
Chapter 22 Pain, Pain, and more Pain

"Haa, lets see how bad this is." Mo Xiaowen muttered to himself. After studying the Internal Rupture Technique to completion he departed from the Martial Hall and headed to the woods near his residence.

Right now he was in a weird stance as he prepared to activate the technique. 'I've already taken Body Tearing Grass the Body Tempering Pill, so regardless of the pain this will be worth it.' He thought to himself as he began to activate the technique.

At first it was a dull light pain, one that anyone could endure, then it turned into a sharp almost cutting pain which made him somewhat uncomfortable, a few minutes later it transformed once again into a precise piercing pain. Out of nowhere the pain then turned back into a dull light pain.

An entire hour into the technique, the pain continued to revolve from one form to another. It wasn't as bad as even the Body Tearing Paste, but the constant revolution made him feel worse than even the Body Tearing Grass.

But the worst was yet to come, after once again feeling a precise piercing pain, it didn't fade and turn into a dull light pain like usual, no, instead he felt all 3 pains simultaneously. "ARGH!" Mo Xiaowen howled in agony, but he managed to keep form and not ruin the technique.

'Just five more minutes.' He convinced himself, as the pain continued assaulting every inch of his body. Had he not experienced the Body Tearing Grass, Mo Xiaowen might have fallen unconscious right there and then.

Half an hour later, Mo Xiaowen finally completed his training, lying on the ground completely covered in sweat. "That was painful." Mo Xiaowen stated, although his face was neutral a smile soon grace it.

Noticing this he could only palm his face. 'I am really going to become a masochist.' He thought before making his way to his residence. 'But this technique was definitely the right choice. Apart from some fatigue, I am pretty much capable of performing most tasks. Not to mention the water requirement was absurd.'

Arriving at his residence, he immediately headed to bed and dreamt the night away. "Take my Heaven Sundering God Killing Fist." Mo Xiaowen muttered groggily before waking up the next morning.

'That sounds like a good move name, I should take that down.' He thought to himself as he remembered what he just said. Lately he'd been having a lot of dreams related to cultivation, sometimes he'd be "The Heavenly Devil", other times "Sun Slaying God Emperor", one time he was even called "Fortune's Beggar".

'Not like it matters much. Anyway I should tend to the farm, I've been neglecting it lately.' With that thought Mo Xiaowen got out of bed and prepared himself for the day. Around 10 minutes later he waked into his garden and began tending to the grasses.

By now it was already filled with over 1000 of them, more than Mo Xiaowen would ever need. 'What am I gonna do with all of them.' He sighed to himself, but didn't think too much on the issue. It was more or less a hobby for him now to grow the grasses, not to mention he still needed a large number of them so he was fine with tending to the farm.

Almost an hour later Mo Xiaowen finished tending to the farm and headed inside. Once there he checked his Body Tempering Pill box. Inside laid 10 pills, originally he had received 11, and he took one the previous day.

They hadn't received an extra pill due to any grand reason, but rather so that they'd have enough pills to last them until the actual resource collection day. Otherwise there'd end up being a lot of confusion.

Closing the box, Mo Xiaowen then hid it away before grabbing another box. Inside were naturally the Body Tearing Grass. Grabbing one, he immediately consumed it, and thus began 20 minutes of pure agony. "GAHHHHH!"

"He's at it again?"

"Ya, he is."

"Honestly its almost like a morning ritual for me. Hearing his screams let me know a new day has arrived."

"Just like a morning rooster!"

The disciples discussed amongst themselves, there was a reason they called him the Howling Demon after all. Over 20 minutes later, the screaming quieted down, but Mo Xiaowen's suffering wasn't over.

Heading to the nearby woods, he began training the Internal Rupture Technique. While this didn't cause him to scream out in pain, it made him feel sick.

An hour and a half later, he fell to the floor exhausted. Cultivation was pain, at least that's what Mo Xiaowen thought, but after enduring the pain the rewards would be bountiful. 'I'll reach the 6th Stage, the 7th, then the 8th, 9th, 10th and then I'll break into the Qi Gathering Realm.'

Some time later Mo Xiaowen got up off the ground and headed to the Martial Hall. He had an entire month free, he was going to use it as he saw fit.

This time instead of heading to the "Foundational Arts" he made his way to the "Combat Arts" section, specifically the "Fist Arts", he then began to browse the books here.

Ever since the librarian taught him how to punch, he'd been enthralled by the art of punching. Now he had also learnt of the power brought by kicks through his fight with the Prince, but even still he preferred punching.

'Eventually I'll get a weapon, but for now I'll punch.' He thought as he continued to browse through the books. In a few hours he already went through a number of books, but he couldn't find what he was looking for. Luckily what he had browsed through was barely a drop in the bucket.

He then left the Martial Hall to eat lunch. Once he finished his lunch he left the canteen, but instead of going back to the Martial Hall Mo Xiaowen decided to go to the Mission Board.

"I am sick and tired of fish soup." Completing missions earned one money, which could be used to purchase different types of food from the canteen. This was the main driving force behind Mo Xiaowen's desire to take a mission.

Not to mention that money was just nice to have. 'Maybe I can finally use "Body Tempering: My Battles", according to that book I still have a lot to improve upon.' Mo Xiaowen noted before arriving in front of the Mission Board.

It was time to earn some money.