
A grown man with the body of a baby

So birth,the miracle it is, is fucking torture the size comparison women use to express how painful child birth is goes like this it's like pushing a watermelon through a hole the size of an egg. well imagine being squeezed through a hole the size of an egg that shit hurts!... after sleeping for awhile I suddenly grew very hungry and lacking the muscle mass required to stand much less walk or the vocal chord strength needed to speak coherently I did as all baby's do I screamed at the top of my lungs and to my emense pleasure nearly immediately food was provided i had hoped for a boob from a babe but I guess uchiha don't roll like that my father handed me a bottle and told me to drink. like what the fuck dad I'm less than a day old*Angry baby noises* luckily my elder brother took it upon himself to hold and feed me.much to my father's irritation"if you always baby him he won't be able to care for himself!"he said mildly irked."well he is a baby."my brother responded barely audible."Did you say something Azrael?"father questioned provocatively."no sir."he responded after a sharp exhale already used to the powder-keg that was our father. "Demios,Azrael dinner." sang mother beautifully. After a staring match which had no clear winner my brother put me down and propped my bottle in my mouth before he and my father headed towards the sound of my mothers voice to eat dinner not much time passed before I fell asleep again *** after presumably 2 years I had an intense realization watching naruto complete the three steps of the rasengan was not the same as doing them my self at this rate I wont make it a mile through those woods before I fall over dead





kekki genkei-

sharingan*1 unawakend as of now

gamers mind*2 allows educated decisions in the heat of battle

enhanced memory*3 near perfect recollection allows faster mastery of all things