
Date at ichiraku's

Don't listen to him about the no eating advice, we must eat to gain energy for tommarow sense were most likely going to fight."

"Yes I figured..." Replied Naruko with a smile the two of then departed vanishing into the distance.


Hours passed it was now dark time, and Shiro was waiting for his date to finsih changing he was dressed in a nice black tuxedo.

"You look beautiful," Shiro smiled at Naruko as she walked towards him with a natural sway to her hips.

She was wearing a silver dress with orange stripes. her hair was tied into a pony tail while two bangs dropped down her her Konoha ninja headband, that was tied to her forehead.

She smiled beautifully,, "Thank you."

"Shall we...?" Shiro raised his hand for her to take.

"We shall." She her smile grew as she did before we departed from the apartment.


As both Shiro and Naruko walked towards the village there were whisperer's among the villagers who were naturally staring at them with hate.

Naruko and Shiro of course ignored them but they wernt stupid enough to notice the growing crowd.

[Sensing, Killing intent aimed at Naruko.]

Shiro narrowed his eyes as Naruko sighed.

The both of them unleashed her own killing intent that dwarfed their own by a large amount.

Some froze and thought twice of messing with them, others didn't get the bright Idea,

"Die demon whore!"

A brick.

Shiro raised his hand and snatched it from the air before crushing it.

He turned towards naruko "This is very troublesome, lets lose them."

She nodded and Shiro grabbed her hand and disappeared followed by was a gust of wind.

Reappearing in front of ichikaru's, Naruko. started to pat and fix her dress with a slightly annoyed look on her face.

Shiro looked at her in concern, "Are you alright?"

"Yes, I just wish the villagers would leave me alone for once." Naruko muttered.

"They seemed to be, " Shiro said, an apologetic look on his face, "I thought it was, but I guess they saw you dressed and wearing a headband. they started to grow angry, sorry about that."

Naruko gave him a kiss in response, "Don't worry about it, come on."

Shiro and Naruko walked to the chairs where Shiro got on one chair, Naruko was about to go to the other when Shiro grabbed her by the waist causing.Naruko to squeak in surprise before he put her on his lap.

Naruko was quite flustered at his sudden action but she didn't mind it at all.

"So you two are finally at it eh?" Tuechi asked when he spotted both Naruko and Shiro honestly it was pretty obvious that they likes eachother he and ayame both found it surprising that their gender but he was

"Hey old man." Naruko waved as she gotten over her flustered state and has gotten rather comfortable.

"Ayame Your not going to believe what's going on!"

"I told you a thousand times dad I'm no-" She came from the back once she was able to look at them, her eyes widened before she let loose a loud squeal.

"Oh My Kami you are finally together!"

Shiro and Naruko exchanged glanced before Shiro chuckled nervously

"It Wasnt that obvious was it?"

Ayame snorted. "More obvious than that hyuuga girl that stalks you guys everytime you come over here, honestly the only thing I would be skeptical about is because you are both boys."

"Which we wouldn't judge you if you were into that kind of thing." Tuechi added.

"I'm not."

"Same." Shiro shook his head. " Sorry to break your fantasy but I'm 100% Straight."

Ayame shook her head.

"So what are you called now is it Naruto or..."

"It's Naruko." Naruko replied

"..It fits." Ayame smiled

"Thank you." Naruko smiled back.

"Alright that's enough dear, your taking time off of their date."

"Oh..Sorry about that." Ayame apologized, she pulled out her sketchbook, "What would you like..."

Konohamaru appears next chapter

What did I do wrong this chapter?

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts