
The Strongest Naruto

A rerun of Naruto. the only difference is Naruto's personality and some slight difference in plot...

JustaLazyGuy · Anime und Comics
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100 Chs

Chapter 44 - Chuunin Exam(15)

Chapter 44 - Chuunin Exam(15)




'He recovered in an instant so he opened the heal gate…' Kakashi thought as he asked "How many gates has that kid opened? Gai?"

"Five gates."

Surprised, Kakashi looked at Rock Lee 'This isn't about hard work anymore… That kid… he's a genius.'

Naruto then asked in interest. "[Eight Gates]? What's that?"

Gai explained "It's 'limit removal' that is done in preparation for going into extreme lotus."

"I see… Going through the extreme limits on his body. That explains his chaotic chakra, right now."

"Yes…" Kakashi said as he opened his sharingan to see

Gai continued to explain. "In the inner coils of the body that chakra flows through are eight spots. The [Gate of Opening], [Gate of Healing], [Gate of Life], [Gate of Pain], [Gate of Limit], [Gate of View], [Gate of Wonder], and lastly, the [Gate of Death]."

"These are known as the eight gates."

"These eight gates are constantly working to limit the amount of chakra that flows in the body. The lotus forcibly releases these restraints using chakras. It allows you to release tens of times more power than usual. Even destroys the user's body itself."

"For example, the initial gate is done by opening just the first gate."

"Then the extreme lotus is…" Sakura asked in worry

Gai nodded and replied "You release the brain's restraints with the initial gate, then with the heal gate you forcibly raise your stamina. Then from opening the third, the 'gate of life', you enter into extreme lotus."

Kakashi nodded and continued "The technique is truly a double-edged sword. Opening all of the gates is called "The state of eight celestial gates" and for a short period of time you will gain strength that surpasses hokage, but in exchange, you will definitely die."

Naruto nodded in understanding as he looked at Rock Lee with interest to know what the Eight Gates could do by risking their lives to perform it. Rock Lee was already at the 3th gate, the [Gate of Life].

"Rahhhhhhh!" Rock Lee screamed as the muscles around his body screamed along with him exceeding his limits. In exchange for strength, he is given strength beyond his understanding.

"The 3rd Gate! [Gate of Life]! Open!" He said as his muscles ached all over but he gritted his teeth and beared the pain. He exploded his chakra more and proceeded to open the next gate "The 4th Gate! [Gate of Pain]! Open!"

His muscles were trembling all over his body as nerves began to appear on the surface of his body screaming from the pain of exceeding the limits of his body. His nose began to bleed as his body can't afford to bear the pain for a long time.

The rocks began to float due to the chakra being released outside of his body.

In an instant as Rock Lee opened the 'Gate of Pain', he understood that he didn't have much time left before his body gave up so… swish!

He disappeared from the spot, Gaara who was looking his way didn't see him move. Boom!

"Tssss…" Rock Lee breathed heavily through his teeth as he sent a kick to the chin of Gaara.

"Ugh!" Gaara groaned in pain. He didn't even notice that Rock Lee moved. What more see him?

As Gaara was floating mid air, he gritted his teeth to bear the pain, and the sands tried to surround him fast but Rock Lee was still faster. He appeared in front of Gaara.

Gaara was shocked, he didn't expect a kid his age to be this strong.

Bang! Rock Lee kicked him in the stomach. "Ugh!"

Boom! Bang! Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Rock Lee seemingly teleported from place to place to intercept Gaara who was being sent flying by his kicks. Rock Lee used Gaara's body like a volleyball


Rock Lee's muscles in his hands ripped so he braced himself and screamed "This is the end! The 5th Gate! Gate of Limit! Open!"

Gaara braced himself 'I can't dodge it nor protect against it. My armor broke and I can only bear the pain!'

"Rahhhhhhh!" Rock Lee screamed as he hit Gaara in the stomach


"Kah!" Gaara groaned in pain as he was sent flying away at an incredible speed but then


Rock Lee with smoke coming out of his mouth like an angry bull wrapped him with his bandages pulling him up in his direction "Haaaaaaa!"

Gaara saw this as Rock Lee's movements became slower over time so he used his gourd that was actually made out of sand to protect him from Rock Lee's kick.

"Extreme Lotus!" Rock Lee kicked Gaara to the ground from mid air. At the same time, the kick hit, Gaara counter attacked with his sand.

Gwah! Rock Lee painfully screamed as he was also damaged by the fight. And dropped to the ground.

Naruto murmured "Rock Lee lost…"

Gai heard him and sweated.

In this situation, Gaara didn't let this opportunity go and instructed his sand to attack Rock Lee [Sand Binding Coffin]

The sand below Gaara that caught him softened his landing and went in Rock Lee's direction.

Rock Lee who was exhausted from what he just did couldn't move and could only obediently let his arm and leg be captured by his sand.

"Ahhhhhh!" Rock Lee screamed from the pain of his arm and leg being crushed by the sand.


Rock Lee's body fell to the ground weakly.

And with a huge hand made out of sand formed. Rushing in Rock Lee's direction.


Suddenly a ninja appeared and dispersed Gaara's sand. It was Gai.

Gaara who seemed to remember something touched his head in pain "Why… Why did you save him…?"

Gai smiled as he sweated for interfering in the exams and replied "He is my beloved comrade."

Gaara glared at him but turned around as he gathered all of his sand back. "That's enough…"

Hayate announced "Winner! Gaara!"

Rock Lee stood up with his usual stance of a palm inviting his opponent which shocked all of those watching.

"He shouldn't be able to stand up with one of his arms and legs like that…"

Gai who was standing before Rock Lee said "Lee, enough. It's over. You shouldn't be standing with a body like that…" then noticed Rock Lee's lifeless eyes. Unconscious but had the will to keep fighting.

Gai teared up at Rock Lee's will to fight. 'Even after losing consciousness, you still strive to prove your ninja way…'

Hugging Rock Lee's unconscious body and thought while bawling his eyes out 'Lee… you are already a great ninja…'

Naruto watched and examined Rock Lee's body with a solemn expression and asked "Kakashi-sensei… Is it possible to treat his injuries?"

Kakashi shook his head and replied "It's not possible… he'll probably live his life with one of his hands and legs handicapped."

Naruto nodded in reply feeling sad for Lee and said "I see… that's too bad. He'd be really strong if he could have grown out to display his full potential."

Kakashi nodded in agreement and crossed his arms "There might be a way to save him."

Naruto looked at Kakashi in surprise "Really?"

Kakashi nodded "That's right. It's one of the legendary sannins. Senju Tsunade-sama."

Naruto had heard of her before so he nodded and asked in interest "Is this Senju Tsunade in the village?"

Kakashi shook his head "No. but the person coming soon might know."

Naruto in curiosity asked "Who's this person you're talking about? Earlier, Jii-chan also said something about a person arriving soon that'll teach me how to deal with the genjutsu of the snake."

Kakashi smiled and replied "Another one of the legendary sannins, Jiraiya-sama."

"Hm… so that guy is the person Jii-chan was talking about? I can't wait."

… After the fight between Gaara and Rock Lee was wrapped up. The next fight began.

10th Match, Akimichi Chouji vs Dosu Kinuta.

Winner! Dosu Kinuta!

"Well, with this, the preliminary for the trials for the round 3 test has been completed!"

"To all of you who won the rights to compete in the 'third round test' in the chuunin exam… congratulations to all of you!"

Sasuke grabbed Naruto's shoulder and smiled in anticipation "Prepare yourself! Naruto! I'll beat you soon!"

Chuckling, Naruto replied in amusement "Okay. I'll be waiting."

Sasuke snorted and replied as he turned his back on him "I'll wipe that smile from your face soon enough."

Hayate continued "Cough! Ah… well then… if you would please… hokage-sama…"

Hiruzen nodded and said as he proceeded to stand up in Hayate's previous location "Yes…"

Hiruzen, who now has the attention of all the genins that passed, said "Well now, I'd like to start explaining the main test.

As I told you before, in the main event, your matches will be seen by everybody. Each of you will fight to represent the strengths of your countries.

I'd like you to show off all your powers with no reserves. Which is why the finals…"

After building suspense, he continued "...will be held one month from now!"




(A/N: Ahh… I feel lost… As I write, it feels like I'm walking forward but… in the dark that I can't see where I'm going... In any case… Leave a power stone if you like the story. Thank you.)