
The Strongest Shaman Starts From the Beginning

Yo! Let me introduce myself, um... well, I don't want to mention my name, I have lived twice, and I have died twice. What? Funny? True. In my first life, I was just an ordinary man, well, not really ordinary, I had a good memory, I mean, a super memory! Yeah, I could remember anything since I was born, memories in my head were neatly arranged like a library of books, but when I was walking home after withdrawing money from the bank, a group of terrorists stormed the bank and killed me carelessly. In my second life, I was born as a child of a Yokai hunter family! Yokai, meaning urban creatures in Japan! Well, that made my life interesting, I became strong so that I wouldn't die in a silly way, until I reached a power equivalent to a God, but I'm not a God, yeah, I'm not a god, but I have power equivalent to a God, why? Well, I just don't want to be a God, that's all. Because I have become strong enough, I traveled to various worlds, yeah, worlds, but who would have thought that after passing through various weak and safe worlds, I ended up in a strong and cruel world, the strongest creatures in that world attacked me, because I was too weak, I escaped, and on my journey, I died again. But who would have thought that I would get another chance, and voila, I ended up in another alternative Earth. Let's start from the beginning! Hello, dear readers! I have created a Patreon account! You can read far ahead on Webnovel by becoming a part of my Patreon! For just 2 dollars, you can read 20 chapters ahead! Support me: Patreon.com/Kevin_Ken

Kevin_Ken_Sword · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

16: Enduring Pain

Ken, along with the others, followed rose flower as the flower continued to float to various places. They all kept following until they reached a room guarded by two people.

"The Clan Leader and the Elders!" The guards saluted the Clan Leader and the Elders, and the Clan Leader returned the gesture. Then, everyone entered the room. After wandering around the room, rose flower floated out again.

They all followed rose flower once more, continuing to follow wherever it went, until they finally arrived at a room that surprised everyone, leaving Ken and a member of the Tashi Clan confused.

"My room?" Clan Leader Aosagi-bi spoke, looking puzzled, as did the other members of the Ras Aosagi-bi Clan.

Ken finally understood, and he immediately opened the door to the room, revealing a beautiful woman sitting calmly inside, accompanied by a girl who appeared to be a servant. rose flower flew towards the beautiful woman, circling around her before trembling and finally approaching her.

This shocked everyone, and rose flower produced something from behind the beautiful woman's kimono, leaving everyone astonished.

"The Sacred Treasure of the Clan!" Almost everyone exclaimed in surprise, although there were a few who didn't seem surprised at all, including Ken, the Clan Leader, and a member of the Tashi Clan.

"How did the Sacred Treasure of the Clan end up in the hands of the Lady?" Some men and women who were members of the Aosagi-bi Clan, and had brought the requested items for Ken, exclaimed in surprise.

Of course, they were shocked. After all, the lost Sacred Treasure of the Clan was found with the Clan Leader's wife, which surprised everyone with the turn of events.

"Now that I have found the foolish item you were looking for, do not cause any trouble in this territory. If I hear any explosions, do not blame me if I flood Shibuya with blood." Ken spoke coldly, warning everyone before walking away, feeling it was not good to stay there any longer. The member of the Tashi Clan also followed Ken.


Ken was currently in a certain place. After parting ways with a member of the Tashi Clan, he decided not to go home immediately, but to go to one of his secret hideouts.

"Bluaghh!" Ken vomited a large amount of blood, which continued to flow from his mouth.

"Bluaargghhh!" Ken kept vomiting blood, and his face became paler.

This was also one of the reasons why Ken immediately left the Residence of the Ras Aosagi-bi Clan, because his body had reached its limit. The reason Ken was able to use Mantra to create a ritual was because he pushed himself as hard as possible.

Since Ken fought against the black-robed individuals, he had depleted most of his Chi Energy. However, because Ken needed to go to the Residence of the Tashi Clan and the Residence of the Aosagi-bi Clan, he endured all the pain and tried his best not to faint.

Now Ken was trying to recover as best as he could, wearing protective gear for himself, but blood continued to flow from his mouth.

"Agh!" Ken kept vomiting blood, and the burning pain spread throughout his body, a pain he hadn't felt in a long time, now intensely felt in his body.

Hello, dear readers! I have created a Patreon account! You can read far ahead on Webnovel by becoming a part of my Patreon! For just 2 dollars, you can read 20 chapters ahead!

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