
Come Forth, Porunga!

Shiro was in awe at the power that he weilded, it was incredible, he keeps saying that, but it is true, he has to learn how to sense his ki, but he didn't have that much time too, he can always do it on the spaceship to earth, once he wishes for one. 'System what is my current powerlevel?'

[Your're power has increased exponentially, because your potential was unlocked by the grand elder guru, your power is now higher than Nails'.]

Shiro grinned, and he pumped up his fist, he'd definitely be Op by the time Chunin exams comes around, he wonder what Naruko would think about this new and approved Shiro.

"Nail, you must gather the dragon balls now!" Guru ordered. Nail looked at him with a questionable look. "Sir?"

"Everything that this young child said is true, and I have deep respect for him, he who has gone through such lengths for his loved one, but he is stuck here, he merely wishes to leave but cannot do that without the dragon balls."

"Sir," Nail bowed quickly and went to the platform, and that was the last I saw him, Shiro looked at him and saw that he looked more tired than usual, if that was at all possible.

"Sir, are you alright?"

"I'm fine child, that just took a few moments of my life away from me, but I shall sleep, to extend it." Guru smiled,

"Shiro nodded his head and plumped down onto the ground, sitting himself in a meditative position, "than if that's the case, it will be best if I wait for him to come back."

"'System, can you set a coundown to the time Nail comes back with the dragon balls?' Shiro mentally asked.



1 Day later Nail returned with all seven of the dragon balls,

Shiro opened his eyes, "He is here." he turned to Grand elder Guru, who was sound asleep, Shiro smiled, "Thanks again." He walked towards the plat form, the platform then he ran outside, to e\meet nail, 'system, show me the way to nail'

[Compliance] Shiro's eyes glowed green before a path lit up before him, shiro glanced around, his eyes ready to meet the path, before he smiled, floated upwards and flew to meet him.


Shiro had met Nail who had the dragon balls in his arms and was flying carefully, He nodded to Shiro and put the dragon Bals down, all seven of the dragon balls were Pulsing brightly with an orange gfow.


Shiro glances at Nail, "Just tell me what you want to wish word for word, and I shall repeat it, to Porunga in Namekian Language, then your wish shall be granted,"

"Shiro nodded his head, then he saw nail stretch out both of his arms and spread out his hands wide, in a loud voice he shouted in namekian, Shiro could not understand it, but he imagined Nail Say, Arise Porunga, Arise and grant the wish of your summonor!"

It was that instant, the sky darkened to a point where it was pitch Black, thunder boomed, and a big bolt of golden lightning shot up into the skies, twisting and curving the lightning did, till the light faded and revealed...

"WOW HE'S HUGE!" Shiro shouted, The Dragons eyes glowed crimson as it's voice boomed so loud it can put thunder to shame.

This was Porunga....

He looked even more awesome then the anime portrayed him.

The Eternal Dragon...



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Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts