
The Tests True Purpose

'Hmph, so these genin are not as stupid as I thought, either that or they are bluffing, or had given up.' Ibiki thought.

"Yeah it wasn't that hard." Shiro added, as he gazed at the trying to be imposing Procter, with a blank look.

"Hmm...Well what is to say your wrong," Ibiki smirked, "and I kick you out."

"You can't do that either." Naruko said with an amused look causing ibiki to turn towards her, "Oh? and Why. can't I?"

Naruko calmly explained to Ibiki what the true meaning of the test, not to Ibiki, as he already knows and it would seem stupid, no she explained it encase there were anyone who did not know about this so they wouldn't just give up.

Shiro looked at her and frowned but didn't say nothing.

Ibiki was surprised at her explanation, he. heard rumors but he didn't think my of them, he still thought that she was still that loud mouth and annoying brat, but this proves differently.

Ibiki smirked once she had finished and replied with a gruff tone saying.

"Your smarter then I have given you credit for, Its good to know that not all Genin here are idiots..."

There was a reaction from e crowd, angry and indignant noises made by the Genin paying attention.

Team 11 from Konoha and Ibiki both ignored them, and continued to stare at each other before Ibiki sighed.

"You win." he said, "I was originally planning on kicking as many people as can out of the chunin exams, to focus on the people who are truly prepared and willing, but I guess it'snot gonna happen this year."

Shiro shrugged, "Well you were the one who pushed is into spilling the secret, so don't blame us."

"Ibiki nodded "you are right, and I don't plain to."

He then turned to the class and called everyone to stop time had seemed to be up anyway at the same time, Shiro watched in amusement as a couple of people started cursing as they focused on them seemed to miss the parts where we said that taking the test was unnecessary

Others just sat in their seats staring impassively.

"Calm down, no need to worry, you guys all passed."

Ibiki then went on to explain to those who wernt paying attention or missed the detail what the true meaning of this was.

People were more confused than angry were now starting to come to an understanding

"So if this was just test then what's next? A random grass kunochi asked.

Ibiki opened his mouth to respond but another sound followed by a loud glass shattering noise, and a cloaked figure burst through the glass.

The clock was white in color and uncovered her figure revealing her to be

a familiar female .

Shiro smiled, as he recognized the person It was good to see her in person, she isquite easy on the eyes to be honest.

She hoisted up a banter that had the words, "Sexy and single Anko Miterashi, Written in bold."

"Anko miterashi." Shiro mumbled under his breath