
Chapter 249 Startled Mu Zhenzhen_1

Translator: 549690339

Tang Ming really came through, in about five minutes, Ye Long's phone rang!

"Where are you?" Ye Long picked up the phone and asked.

"Boss, I've arrived at the 4S store entrance, all one hundred people are here. Where are you?" Tang Ming asked over the phone.

"Here's what you do, stay at the entrance of the 4S store for now. A group of people will come over soon, ask them if they are looking for Mu Zhenzhen. If they are, beat them up badly and then bring them over to the 4S store lobby!" Ye Long instructed.

"Got it, Boss, understood!" Tang Ming responded on the phone.

After hanging up, Ye Long looked at Mu Zhenzhen, who was still wearing a proud expression, and couldn't help but nearly wet himself laughing. He really couldn't understand why a little whore who made money off her body still insisted on putting on airs as if she were so rich and powerful.

Could women's vanity really be so strong?

Don't they know to keep a low profile?