
Chapter 8 Body Tearing Paste

Standing over a bowl Mo Xiaowen was constantly grabbing Body Tearing Grasses, and crushing them one after the other.

"Too much pressure."

"Fuck, that splattered everywhere."

"Hmm, okay this works."

He muttered to himself as he repeatedly crushed the blue grass. Eventually after about 10 tries he managed to apply the correct pressure and crush the grass into a few drops of extract.

After this he took the bowl and mixed it with another crushed substance. 'This smell is terrible.' Mo Xiaowen complained inwardly as he pinched his nose. The crushed substance was actually his left over tuna from lunch.

According to the recipe he had to mix the crushed Body Tearing Grass with crushed tuna, then after applying a few more complicated processes and letting the mixture sit in a dark place for 8 hours it would be complete.

One set of paste would be able to last him a day. And its effects were nothing to scoff at. It could increase his training speed by 20%, and the pain was one third that of the Body Tearing Grass'. So while it sacrificed effectiveness, it was actually endurable, at least Mo Xiaowen hoped it would be.

In reality Mo Xiaowen's plan was pretty simple. Use the paste for a few months, and then attempt to transfer over to the real thing. While the difference in pain was still quite large it would at least give him a chance to get accustomed to it.

By the time the sun had set, he had finally finished the process and placed the mixture in a dark place. Mo Xiaowen then headed to bed and fell asleep.

The next day he took out the mixture and examined it. 'Failure...' He muttered before placing a bit of the mixture on him. Once applied to his skin he felt nothing which only confirmed his suspicion.

Going to the transcript of the book, he found the possible error. "Hmm, the colour is too dark, must be the tuna." He concluded, before heading out of his residence, he had to complete his morning training.

Days passed and then weeks. By now Mo Xiaowen had perfected his crushing technique, but there always one issue or another. His original supply of 41 Body Tearing Grasses had now been reduced to a measly 7.

But his efforts weren't in vain. Finally after all his previous attempts, this day he woke up to a pleasant surprise. Opening up the cupboard Mo Xiaowen took out the mixture as he had done over 10 times before.

At first he looked at it up and down trying to find any mistakes, but at first glance it seemed to have worked. 'Hmm what about the pain test.' Mo Xiaowen thought before dipping his finger into the paste.

Needless to say, this wasn't a very smart idea. Not more than five seconds later he felt a gut wrenching pain. A terrible pain, only one time in his life had he felt a worse pain than at this moment and that was when he consumed the actual Body Tearing Grass.

Immediately Mo Xiaowen began writhing on the floor in agony, but he also felt a bit happy deep down. 'Finally I man- fuck! Why is this so painful! But I can bear it!' He thought to himself while suffering greatly.

Around 10 minutes later the pain subsided, but he knew this wasn't the end. Undressing himself, Mo Xiaowen then shoveled the paste with his hands before quickly applying it across his body.

From prior experience he knew he had about 5 seconds before the pain kicked in, so using this short timeframe he spread the paste across his body to increase effectiveness. And like clockwork, 5 seconds later he began rolling on the floor in agony once again.

But this also proved that while it was extremely painful it was endurable. Otherwise Mo Xiaowen wouldn't apply it on himself again so readily. Obviously that didn't mean everyone could endure the paste, but at least 30% of disciples could rather than the 0.1% that could handle the Body Tearing Grass.

After another 10 minutes passed, Mo Xiaowen weakly got up off the ground. Mentally he was quite drained after the experience, but about a minute later his physical body began to feel strong, stronger than ever.

'This is exactly like the feeling from that grass, just a bit weaker in comparison.' He concluded with a smile on his face. Putting on his clothes, Mo Xiaowen exited his residence with a smile on his face, it was time to begin his charge to the peak of Body Tempering.


"Is Mo Xiaowen insane?"

"Didn't he just breakthrough into the 4th Stage like 2 weeks ago?"

"HMPH! He's just stupid. While we've all be contemplating Senior Brother Zhao Wuji's words, he just ignored them and continued training. He's just intellectually inept!"

"But isn't that it, because we were all distracted he surpassed us! At this rate we should either quit or actually try again otherwise I wouldn't be able to live down the shame!"

They argued amongst themselves. A number of them had already quit but those were mostly the subpar disciples. Being at the bottom of the totem pole, they had already been teetering on the edge of quitting.

On the other hand these disciples consisted of the average to above average disciples. Even those who had bullied Chen Zemin. Out of the 200 disciples in their batch, they now only had 150 remaining.

And from those 150, only 10 had reached the 4th Stage by now, the 10th being the one and only Mo Xiaowen.

Deep down they all knew the truth. Throughout this year most of them weren't one bit inferior to Mo Xiaowen, he surpassed them because he continued training while they slacked off, otherwise there'd already be at least 50, 4th Stages in their batch.

"Fuck it if no one else is going to say it, I will! Who gives a fuck about what that quitter Zhao Wuji said? That dumb ass lost once and tried to take us all down with him!" One of them declared before racing ahead.

"Xiao Hua is right, who cares about that quitter, lets charge ahead brothers! We can't let Mo Xiaowen take the lead!"

"Yes, lets go!"

Something awoke inside the disciples and rather than their previous begrudging walk they raced ahead with all they had. Even if there was someone better, or even a whole legion, that didn't matter to them.

Most of them weren't geniuses to begin with. What they couldn't accept, was being surpassed by someone they had considered an equal or even inferior to them. Not only that, but they were surpassed not because the other person had some amazing luck, but because they began slacking.

Naturally as always this didn't concern Mo Xiaowen, he just continually ran straight ahead carrying a 4 tonne weight on his back. Little did he know he had inspired all the disciples.