
the strongest legendary saiyans in dragon ball

leo and his girlfriend lisa are reincarnated in dragon ball as legendary elite ancient saiyans

SageSatoru · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

meeting bulma!

Our hero and heroine follow goku to where bulma is,so lisa is the first to start talking

lisa:'oh yeah gotta act dumb,stupid anime rules'

lisa:"and just who the hell are you supposed to be?

bulma:well i'm bulma,and i'm looking for a orange ball with stars in it,do you have it?

before lisa could answer leo stepped in

leo:yeah,we do,but what does it have to do with you?(jesus i hate writing mean characters,and if i miss something tell me)

bulma:um,well there are 7 of those in total and if you get all 7 you can make your wish!

lisa:oh,that sounds really cool,but how old are you though?me and my boyfriend here are 13.

bulma:wait what?hold on i need to process this a bit....(spongebob narrator voice)2 minutes later.......

bulma:so you both are 13,and you apparently have abilities,so in theory couldn't you make dragon balls?

leo:i could try but i would rather use the ones on earth.'that is total bs,i'm definitely using my own dragon balls'

leo then try's to use combination breathing to make them and it fails,so now we got sad boi leo with blue hair

bulma:woah!did his hair change colors?that is awesome!

leo:yeah it does that,neutral is my white hair we all love,blue is sadness,red is anger,yellow is happy,and there's probably more but those are the only ones i have been seen with so yeah!

lisa:bulma,it's nice to finally have another girl around,i'm the only girl here,living with 3 boys.

bulma:oh well it's nice to meet you two,but since we met do you wanna exchange numbers?

lisa:what if we just come with you for the adventure?you might need protection.

leo:first lets tell grandpa and goku

they then tell goku and gohan about the adventure and they get the 4 star dragon ball and head off to find the dragon balls.

bulma:i already have the 2 and 5 star dragon balls,and now i have the 4 star one,so that is 3/7.

(next chapter will be looking for the dragon balls,and they will absolutely destroy the enemies)

oh yeah next world is at chapter 10,which will probably take a while,i be having no ideas on what to do.

(and sorry if the chapter seems bland,and i try to make long chaps but i run out of ideas.)