
Unlocking 15% of the Valeria Stone.

Chapter 13- Unlocking 15% of the Valeria Stone.

In his Mind Palace Alan could be seen looking at a Mysterious emerald green Stone with eyes shining ever so brightly. If one looked closely he/she would be able to tell that the Stone was situated in the utmost center of his Mind Palace. As the Stone stood there in the Utmost center of the Mind Palace it started to slowly vibrate and release a soft humming sound, At the exact same time it released the soft humming sound it began to constantly releasing Pulses of Multi Colored Energy. Which would travel out of Alan's Mind Palace to every part of his Body even to a cellular level. The Multi Colored Energy would then start strengthening and Tempering Alan's Skin, Muscles,Tendons, Major Organs, Bones, And even Cells to the Extreme until his body reached its upper limit. When Alan's Body reached its upper limit the Stone stopped releasing the Multi Colored energy, At the exact same time It stopped releasing the Multi Colored energy it also stopped vibrating and releasing the soft humming sound. This may have taken a while to explain, But all of this happen within moments.

" Ah" The sudden release of Multi Colored energy by the Valeria Stone on top of the changes

happening to his body caught Alan by surprise. But this did not last long as His surprised expression swiftly changed into one of glee. This was because Alan noticed that his strength Increased by two Folds. " Wow this feels good, Who would have thought I would Unlocked 15% of the Valeria Stone right After advancing into the Elite Training Camp." Thought Alan as he felt and gauged the strength of his body. What Alan said was right, he had finally managed to unlock 15% of the Valeria Stone. Every since he crossed into this world Alan knew he already had 5% of the Valeria Stone Unlocked this also explains his fast strength gain after only training for two weeks. Only After he started to Training and managed to Breakthrough the Utmost limit of his physical body did Alan finally unlocked 10% of the Valeria Stone. When I say "Unlock" the Valeria Stone its not the same as when you would Unlock a door with a key or a locked treasure chest, It's more like meeting the requirements to level up in a game like when the player has enough experience points he would then be able to rise one level higher. The same thing could be said about the "Valeria Stone" This mysterious Object was dormant for many years only when it crossed into this world with Alan did it finally awaken some of its power.The Valeria Stone has a total of 10 tiers According to the Memories Alan got for the Stone. The first 4 tiers unlock 5% of the Valeria Stones power each, Which means after Alan unlocks them the Valeria Stone will have 20% of its power back. The next Four unlock 10% of the Valeria Stones Power each, Which means the valeria stone will be back to 60%. The last 2 tiers unlock 20% Each unlocking 100% of the Valeria stones powers!!.

At the Moment Alan can be said to have unlocked 3 tiers of the Valeria Stone meaning he can now

control 15% of the Valeria stone's power. Before when he unlocked the second tier of the Valeria Stone Alan gained control of 10% of the Stone, Which gave him the ability to heal himself, Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of his training, Strengthening his body, Strengthen his eyesight and hearing as well as his other senses. Since he was for the most part in Marineford training he has only used the Valeria Stone to Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of his training. All these are the Abilities gained from unlocking the Second tier of the Valeria Stone, and that was just the second tier of the Valeria Stone Imagine how terrifying he'll be now that he has unlocked the third tier.

Thinking of what new gifts he would gain from the third tier of the Valeria Stone Made Alan feel

unsurpassable Glee. After Calming himself down Alan turned his focus toward his body feel the new found strength hidden within it. After which he started checking every part of his body for any signs of discomfort, Seeing that everything was Alan returned his Attention to the Emerald green Valeria Stone that had gone silent just moments ago. He observed it for a while before sending a command to it with a thought. The Valeria Stone respond to Alan's command and it started to Vibrate and hum again. Small wisps of Multi Colored energy came out of the Valeria Stone one after another, This Energy might seem smaller and weaker than the what the Stone previously released to strengthen Alan's Body when he unlocked the Third tier, But In fact these Wisps of Multi Colored Energies were more pure and more concentrated then the previous pulses of energy released.

Alan Controlled the Wisps of Multi Colored Energies! That's right he was controlling them. Then something even more amazing Happen the Wisps of energy exited Alan's Mind Palace one after another and Appeared outside his body. Soon more and more Wisps of Multi Colored Energies Appeared outside Alan's Body, Soon Alan's whole field of vision was covered by Multi Colored lights,

Luckily these Wisps of Energy were invisible to the naked eye else Alan's Roommate would have woken up because of the bright light.

" Whoosh." On Alan's Command the dozens of Wisps Surrounding him rushed toward him forming a sort of energy Armor like a layer of skin on his body. Soon after the Armor Formed Alan's closed eyes open. he let out a satisfied smile then quickly check his body feeling the skin on his Arms, legs, face, etc. " Ha Ha, This is so awesome!! This energy armor feels like my own skin, There isn't any feeling of discomfort at all!! I wonder how good its defense is?" Alan was ecstatic this Energy Armor is the ability he gained after unlocking the Third tier of the Valeria Stone, Well the Ability he got wasn't the Armor itself, he was only able to form the Armor because of the Increase in his control over the Multi Colored Energy, What he Gained from the Third Tier of the Valeria Stone was a boost in his mental Strength which made his control of the Multi Colored Energy more refined.

"Ah." Suddenly the Energy that formed into Armor started to dissipate. Alan tried to gather the energy and stop it from dissipating. " AH." His head started to hurt by the time he came back to reality the energy had already dissipated. " Sigh... Looks like I'm going to have to practice more If I'm going to use this Armor in a fight." Thought Alan. Thinking of the energy armor Alan went into deep thought.

" Hmm... This Energy Armor can now be consider my first official Technique. what should I name it."

Thought Alan. He than start going through names one after another such as Energie Armure( Energy Armor), or Armure( Armor).

After going through all the cool sounding Names he could think of Alan finally decided. " I'll call it [ Bullet Proof ] it's simple and cool sounding Ha.." said Alan while nodding in satisfaction. " Well let see If I can use [ Bullet Proof ] again." Thought Alan. With but a thought from Alan Wisps of Multi Colored energy Appeared around him again and rushed to his body forming the same energy armor layer of skin on Alan again. " Ah." before the armor could fully form Alan felt a sharp pain in his head and the armor disappeared. scratching his head Alan said." Looks like my Mental energy is depleted... Sigh.. I'll just try again tomorrow after resting for the night."

Alan got off from his bed and did some stretches which loosened up his body. After which he climb onto his bed and retire for the night.


Early the next morning Alan went to the Group B Training Camp with Little Black. Quickly greeting Zeke And Instructor Gale he went to his training spot. Telling Little Black not to go to far from him he started to Train [ Shave] and [ Moonwalk]. Watch Alan train Little Black was marveled at Alan moving so fast floating on air. After practicing for a while Alan stop to rest. he looked at Little Black trying to imitate him and Laughed. After which he went in to deep thought rubbing his lower jaw. " Since I have three days until the Mission I will started training [ Bullet Proof ] until I am able to use it more easily." thought Alan From that point on Alan start to Practice [ Bullet Proof ]. Alan's training [ Bullet Proof ] went like this he would form the Armor, get tried, the Armor would dissipate, he would rest until he regained his mental strength, then he Form the Armor. This went on for a few hours until suddenly Alan stop he turn his Attention to a Little Black Blur a good distance away from himself. There was a look of shock written on Alan face he looked like he had seen a ghost.

Let's Flash back to a few moments ago when Alan was training [ Bulletproof ]. While Alan was Training, Little Black was also training he would leap and move his speed would accelerate and then decelerate, As a Twilight Wolf Little Black was gifted with swift movement and fast speed with his high intellect added one could say he was a very talented Twilight Wolf even more so when one took his age into account. As he trained Alan would at time glance at him at first he laugh at how silly the cub was being today but when he say how serious he was being he left him alone and went back to training. While Alan Was Training, he did notice that Little Black's speed was increasing each time he Imitated Alan's Movements. soon the Wolf cubs movements started to show so traces of the [ Shave ] technique!!! that's right!! He was actually performing [ Shave] even though it wasn't complete it was almost correct.

" Whoosh." Suddenly Little Black turned into a Black Blur and Vanished.

" Ah." A surprised sound escaped from Alan mouth, who had just finished his Training and was about to rest. As he stared at the Small Figure a meter away from him Alan was left shocked.

Here's Another Chapter.


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