
The Strongest Naruto

A rerun of Naruto. the only difference is Naruto's personality and some slight difference in plot...

JustaLazyGuy · Anime und Comics
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100 Chs

Chapter 8 - Flying Thunder God Jutsu

Chapter 8 - Flying Thunder God Jutsu




As Naruto was walking back into the village he looked at the sky and the sun was about to set so he went to get grocery.

He got a ½ kg of pork belly, ½ of rice, and some eggs and bacon for breakfast tomorrow. Where'd Naruto get his money? His father, Minato left him an astronomical amount of about 100 million ryo, enough for him to last a lifetime if he doesn't spend like crazy.

He then went home, His home now is Minato's house unlike in canon. "I'm home… Not like someone is here haha…" Naruto then continued to take off his shoes inside the house.

Naruto proceeded to the kitchen and boiled water, seasoned it and put the pork belly in. He also cooked rice on the side.

After 30 minutes the rice was cooked and the pork belly was soft so he removed it from the pot of boiling water. He then heated a pot of oil waiting for it to be heated enough to make fried pork. After the pot of oil was heated enough he put the pork belly and closed it with a lid so the oil won't splash all over the place.


Naruto heard the door open and heard "I'm here, Naruto."

"Welcome to my home, Jii-chan."


"Wanna join me for dinner? I made fried pork belly and rice."

"Hm… I haven't had your cooking in a while, Alright." Hiruzen nodded as he reached the dining area where he saw Naruto cooking in the kitchen.

Naruto lifted the pork out of the oil seeing it was crunchy made him drool but he held back and was moving to slice it into smaller pieces

Hiruzen who sat down asked "What do you want to ask? Naruto?"

Naruto who was slicing the pork replied "I wanna learn the [Flying Thunder God Jutsu]"

Hiruzen frowned "Where'd you heard that technique?"

"You said my father was the 4th Hokage, Namikaze Minato. He was called the yellow flash and the reason for that is the [Flying Thunder God Jutsu.] I wanna learn it."

"Hm… That technique is a forbidden jutsu, you don't have enough authority to be able to see it, but I'll make an exception since it's your father's specialty. If you learn, [Rasengan], I'll let you see the scroll of the [Flying Thunder God Jutsu.]

Naruto who was plating the pork belly looked at Hiruzen "Rasengan?"

Hiruzen nodded "The Rasengan was created by Minato Namikaze, which he based on the Tailed Beast Ball. He spent three years creating the Rasengan, which he intended to be the highest form of shape transformation. Because it represents the high form of shape transformation, mastering the Rasengan also grants the user a great deal of mastery over shape transformation, even if they are unaware of the concept of shape transformation."

Naruto got rice in a bowl as he asked "Can you do it? Jii-chan? I wanna see it. I think I can copy it as long as I see it once."

Hiruzen looked at Naruto in surprise and stood up "If you can do this, I'll show it to you." He stuck into the ceiling standing upside down.

Naruto put the 2 bowls of rice and pork belly into the table and weaved a hand seal and directed chakra to his foot and jumped towards the ceiling standing upside down in front of Hiruzen.

"Like this? This is quite easy."

Hiruzen said in surprise "That's surprising, I didn't think you had such mastery over chakra control despite having a large amount of chakra."

"Hehe… It was quite difficult in the beginning but now it's quite easy."

Hiruzen undid his chakra and fell down on the floor with his feet down first "Alright I'll show it to you."

Naruto also did the same and nodded

Hiruzen stretched out his hand and a ball of chakra rotating at fast speed seemingly containing a huge amount of force

Naruto's eyes shone as he looked at the Rasengan, "My dad is a genius."

Hiruzen nodded "That's true."

Naruto also stretched out his hand and a ball of chakra rotating at fast speed appeared

Hiruzen said in surprise "You can do it in one try?"

"Yeah. It might have been difficult years ago but now it's quite easy. I trained a lot."

"You're a monster, I learned this for quite some time before being able to use it."

"Hehe… I was bored and I didn't learn any other jutsu so I practiced my chakra control more."

Hiruzen nodded and sat down. "Alright, I'll show you the [Flying Thunder God Jutsu] Scroll, but not right now."

Naruto also sat down and said "Itadakimasu" As he ate he asked "Why not now?"

Hiruzen also ate while he responded "You have to have a certain degree of mastery over fuinjutsu so you have to learn that first. I'll send you a scroll about fuinjutsu. When you have mastered the techniques there, I'll show you the [Flying Thunder God Jutsu] Scroll."

"I see… Alright then, Thanks, Jii-chan."

"No problem, Minato and Kushina asked me to take care of you, It's the least I could do." Hiruzen replied while eating.

Naruto snickered and replied "I see… but still, thanks. Jii-chan"

Hiruzen nodded

"Thanks for the food." Hiruzen said as he finished eating

"Well… you leaving now? Jii-chan?"

"Umu" Hiruzen nodded as he stood up and said as he walked out the room "I'll give the scroll to Kakashi to give to you tomorrow."

"Alright! Have a great night, Jii-chan."

Hiruzen went out of the house.

Naruto who was now full from eating the food stretched out his hands with the tip of his fingers stretched forward 'Since I can use chakra to be a ball of chakra… What about a sharp chakra, shaped akin to a sword?'

Naruto used chakra to cover his hand and form a blade on one side. 'It's sharp but not sharp enough to kill effortlessly.' Naruto then covered the other side. With two sides being sharp and wondering 'What if I apply wind nature?'

Naruto smiled 'This can kill fast as long as the other person doesn't dodge.'

Naruto dispersed the chakra in his hand and stood up 'That chakra that Jii-chan taught me to stick to the ceiling, I think that can make me move fast.'

Naruto applied Chakra to his feet and run about 3 meters away in an instant

Naruto was surprised. It was as fast as [Body Flicker.]

Naruto dispersed the chakra in his feet. 'This can help a lot in a battle. If my opponent is off guard I can kill him instantly.'

Naruto went to bed.

Naruto meets up with his team with Kakashi already there. He looked at Kakashi in surprise "Sensei? You're a fake right? How can you be on time this time?"

"I'm not late for my missions." Kakashi nonchalantly said and continued "Here you go, Sandaime-sama told me to give you this."

Naruto received the scroll and replied "Thanks, sensei."

Kakashi nodded while Sasuke asked "What's that? Naruto?"

Naruto who was pocketing the scroll that he was given answered "This scroll? It's fuinjutsu."

"Fuinjutsu? Why did the Sandaime give it to you?" Sasuke asked with a serious look because Naruto was getting ahead of him again

"Well… There's a jutsu I want to learn and I need to have basic knowledge of fuinjutsu to learn it." Naruto replied with a smile

Sasuke looked more worried this time because he knows Naruto was learning something to become stronger again.

Kakashi asked Naruto in surprise "You're learning that?"

Naruto replied "Yes. I want to be as strong as dad."

"I see…" Kakashi nodded as he led them to get their first mission

While on their way there, Sakura asked in curiosity "Now that you mention it, Who's your dad, Naruto?"

Sasuke was silently listening as he also wanted to know.

"Well… It's top secret, I can't tell anyone at the moment as I'm still too weak. I'm sorry, Sakura-chan."

Sakura then replied "It's okay, but that makes me more curious now…"

"Hahaha, I'll tell you someday."

Sakura nodded

Mission assignment desk

Sandaime was there giving the mission "Well… for your first mission, D-rank. Find the cat of the rich merchant, 5,000 ryo."

"Received." Kakashi said as he received the scroll.

Naruto looked at the Sandaime and asked "Jii-chan. You're the hokage right?"

Sandaime nodded "Of course, I am. Do you think my hat is just for decorations?"

"Well… You've been there for my profiling, and this time in my first mission, are you that free?"

Sandaime almost fell off his chair but said "These are important so I have to be there."

"But… couldn't you reduce your work if you give the less important works to other shinobi's? If you do that, then you'd have more time to spend for yourself and handle only the most important tasks? You can just check on them from time to time or get a report from one of those hidden ninjas you have watched."

Sandaime looked as if he had enlightenment and replied "I can do it that way huh… I thought I had to do everything since I'm the hokage."

Naruto nodded and replied "Jii-chan… Are you perhaps… stupid?"

"Naruto!" Iruka who was on the side yelled at Naruto but Naruto continued "You emphasize teamwork even at the level of genins. How can you forget the importance of it just because you became stronger or had more authority?"

Iruka looked at Naruto dumbfoundedly as what he said indeed does make more sense as the most important person of the village to do.

Sasuke and Sakura looked at Naruto and although he was audacious he had a point and they silently agreed.

Hiruzen rubbed his beard and said "Naruto does have a point. Thanks to that, I can have more free time to do other things. I'll delegate the less important missions to other ninjas."

"Hoho… Like peep on women?" Naruto teased

"Naruto!" Iruka scolded

Kakashi just sighed

"I got it, I got it. You have to remember our deal, Jii-chan."

Hiruzen nodded "I remember it clearly, you don't have to tell me everytime."


