, smirking at me from the mirror. 

"Not really paradise when the language of their books are incomprehensible to you."

Elzie looked at me her eyebrows raised as she peeked behind to look at the book I was holding and her face became mischievous. "Now that seems like a problem, Saintess. Not being able to understand basic Alchemy is surely going to trouble you at the academy." She teased. 

...Was she insinuating that I was dumb?

"Calm down there tiger. I wasn't insinuating anything."


"Your face. It was just screaming how insulted you were. Don't think that's going to help you in your mission." She responded as she started the car.

"...Just go, I can't handle anymore glaring from my Father." I mumbled putting the book back, looking through the car windows at my parents standing still in the same place, my father's glaring deepened than before. Guess he's still in denial about his impotence. 

"As you wish, Saintess. Don't forget to buckle up and before I forget here is the file on the target and all the other details you'd need to know." She said handing me a folder as the car moved past the fountain and towards the gate.

Glancing back at our mansion I sighed. The large windows that always shone too much light, the long hallways decorated with expensive artworks that were never complimented for anything other than how much they were bought for, the living room where my father spent most of his time barely paying any attention to my emotionally starved mother and... my room, so big for only me and always making me feel so small. The days I spent staring outside as servants I never knew the face to worked and never dared to look at their 'Saintess' out of fear of sullying me. I was leaving it all behind, all of it.

I looked back at Elzie, "...The academy we're going to, do you think it would be more...quaint than the mansion?" I asked, my voice laced with uncertainty.

Elzie halted driving she seemed surprised but she smiled, "Saintess, in this academy you will meet people your age who can become your companions. Love and adventure you can find and you can discover what you really want. Whether it be the Villainess you like or even the 'Prince'. Trust me, it will be more than quaint."

"...Even the Prince, huh. Well...Elzie, I will trust you on that like I always do." I mumbled and she continued on, driving to the academy where I— no we would eventually understand that school does teach us everything just except on how to cast a love spell on your crush without turning them into a toad. Which I definitely didn't try to do... I really needed to know that before though. Really needed to.

Yo! It's ya boy XeenKeen here! Back with a new novel and an actual chapter continuation for it. Tell me in the comments if I made any mistakes, constructive critiscm is welcome too! :) Stay tuned for another update next week! Check out my other works on my account and tell me what you think in the comments.

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