

The second prince of Saltine, dies at birth and is revived after a cultivator's soul transmigrated to the supernatural world of vampires, is deemed weak by all and shunned by his father when he could not wield his bloodline abilities and his compassion for other lifeforms accidentally stumbles upon a treasure during one of his adventures after leaving his family behind. The treasure is not a thing but a person, a human. A man who greatly helps him throughout his life adventures. He slowly rises from the weak prince to the strongest in the supernatural world. However, in order to break through his mortal shackles, he needs to overcome one thing, his compassion for humans. He gains a slave, a female slave who turns out to be someone very dear to him. Would he be willing to sacrifice her for power?

Adelaide_Mante · Fantasie
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19 Chs


In the Upper Heavens

Large golden gates opened with a heavy creak sound and a handsome man with messy brown hair stood with a greatsword [1] in hand. He walked calmly towards the brightly shining throne about a kilometer away from the gates. Although he looked completely exhausted, his steps were firm and heavy, an evidence of the immense power he wielded within. Six thrones were lined upon each side of the long marble path the man walked on, each of them covered in various elements; tree, sky, rain, wind, fire, earth, time, wood, death, void, light, creation and destruction .

The first throne from the left, nearest to the brightly shining throne was covered in green, the tree element. The one sitting on that throne was a lanky man with green eyes and a green robe. He looked calmly at the man approaching the bright throne with an unpredictable smile on his lips.

The next throne had clouds all around it, it was easy to tell it was the sky element. The one who sat on the throne was a woman who had a cloud mask on her face with white hear and clear blue eyes. Her expression could not be read.

The next was rain and there was a slight drizzle around him and his throne. He had a smirk on his face, his thoughts unknown.

The following thrones were wind, fire, earth and time, each with their element signals around their thrones.

They were the Twelve Immortals of Existence, the second most powerful entities in the cultivation world with cultivation stages between Mortal Wielder and Nascent Soul.

The most powerful entities were Gods, like the formless creature who 'sat' on the throne. They were the ones who could perfectly combine all of the elements of existence with cultivation stages Transient Coalescence and above.

Rumors claimed there were entities above Gods and for the past ten thousand years, only two people have reached that stage, a stage where all elements were meaningless and one could gain a specific attunement; with that you can control every single thing with traces of that attunement. They had named that stage, "Eternal Celestials". They could create life forms and planets

Wind had a slight tsunami around the throne, fire had flames around the throne. Time had a constant warp of past and present images of the throne around it.

There were three females; one representing sky, the other death and another creation. The other nine elements had male representatives.

He finally got closer to the throne at the center and he finally relented from the pressure and exhaustion. His knees gave in and he knelt on the marble floor, almost blacking out.

All Immortals naturally gave off an oppressive aura that could instantly kill a Earth Mortal rank cultivator.

But this man who was only a rank above the Earth Mortal was able to walk calmly in the face of such an aura.

One of the Immortals, Immortal of Rain, looked at him and said calmly,

"A puny human at the Sword Mortal stage dares to enter the Immortal Temple of the Upper Heavens"

However, the one sitting on the bright throne did not disdain the young man, for he knew how difficult it was for someone with an insufficient cultivation stage to pass the gate trials. The fact that he had gotten here meant he possessed immense talent and prowess. It made him wonder what element he had. The element one was born could be examined by the iris colour.

Green was the tree element, blue was sky, azure was rain, white was wind, red was fire, dark brown was earth, time had a strange color; it was a mixture of all colors, like the rainbow, light brown was wood, death was grey, light was bright yellow and all the others were black. His eyes were green.

'Tree?', he thought and a frown appeared on his face. Tree element cultivators were weak and common. Only one in a million of tree element cultivators had the power to become Immortals and they became the representatives of their element in the Immortal Temple.

However, he felt there was more to this young man's capabilities than the eye could see so he looked at his spirit roots.

'It should be that of stagnant river containing colored water according to his element attribute', he thought as he peered into his body with his spiritual eyes and he was greatly surprised. This young fella had all elements within him. In other words, his spirit root was a spring of all colors.

The bigger your spirit root water source and the faster it flows, the greater your talent. Given his cultivation, even the most talented Sword Mortal's water source should have been that of a slightly flowing river. But his water source was equivalent to that of a mid-stage Mortal Weilder, more than qualified to enter the Immortal Temple.

There was another thing he had discovered, the young man's blood smelt extremely familiar and he finally realized whose blood it was, it was his friend's blood. Before he became a God, he had one friend but he had died right before him because he was not strong enough to protect his friend.

'It seems this young man is his descendant', he thought.

This made the God who usually had a reign on his emotions extremely agitated, so much that his booming laughter echoed throughout the dimension, almost shattering it and this sent shivers down the spines of almost all the Immortals, except death, destruction and creation because they were at the peak of their cultivation.

"Good, Very Good", the God said. He then cancelled out all the pressures of the Immortals, allowing the young man some space to breathe. Naturally since he owned this dimension, he could manipulate it in any possible way. Besides, the young man had already proven himself worthy of being there. Why not cut him some slack?

"Little Mortal, mind showing us your element attribute", the God said calmly, regaining his composure after the young man had regained his lost spiritual energy.

He nodded slightly and without further ado, he pointed his finger upwards and a tiny ball of brightness appeared on the tip of his finger. The Immortal of Light snorted disdainfully as he thought,

"Such a small ball of light"

Naturally, because of his arrogance, he had overlooked many things, such as the young man's green eyes which should have shown that he was a tree element cultivator.

How could a tree element cultivator conjure a light ball, not only was it light, it was extremely condensed and imbued with heavy spiritual energy.

Some of the Immortals, such as the Immortal of Sky, Time, Rain and Death were extremely observant and naturally, they saw through things, immediately knowing that the young man was talented, but, they didn't bother to clear the Light Immortal's misconceptions about the young man. After all, it was none of their business.

Unfortunately, all the Immortals could not actually see through everything. Although they were right about the condensation abilities of the young man, the element he wielded was not at all light. In fact, it was a mixture of all the elements.

To say the God was shocked was an understatement. This young man possessed abilities that rivaled Gods?

He could imagine what a fearsome entity he would become if he advanced his cultivation level.

'Ren Qiang, look at how fearful your descendant is', the God said in is heart.

"Alright, that's enough", the God said after gaining his composure. He dissipated the light around himself and his formless figure took on the form of a middle-aged man. He stepped down from his throne and walked slowly towards the young man who stood straight and unwaveringly, his thoughts unknown.