
Leaving Konoha {1}

Shiro felt a feeling of dread arise in his soul, he tried to prevent her from being like this...but now, Konoha, had messed up, and banished there princess....fine, if they banished her, then ...then....

Shiro stood up, "Well...when are we leaving?"

Naruko's eyes widened,


Shiro smiled and laced her fingers with his, "Yes, we..." he replied, "Where ever you go, I go..."

Naruko's heart skipped a beat, "But..."

"But nothing..." Shiro growled, "Fuck the village, Fuck Konoha...they banished you, they don't deserve you, and this place is nothing without you, so where ever you go, I am coming too."

"But...you'd be branned a traitor..."

Shiro snorted, "So? There the ones that are traitors..."

"But.." Shiro cut her off with a long kiss on her beautiful, delicious, lips, before he broke "Naru-chan, no buts, I love you, where ever you go, I will go with you, I will gladly throw my life away in the village for your sake, I have been doing it all along, and I have no problem with it, so? What's the difference now? Just because your banished doesn't mean nothing to me. Being called a traitor, doesn't mean nothing, the whole multiverse could be against me, but I could care less, as long as I am with you, and you are with me, that's all that matters, and if they fight me, I will fight back, defending you and destroy them completely, why? Because, I love you, what more of a reason could there be? "

Naruko felt the tears slowly fall down her cheeks, as she heard this, her heart started to beat real fast, and she trembled

It came to a point, where Naruko couldn't take it anymore, she leaped at him and hugged him real tightly, before she grabbed him by the cheeks, and brung him forward into the most passionate kiss she had ever gave him.

It was a long moment before she let go and when she did,

Shiro saw stars...


Naruko Laughed a Joyous laugh.... Shiro couldn't help but smile.. her laugh was so Beautiful, and her Hollow look was gone, as well as her conflicted expression.

Naruko smiled very wide at him, "After I seal the estate, and gather everything that is mine...no...ours...we will be leaving then...together...." She paused for a moment, "Oh and Shiro-kun?"


"I love you too..." Naruko smiled at him, Shiro never seen this much love and admiration towards him before, "Only with Gine, but Naruko's was on a whole another level, and Shiro loved it. "So very much..."

Shiro smiled.

People of Konoha, listen well, though you are death, see what I have to say, though your eyes are blind,. Konoha you will soon fall, but it will not be of our hands, Oh no, it will most certainly not, you will come to ask for aid, but we will not listen. for you refused to help us when we needed, you banished a hero instead of banishing the traitor, you refused to see beyond the hatred in your own eyes, go fight your own battles, we are done with you, to our friends, who were truly with us, we will come back for you....just wait for us...

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Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts